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... too late to save the train. It was, however, undoubtedly due to his presence of mind in turniing on full steam that the engine and the first car got over in safety. The company is doing all in its I power for the injured. Why don't you try Carter's Little ...

Advertisements & Notices

... celebrated for its wonderful °£- life-giving properties to faded No or falling hair, NC de( T£ Restores the youthful colour. act rom LUNG SAVE YOUR LIVES BY TAKING TONIC wa L UNG TONICWE LUNG O W TONIC svr 1UNG T TT IT T ONIC tio 1UNG ODLtJ W DGE'S TONIC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... health touch impaired; having tried every thing that could bq thought of for a core, without efflc, I was advifcd by a friend of mine to try your BOTAV'ICAL SY-' RJP, and upon taking the fit ft bottle I foaind my' health became better, and the ulcers to have ...

X00 _ - . ONsSCOTTT

... Pro-pectus. with full particulais. and Bonds to 4obtsioed imnardiately of 4esSrs Jlicohs & Co. bwkrtt Frarkfmsrt, O. M To save po.tale, letters *ad raws-,- rderS can be addtessed to Mr Jacobs, Wrldole Squsre, London. AT BARNTON STUD FARN, Foo-3ti!s from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hard cough. I tried 8 all kinds of remedies, but to no purpose. At length a 5 friend kindly supplied me with a quarter of a small battle O of your Balsam, and told me to try it, which I accordingly ] O did. The result has been miraculous. The cough has ...


... bad become considerably larger; and it was only recently that a friend, who has some official connection with the bank, brought the fact to his mind. Now, in the interval, the youthful depositor had become a big man-e legislator, indeed-but, instead ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hard cough. I tried dc all kinds of remedies, but to no purpose. At length a H friend kindly supplied new with a quarter of a snall bottle of your Balsam, and told me to try It, which I accordingly in did. The rmult has been miraculous. The coug h as almost ...

Advertisements & Notices

... permanent relWe, but now I can say very earnestly that ?? CUIC'Roa Ityomsens have saved my life. Since my re- rotery I have bought the CUTICOCR RE'AIsaras for some friends saffering with skin diseases, and in every instance they hare cured themselves. The ...

LOST, On Sabbath Tas

... the Second Horse to save his Stake. Open to all Horses. __ LIGHT STEEPLE CHASE, Of II Stone, over the same Course, For a SWEEPSTAKES of TWO SOVEREIGNS each p.r., with Fifteen Sovereigns added to the Winner, the Second 22 Horse to save his Stake. Open to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ediuburgb, to price One Shilling each. th - - - I. I CHEAP FLANNELS AND BOMBAZETS. n_4 DETER M'GREGOR respectfully informs his A. Friends and the Public, that fie has just got to hand a nt large quantity of REAL WELSH-1 and EN GLISI- FLA.N- 5t NELS; also a Bale ...


... to )I ,!~i irf Ejiiburglxl as follows, viz. :-CLAcIC- II1 I NLINT- 6d. do; (C. CIrR1Y IiIOUSEXIOLD, DI B Lr ClLnriv GRE.xi', 12, Gd. ; DosinlntoaSTLE DI heri GeT is. 13 d. CIL W'n.LrWOOD 11UO1SEHOLD, ii.; do SPLICT GScAT, 16..; ELG;N WALLS- 3T r. 14t.; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... l; T. Price, 93, D)ame Street, I)ublin; and by all Booksellers in tbe Uniterl Kirrgclom. - The hest of all Friends is the PROFESsIONAL FRIENDs ; and in no shalte can lie be consulted with greater safety and secrecy thara in LUCAS ON MAINLY VIGOUrt. ...