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Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... cure in a few hours. Each exercise taken at stated intervals. John Ward, David Hare, and Wm. Long, children rear- ed in the Work-House of the City of Cork, were examia.. ed by me about three months ago, and then laboured under considerable impediments of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... some of the unfortunate vagrants to the hospital, as they appeared to he almost starved to death. Others he Sent to the work-house to prevent them from perishinig. If severe weather set il, there must have beern fatal work among the wretched populia- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the rneuicsme, if persevered in by Parliament, will he the parent of much evil to the Landed Interest, and, owing to the Workhouse system, to the Poor themselves. Resolved-2. That, onting to the absence of a law of settlement, this Meeling view the Bill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... erich Guardisirs the same powers of levying a rate upon the Parish shall be given, which are conferred, by the Bill, on the Workhouse Guardians. Your Petitioners propose, that the proceedings of all such Boards of Guardians of exempt Parishes shall he sub ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Parliamenrt, founded orl Mr. Nichol-s g Reports. Is calculated to 'dd a henvy additionaIrl irthein on fir for the erection (if Workhouses, and salaries for the functinrinruies, who may he callaie on to carry the proposed Bill in to operation ; and, further, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... esrtiPrise; 1 iiere; j( optc'ted, and which would never be foutild to survive the at confinemlent and discipline of the workhouse. tr 7.-Moved by Mr. JOHN Ctoaay, anid seconded by cl Mr. E. BODFL- aii That although we have thus expresced oir opinion on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... he lenarately eliarge-0biv with. an I liable to defray the expenses of its own ouor. whether relieved in or outn of thle Workhouse, nless it shill h, otherwise deteruined by the united consent of all the Parishes of the Union. R':srlved, tb.-.Moved by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... your Lerdshiips'grau claus consider'ation of their views. . - Your Petitionirer's beg, reisperit A', to submltthati'ths Work-house aystem, as Irterye 'y tie said Bill, i' uit applicahlre to this u'iMtri s f i/irl ; and that, ait all erents, ari experinent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... is a large portion of fir-t qaulity Cotton Machinery, in fine working order, on the premiaes. There are also Twenty-five Workhouser, and the whole of Stone and Lime, slated, and close to the village, where any number of hands can be accommodated on very ...

Advertisements & Notices

... is a large portion of firt quality Cotton Machinery, in fitte workirtg order, on the premi~es, There are also Twenty-five Workhouses, and the whole of Stone and Lime, slated, and close to the village, where any number of hands can be accommodated on very ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a large portion of first gqatity Cotton Machinery, in fine working order, on the premises. There are Blsat, Twenty-five Workhouses, arid the whole of Stone arid Lime, slated, and close to the village, where any number of hands can he accommodated on very ...

Advertisements & Notices

... it therefore appears expedient to explain, tha-, according to the Act of Parliament. no relief caNr he given until the Workhouse of the Union shall be erected, and declared ready for the reception of inmates; tnd that this Board will riot, therefore; ...