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Advertisements & Notices

... th1e 27th June inst.. ?? and CONSIDER 'Tsl-. DERS for- SUPPLY.ING at thed WORKHOUSE (Free of Charge) 400 TONS BEST COAL, at per tonl. -The Cal seusthe delivered -at the Workhouse at- euch times andil i suche quantities as tlhe Boaid oft Guardianst or their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... separately,) Groceries, Butter, Buttermilk, and Sweetmilk, Split Peas, and other articles of Consumption for the St. Asaph Workhouse, from the 27th day of December inst., to the 25th day of March next, both inclusive. Sealed Tenders, with the subject matter ...

Advertisements & Notices

... separately,) Groceries, Butter, Buttermilk, and Sweetmilk, Split Peas, and other articles of Consumption for the St. Asaph Workhouse, from the 27th day of December inst.; to the 25th day of March next, both iuolusive. Sealed Tenders, with the subject matter ...

Advertisements & Notices

... conttraet for 1Provisions, ste. Ce. A LL Persons desirous of contracting with the Geuaidians of this Union for supplying the Workhouse, from the 25th day of June, 1846, to the 25th day of September, 1846, with Bread, Floer, Meat, (Bonle to be contracted for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... period of the preceding year will be farains on application to the MASTEBR OF THE WORKHOUSE. SEALED TE NDERS, marked Tender for-, must be received at the WORKHOUSE not later thin WEDNESDAY, the 19th day of September instant. The lenders will be considered ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O L E S E Y U N I O N. TENDERS FOR PROVISIONS, &c. A1l persons desirous of contracting with the Guardians to supply-the Workhouse at Llanerch. ymedd, for six months from the 29th day of September, with the following articles:-Bread, Flour, Beef, Mutton ...

aye, PRIODASAU, MorrIs—HUGHES —Ar y 9fed cyfisol, trwy drwydde yn nghapel y Methodistiaid Corwen, gan y Parc, I ..

... Rhuthyn, gan y Parch, D, Haghe Corwen, ac yn mhresenoldeb Mr, Thomas Grif§th Unic cofrestrydd ; Mr, John Williams, Porter, Workhouse, Rhuthyp, 4 Miss Sarah Jones, Unic Workhonse, Corwen. MARWOLAETHAU. | ELLIs.—Ar y 6ed cyfisol, yn 62 Menzies Street, Liv ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rFHE Board of Guardians will, at their Meet- r N ing on TUESDAY, the 30th instant, at the Union Workhouse, proceed to Elect a Medical lOfficer for the Workhouse District of the said Union, comprising the Parishcs of Beddgelert Y and Llanfrothen, and portions ...

Advertisements & Notices

... riddled Slack, and other Articles of Consumption, for the St. Asaph Workhouse, during the Quarter ending the 25th of March next, are requested to :e deliver at my Office, in the Workhouse, on or before Wed- nesday the 16th of December instant, Sealed Tenders ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of the above named Union, will on TUESDAY, the 11th day of JULY next, coced to the Election of a Master and Matron 3 the Workhouse of the above Union, 'The Salary of the Master will be £85; the ilary of the Matron will be £15; together withi ,allowanc ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICK IS REREBY GIVEN, that the Guardians of this Union Will, at their Meeting to be holden at the >, Boirdroom of the Union Workhouse, Noath, on TUES. ,o DAY, the 19th January, 1876, at Twelve o clock at noou, *Y preceed to the Appointm ent of Weiod o0uplo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... riddled Stack, and other Articles of Consumption, for the St. Asaph Workhouse, during the Quarter ending the 25th of March next, are requested to deliver at my Office, in the Workhouse, on or before Wed- nesday the 16th of December instant, Sealed Tenders ...