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London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... omnllete refutation which fL curious a prodidtion deferves. '.uefday,-Aug. cI, I801. sr. GEORGE,.SOUTHWARK. .4STER of the WORK-HOUSE. ' WTANTED, a ffeady afrive Perfon, for MAS- T1ER of the WORKlHOUSE of ?? -he ?? be capable of employing the Poor ill fame ...

Advertisements & Notices

... dorc in the forenoon, and finally clofe at three o'clock in the c wGe~nr. B7 Order of the Committee, P WM. LINDEMAN, Sec. WORKHOUSE, Weft Ham, Effex, zd November, I80o;- T Ta Committee for the Workhoitfe of this Parift, r Ahedda; the Committee Room, itwas ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bifhopfga'te, Augull l , ~R~3. ANTED, a SINGLE MAN, without atty in- cumbrance orlbidilyinsfirnmity, tobe MASTER of the WORKHOUSE belonging to the above Pariih, wherein near 300 perfons are generally kept; be mult be a 'an whofe cha- racter will bear ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Truflees appointed by an A6t of Parliament Spafed in the 38rh year of his prefent Majefty for the Re- building and providing a WORK-HOUSE for the Poor of St. Sepulchre, L.ondon, will meet in the Veftry Room of the fail. iParith Church, on Wednefday the 3ift ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bars, and S'.GEORGE I'THE MARTYR, Middlesex. ita General Meeting of the Inhabita t' of the 1Attbove Parisshes, held at the Workhouse in Gray's-Inn- Lane, tin T'uesday, the 22t2 day of January, x8o5, pursuant to publir notice. WII I iAM KliNNARD1 Esq. in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Relief. of the Poor oif the Parish of St. Botolph, Bishop's gate, it the liberties of the City of London, for ptovlding a Workhouse fur the Reception of the Poor of the said Parisli, t rc. do htreby give Notice, that tliey will meet in the Veitry Roctai ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ger- trard-strc, s hasll receitvir minimeditlte attention. -~ the FACTJLTY.-Wanted, as RESIDENT T l.P)HHNCA\RY its tile Workhouse oifSt.l-fary-le-bosito, a P erson of groat pi-adiLical skill and knowledge in lia pirofessioni,' ansi of yoon stisrals (ot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'to whom a Ijbdral chnspensatm wil be given. Particulars may be learned bv- application to the -Clerk, NlMr. Watts, at the Workhouse, Nortcni iber- land-street, Marie-bone. Personsi Co6ring thernselves Coidii dastes, are'desircd o att~id on Wednesday the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Botoiph1, Aidersagte, will meat onl $Saturday the '27tb lnst. at as o'cloc in the forenoon, at thet Comnaictee'Roont, In tite Workhous~e, Aldarsgate-strass, to se- rowe proposals fo'r piotting up stone columns in shle Parish a Churci',atid for other works, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Botolph, Aldersgase, smill meet on Saturday the 27th. Inst. at' It o'clock iii the forenooss, at thle Committee Room, in the Workhouse, Aldersgate-street, to re- cei'e proposals for putting tsp stone colulnn$ in the iclitisl Chuncisaind for other works. P ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (pLst paid) O. 1'. Jalis Cofee-osise, Cornhill. sr. SErUICHRE, IONDON. W ANTED, a MASTER, and ;dso a M1.S- TRESS, tor the WORKhOUSE of the said Parish (where the notbnber oE Poor is -under 2co). Stch Persons as may be inclined to offer theanselves as C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... conveni . T rn HOLD DWELIN 0, with * Iaioi tuate No. 6,; Cross-lane, St. Mary-hill, aisscomnam, vaults ctider S.tDounstan's Workhouse. rTheDnvcli.,;- good dining and drawing roorns, countin' S rooms and chosrts, antd suitablle drmestic c.fl es, lnclc years; ...