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... drove and got in contact with the Triumph, and received damage. NEWPORT UNION.-On Christmas day the inmates of the Union Workhouse enjoyed themselves over capital dinner gf roast beef, plum pudding, and beer, pro- vided for them at the expense of Octavius ...

[No title]

... received wages on the public works, representing 3,OOO,uOu of persons dependent on them. One hundred thousand were now in workhouses, maintained by the rates—and many thousands were now maintained by private charity in Ireland. When, then, more than 3,000 ...


... vi(3ils}as? .of the blow knocking the old niau Assistance was procured, and Styles, who was much in. jured, was removed to the workhouse, when it was dis- covered that his leg had been broken. The occurrence was an accidental one, but' it is to be hoped that ...

[No title]

... fluctuated « rf year, but has never exceeded 3,173 in one week.. M sent number on out-door relief is 1,531. The mates of workhouses has been materially less pa-po^ weeks of the past year, than it was in the successive weeks of the present year, showing ...


... not to an extent or nature, as to justify defendant's severitv towards him. The son was ordered to be sent to the Union Workhouse, and his lather was adjudged to pay Is. 6d., weekly, towards his main- tenance. Wno BEAT THE DONKEY.-Charles White charged ...

I£ tupping tnteUiQfiuf

... after dinner, and felt truly grateful to their patrons for the treat which had been afforded them. Nor were the poor of the workhouse forgotten, each of whom was supplied with excellent roast beef and substantial plum pudding and lo the adults one pint of ...


... an elderly woman named Arthur,residing at Bettws Newydd,applied to the guardians to release her son Thos. Arthur from the workhouse, but the board declined to comply with the request, as the pauper was known to be insane. Tha man himself subsequently applied ...


... meeting was held. Sows AND PIGs.-Two workmen from Pontymoile, on Sunday last, lay down to sleep on some straw, near the workhouse. On awaking they found two large sows lying one on each side of them. POLICE COURT.- SATUltDAY. [Before C. H. WILLIAMS, Esq ...


... —The case was ultimately dismissed. STEALING FRox THE WORKHOUSE. -Thomas Richards was charged with absconding from the workhouse and stealing a suit of clothes.—Francis Morgan, the master of the workhouse, deposed that defendant was admitted on the 19th and ...


... Lile notice of the committee wduced Lhe.11 to deter the sideration of this matter for a short tlUle. The water meter at the workhouse having registered but small quantities during tile last two quarters, the same was ordered to be tested if possible. One ...


... been found by Inspector Curtis in a shockingly emaciated con- dition at prisoner's lodgings, and was removed to the union workhouse, where it died about a week afterwards, a nurse from that institution, and the surgeon, giving it as their opinion that the ...


... received 4s. a week from the parish of GuyXance besides a great deal of private charity, was last week brought to the Union workhouse, Alnwick. She de- manded a nurse, butter and jelly at breakfast, and a pair of crutches but on learning that Mr. Young, the ...