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Liverpool Mercury


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Liverpool Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... and OVE-RSEERS will meet on Saturday the 26th inst. at- eleven- o'elock in the D forenoon, in the Committee-Room ir the Workhouse, to re- ceive the ?? of such persons as may be williig pesupply :the House with an eqnsl quantity of good SWEETan'd BUT- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and OVERSEERS 11l i -rmee-t on Saturday the 26th inst. at eleven o'clock in tie forenoon, in thc Cr oimtee-Room- in 'the Workhouse, to re. ceive the proposals of such persodssas muay he wlling to supply the House with aft equal quantity of good- SBVEETseud ...

Advertisements & Notices

... thc-Poor. Z/ir. JOHN ALDERSEX, 3 Mr. SAssUEL. 3lAjDnAY, Treasurcr and Chief Governor of - the Workhouse. Mr. WILLIAM HARISMA4, ReSjidit Governor of the Workhouse; 1!Ir. I xTTHiEW ?? OSN,j:l Cfhurchwarden5 of Mr. Joia fEMsBERTON St. John s. Mr. HUOG LuNv ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eleven o'clock in the forenoon, apd it voill be neeesesary for the 9aodi- dates to attend at the C&omm itee Woona, in the Workhouse, on the preceding diay, at two o'clock ii t1he afternoon, to be exa- Y mined as to tieir ability by, the f.tiiittyattacheddto ...

Advertisements & Notices

... next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon 4 ?? hesieseelary for the Candi- dates to attend at the Comidnitee Room4 jn' the Workhouse, on the preceding day, a-t tw o'lock in the afternoon, to be exa- . anixid as. cotheir ability by.e Faculty nerached to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Summer, at the Assembly Rooms, in Castle-street. 2Velson-street, Great George's Square, February 9, lilS. TO BE LET, At the Workhouse, in Liverpool, on Tuesday the 23d instant, at twelve o'clock at noon. Lot I. HTREE FIELDS, in Crabtre6-lane, T Liverpool ...

Advertisements & Notices

... quality. On application to Mr. HARODSiN, Governor of the Workhouse.' AllPersons towhothe Parish of Liverpool stands 'indebted are desired to send irn their Accouunts to the Treasurer at thie W-Workhouse on or before the 25th insteat. ?? mrchlsll,1P83, - .; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... per ton, * And about 5000 jarlsCO- 0 BAGGINGo d I 'S I . sspesor quali-ty n On application to Mr. HARDMAu GOVernofrthe d Workhouse..'. i ~Ati Personat to-wviotn the Pais h of Liverpotsl stanst r indebted are desired to send iB their Accnnts to t S *Tras~ure~at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Quality, And a Quantity of Foutr-bushel BAGS, suitable for Corn or topack Bread in. Apply to Mr. WILLIAM HARDMAN, 5 ?? of the Workhouse. y Lirerpoo~, ist Scpt. 1813 . EGERTO N SMITH& Co. No. 18, Pool-lane, HAVE CONSTANTLY' O1 SALE, Their Liverpool PATENT BINACLE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... And a Quantity of Four-buslel BAGS, suitable ci Corn or to pack Bread i. Apply to Mr. WILLIAM HARDMAN,_ Governor of the W.orkhouse. C Liverpool, Ist Sent. 1813. * - A At MIDDLEWooD'S FRUIT WAREHOUSE, 35, REnCROS.S-STRtEZT, and No. 10, CASTLE. DjTrcH, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... theX s l said Parish5 and to puechase other Lands, and snake .t ' such alterations in, and additions. to, the presentl d 'Workhouse as may be necessary to estiploy the Poor, a e and for these purposes to appsropriate a sufficiente apart of the Poor's Rate-to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NGof superior Quality, Anda Qantty f Four-iDushel BAGS, ?? ?? Corn or ?? in. Apply to Mr. WILLIAM HARDMAN, Governor of the Workhouse. Just.establishhcd 'AIL -MANUFACTORr, on the most extensive scale, Beckwivth-strcet, Park-lane. NAILS PACKED O1' FOR Er PORTATION ...