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Bristol, England

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... LINEN -DRAPER as Corner of REDCLIFF-STREET, near the BRIDGE, N MOST respectfully acquaints his Friends and the Public, that he has a very extensive Assortment of LINEN-DRAPERY, curious India and British Muslins, both worked and plain, at Prices much lower than were W ever known; the belt Farbics of Irilh Linens and Sheeting, _ imported; excellent Callicoes as usual, at Is. per Yard; Muflinets ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To THE PUBLIC. At the Commencement of periodical Publications, it is not unsual to make large Pretensions and Professions; but we shall content ourselves with producing, in Behalf of our Paper, evident Facts, to which Professions as we are impelled to make by a Sense of our Duty to the Public ; to a which Professions we propose, to the best of our Abilities, in- variably to adhere. For a ...

For 5SA LE lby A U C

... TION , ?? AXCHANGE-COFFEE-HOUSE, on iA 'llTl;SDAY next, the 2d of March, at One o'Clock, F An NT I RE CARGO, confiffing of : oout 200 Burlhcls of AMERICAN WHEAT. 400 Barrels ot Finre FLOUR. 2500 Barrel STAVES. Some L.UMBER and MATS. L-- SAM PT.Es of the Wheat and Flour, to he feen at the OrCr3 Office, and tile Whole at Mr. PHILIP GeoRaas' \;rt-roule, ILcwi n's-Mlcard. T. WINWOOD, Broker, For S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T H E C I T IZ E N. NUMBER I. VUtr haxc fi.bliis, fpatinfa fidelis, amaoea Dulcis , i eri r a, b'rnigna, nitens :7ura, Drur, Regesr, Regionem, Crimina, Piscem Servat, adorat, omat, pr'tegit, odit, babre. lBriftolia, lofty, fpacious, faithful, fair, Swvect, famous, old, kind, neat beyond compare, Maintains the Nation's rights, her God adores, Her Sov'rcign loves, proteas the Britifis Thores. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COR.N-STREET, oppl.o fie EXCHANGE, (Establishuain ½'@ Car 1769,) For hiurb in Houses and atiter 8 oiigs, jsoodas, fares, 2lerchanw- dize and Skips in Hambiur, i W.. u kor idling, fioia Loss or Darnage by Fire. . i '; d EVAN BAILLIE, Esq. and Alderman. THOMAS DANIEL, Esq. and Alderman. LEVI AMES, Esq, and Aldennan. STEPHEN CAVE, Esq. GABRIEL GOLDNEYEsqE EDWARD ROLLE CLAY FIELD, Esq. WILLIAM ...

Advertisements & Notices

... didect of C8Xffanb FIRE A KIJ LIFE IVSURA.NCE-C'lIIPAXY. CAPITAL, 6'600,(O O. 11stablished il Exeter, 180 7. Ettipoa'vcred by Art of Pat liament, 1807. ENEWAL-Receipts, f-o all Fire-Policies fillling due P at Cla-inteis, are now in the hands of the Agents of the Company; and hile attenltiut of the P'ublic is patrticulariy revptesteid to the Ter ins of t he Oficc. 'lhc Assured against lFire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASHE epcellis : lilts the Subsctibers, SEL CON!) Si'i(Jl i1'l IONdCONC'EI I-ill take a 'a I I /lI i, Jun 51o~y eti II 9, 1o1tlat theeltlueSt ot 1i111se l adieai lid (andeClellin M wo ner 'I ntedI boillT 1)ttlnl at the first concert, frvil the ilC UUly anild ;lu' igagatnelllits x -hich geM.l'lal occ0Ir oil tile lst a'd v ,f' 1ear, the 'Ile1ipltel~ll Book. Nvill etntilol opcn 1It t tiCI ! -l' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ottce to ftlatuerts. WNirtue of an Act of Parliament passed in the Fifty- 3 fifth year of Hlis present Majesty's reitn, for enabling the Commissioners of the Northern Ligrht-houses to erect and maintain LIGHT-HOUSES ON T'HE iSLE OF MAN, one Light-House has been erected at the Point of i/gre, at the northern extremity of that island, and two Light-Houses have also been erected on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M R. ASHE most respectfully acquaints tb 'bj>iu bGentry, and thie Subscribers in general, that N A', SECOND GRAND C(NCERT WVill titae place on THURSDAY NEXT, tile 14th insn Janiary; when the follouving very emiinent Vocal Perfsrr will shig several of the most favourite Vocal Pieces,-ii positiIel /i/ tfie 001lyih7 I li eir LondunS cegogemcots will lermit th siftg in Hrwit hi l/ds Sr'astin: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TWO Prizes of £230 ,O Coniois, Eaith Nine odier Cepxita5s, YET IN THE WHEEL. All of which must be drawn TO-MORROWr, 12th January. .1. BI OTT ,Contractor for the present Lottery, o *B ,1 s begs to call the attention of the Public to the State of the Wheel at this period of the Drawing. There is now diet One Day more, NEXT TUESDAY, 12th of THIS MONTH, (January), When the Lottery will flnish; on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOOKS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH. Just Pulished, By D~aaoN, HARVEY, & DAaTON, Gracechurch-Street, London; and sold by all the Booksellers in Bristol, T'DVARD & GEORGE, or Lessons from Real Life, E for Children of early Years. Price 2s. half-bound. NATIONAL CHARACTERS, exhibited in Forty Geographical Poems. With Engravings. By Miss O'KsEFFE, Author of some Pieces in Original Poems for Infant ...