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... I - Lovers of the spectacular have no reason to complain of the provision made for them this week at our petite theatre. Youth, fresh from its London success, now occupies the boards at the Royal, and certaiuly the most ifastidious critic could not ...


... some n oble thing before he died. Another too among the crowd was seen, Who watched as if in sleep; for year by year, Through weeks of years, his aching eyes had been Straining their orbs to see some friend appear, The friend who had the power and had the ...


... gave the grape to cheer both great and small; That little fools lld drink too much, but great ones not' at al. And when in youth's too fleeting hours, you roam the earth alone, And have not sought some loving heart that you may snake your own- gemember ...


... gave the grape to cheer both great and small; That little fools will drink too much, but great ones not at all. And when in youth's too fleeting hours, you roam the earth alone, And have not sought some loving heart that you may makne your own- Reeember ...


... gave the grape to cheer both great and small; that little fools will drink too much, but great ones not at all. And when in youth's too fleeting hours, you roam the earth alone, And have not sought some loving heart that you may make your own- Remember ...


... without a labourer, but wve can l easily conceive of capital without a capitalist. When a labourer dies, his labour ceases, but when a capitalist dies, his capital survives him. No simi- } larity, therefore, can hee established between capi- tal and labour ...


... LITERARY EXTRACTS. kEY FRIEND. 0 I have a friend, a little friend, t] Ohi Itrue as steel is she, a And though we fume about the room, b 'We never disagree. ti She does not scold, as women do, She does not rage and shout, No angly word I ever heard, a ...


... without a labourer, but we can I easily conceive of capital without a capitalist. a' When a labourer dies, his labour ceases, but when ai a capitalist dies, his cpital survives him. No simi- g larity, therefore, aftn be established between capi. dl tal and ...


... without a labourer, but we cans easily conceive of capital without a capitalist. E When a labourer dies, his labour ceases, but when D a capitalist dies, his capital survives him. No simi- larity, therefore, can be established between capi- tal and labour ...

Literary Scraps

... lecture will save your purse P Know that history contains many prodigies, but no excep- tion to this grand universal truth, that from, the creation up to the present hour, governments have never conceded the snailert portion of reform to aught save the actual ...


... -irace *Valpolo tells aVsrI of a Lanid .M;ayor of Lndoen in hiS tilU who, hy e~ardlithar a friend bed had the small-pox twice and died of it, inquired if he died the first time or the second.' A limaUiE C1) A MIAN.-'ffenry, love, I wish ya- would throw ...


... beads, and countless prayer; To bid tihe sins of others cease, Thyself without a crime or care, Save transient ills that all must bear, Fall been thy lot from youth to age; And thou ivilt bless thee from the rage Of passions fierce and uncontrolld, Such as ...