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South Wales, Wales

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Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED. NOTICE IS HERfE11 GIVEN,that the Guardians of tbis Union will. at their Meetirg, to be holden at the Board-room of ?? Workhouse, Neath, on TUES- DAY, the Ifth MArct, 1175, at Twelve o'clock at Noon, proceed to the aplioirtient of a Married Couple (with- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRICES Fun Price List on Apigecation, PUBLIC APPOINTMENTS. ORlOKHOWELL UNION. WORKHOUSE PORTER WANTED.-Salary, £25 Y,er annum, with Board, Washing, and Apartments ,u the Workhouse. His duties to be those pre- scrbed by the Poor-law Orders. He will also be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F UND mel e-INAID OF cc oD. M A&RY JANELI GITTINS a tic LL TI Et INFAIN T CHILD i1 l_ Now Imncates of the Cardiff Union Workhouse, hln ?? Report of Afl~ition Proceedings, Western Macil, as Cardiff. March 29, 1638. ad SUBS8CRXIPTIQNS. oh Dan MOwen, Esq ...

Advertisements & Notices

... applications with tosti- =uals, endorsed 'Tailor, to me on or before the 20th instant, and to be in attendance at .the Union Workhouse, at 12 o'clock, on the day of election. . MBy order,. W.. P. STEPHENSON, Cardiff, 'dated 16Lh May, 1874. Clerk- 7R8Umwf iA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Widow without encumbrance, to fill the above-mentioned office at the Pembroke Union Workhouse. Salary 415- pee ganum, with board~, lodging, and washing in'the Workhouse. Candidates, who must be able to red and write, muCON apply in their own handwriting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2Oah of 0 September, 1877, to commence on WEDNESDAY 0 the 5th dsay of December, at Nine o'clock in , the forenoon, at the Workhouse, Swansea, O whex and iwhere all persons who by c law are beond to account at such Audit are o required to attend, and to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of CONTRACTING for the SUPPLY of MILK to the )union Workhouse and Ely Industrial Schools for the yar commeucing 1st January, 1877, and eeding 28th December, lb77. Tenders to be made for the workhouse and schoolA 1 separately, in forms which may be hnd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... req-ured in tbe general management of the Workhouse. hhe' will .also be required to instruct the children in religious knowledge. i Salarn y;20 per annum, with furnished apartments 'and rations in the Workhouse. No applicants with encumbrance or unde 2B ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Thlonais Jones, pleaded guilty-, to a chairrg of refusing to perform his len n task of work bhilst an inmate of cuh the union workhouse, but lie told a Vathetio . t story of a weak hersrt.I 'whiich wouldnit beat ;.7 I .ocoasionally. The inagitmimte happenecl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... toilrodo bletts.,,. 103 A 1ONE-SltTTIERt S EARNINGS. Milt h ?? ?? plhce The doath bras jus taken Place in Northamnp- C tote Workhouse, &t a compaxatively eal-ly ago of ?? t ,laames Bennett, who for years wai noted in tle lit Midlands f r his eatraordinary ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDARE HOSPITALh, fez converting same intoa n Industrial School. Flan2 9pecitcatiens, and Form of Tender to beA seen at the Workhouse; Merthyr, on and after MiONDAY, LIst inst. Sureties required. Tenders to be sent in by 10 SATUBD AY, 2&d Septem~ber ...

Advertisements & Notices

... kanditor. will Arttend ol Cite list dar of DECEAMER 1900, at ] the boor of 10.45 o'clock in the Foreiioon, alt tfe Union Workhouse. Mferthyr Tyddll. to At'tlIf the ACCOUNTS foa the HTALF-YEART esldett the 30th dav of SEPTEMIBER, 1900, of i the said Rttral ...