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Durham, England


Darlington, Durham, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. MRS. SILBURN, Teacher of Music and Singing, PARADISE HOUSE, CONISCLIFFE LANE, DARLINGION. Terms and referenesH on application. 2G LOOMFIELD SCHOOL, WOOD- B) i>ND.ROAD, DiXRLINGTOX. Prineipal-Mr. R. MkWCRA, of the University PI E&~U- burgh. Pupils have passfd the M3atrioolatioa Examinetione of the Cambridg and London Ulnivereitiefl, the Local Examination of Cmbnidge, and the Medical ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENT'qlTA'HUENTI. -ILEVELA > l-WL, AlTDDLESj GRAND R ; tCON T, Ionl TaIURRDAY, Januaury ~tli, 13; ?? t}:-1 * lt9.ESB;ItOUGH PHtIL- HARMO1NIC SO' jp ILY PILLLIBanti Ir. ED'WARD LLOYD. M.P N Full rorhetri , ':111 a~rilbtertto~ldottel lay Mr. FRASNZ GROENINGS.. ProegramnmOe te s Ietaov~n's GRANt) SYMP- ?? rd Seat' *B a~lcony 3.. Gd.; SeCond Seats, RseeBack Seats, 1 i'kts aid a'sRU at LMr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENTERTAINMENTS. ORTE - E,'-TERN RAILWAY DARLINGTON SECTION. GeND PANTO31I-ME AT THE 'TEEATRE ROYAL, AIIDDLFSBRO'UGH. On THURSDAY, Jan. 2S, 1873, a Special Train in cen. aection vith the above vill be run from the following Stations to Middlesbrough &aeinder;- FARES THERE AND BACK. p.n. let Class. 3rd Class. LeaveSaltburn.. at 1.-10 2s. 6d. 1. Gd. Marohe.. , 3I16 Redear . ,.25 2s. Od. ls. Od. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENTERTAINMENTS. O)RTH - EASTERN RAILWAY. DARLINGTON SECTION. 1S . PA Ojurtyh aT THE THEATRE ROYAL, ?*IIDDLESBROUGiH. on JolA 5. 24th, 1878, a SPECIAL TRAIN in °' with the ebrve will be run from the following toMidalcabrough, as under:- FARES THERE AND BACK. p.m. lot Class. 3rd Class. Leave Darlington g .at 5 0 29. 6d. is. 6d. FighltifliCock. a6.20~ Presafton Junction ,, 6.0O Is. 6d. Oa. ?? .6 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a- - PUBiID'C -dSOTiCCE£ 1 UNADY 'XE'.ING-SEPVIC E, CEN- 29Tl LII'LLl)'i9-:;T(NTChORROW~ ^ c.~iINIGAR'il~U: Pl~tSl, Ra., in th.e Chair. ADDRESSES ty toxo I.t on. W- FEiN WiC: and S. T. slltSE, nod !\les~.ra. T. W;EST and II. PEXNNEY. T!- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;IN MvrER I:N m- S._ --W GAIETYT THEATRE, ESTKC S ARLE O o to the Q i8 BTIS hat the hnonurtoanue foal enb bitbts Mf5genrer- ye If the 1tlarltepriols and FE ya.ft~ that be has tflld0 etaleo wt h oe lo-. iaVICE DRAMATIC AND BURLESQUE TjDder th ,El age an t Of Dr CAPT DierS, feoe their appearance at the 0jweteIb 1`1mhr ?? 14th, 1070, for Six aae5o X.ON DY !, bS~I42~L .. THE RIALS,. -lig, 'y . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PU8LICATION8. Jest Pnbllshed, Foolscap 8vo., sIR. RUPERT KSETTLE'S AWR, Ml in the matter of tbe Cainimmade by the Ironstone Mior of Cleveland for a Bise in the rate of Wages. Darlingiofl NoaracEERN O OprVo, Priastgate. Large quantitieS can he hid st reducod prices BDUCATION. CLARE COLLEGE, SCORTON.- C Prineipal: The Hev. J. M. POLLOCK, M.A. LL.D., Fellow of the Educational Institute of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NETAINMENTS. CAR PIER.-lIr F. Groeings' C 3 oiLARY BAND Of Sixteen Performers Will C O GRAND PERFOIMANCES every TUES. A O'sI a VPAY daring the season. in L4 DA on an frons S to 5; Evening, 7.80 to 9.80. Hol AfleenO~l ?? for Meiddlesbrog and A G'e last Tr¶in pq5 eA S8AND CONTEST, on SATUBDAY, August c from Crook and Tow Law. See Small C FLU BLIC No0TICS.A IL A MLYXE S. Deceased- WE 5011C., TO u ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BI4ETINmENTS. ?? BRIGE FLOWE R SHOW Y BAND I on SATURDAY, August 181jga Tifrom Crook and Tow Law. See Small PUBNLC F4OTICES. J A - %ig NIA TO M R. M ILLER , d 1 Trd 'thr to Erl ot Zetland.) j ,GardedaprOaop~t a PURSE of GOLD to Afrf B a i3 D2Op ?? the eituataon that he has so faith 1r fo;r er pavards ofSOyeara. To mark the appre- hi fl 'en s andneig~hossrs of his conastanit ln2g of his tghat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SNTEFIRTAINMENTS. C GSFi3 C ..AtL TREAT OF 8 _5CoN. 1,i, ils - BY, - THE- SEA . T 1tJbL T GRANI BRASS BAND CON- SI cVENTU~ -scOrBo C;OPPTITION, SPORTS, VBd At SSS Y otO y th 1 OS r th t July, 187 3. v. ' ua: apply to the Secretary, till ?? ROBERT DAY. P. - Ar PA',R. R.-3r. F. Groenings I 9EDRY ARXZ B,. SixtOSe e Performers will sEA INDBAS P iORMANOES every TUeSe - '~8O ~ dori leth Season.( ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S ,NTEITAINMENTS. - SNE - THE - SEA GRAND d tA ,,Als BAN,! CONTEST, CORNET SOLO ' . T IX IwN ATHLETIC SPORTS, MON. y( PAJIy 28ithI o, 1578 p t say that thce Entries for Oc Tbeo s oa utes 0 lrcs l ' following celebrated Bands, ox -Leede iledC e1 Tinttiwwait., 4th Durham Artillery, th T:'FetliW, 0' Whitwortb; while a :,ong the oo of tl e most rctownved cornet players ae ~ te ~~coda~F ...

Advertisements & Notices

... =NTERTA NMIENTS. EpOOL THIRD ] TCULTURA SHOW AND LIAE ANSar nggd. A iiu °IW g E~oDY Sees. - e gBY -THE.SE- GRAND T > S, B.y' cONBTEST, CORNET SOLO H V1 B~o ~i) AfLETIO SPORTS, MON- T ?? r~ h igS, to Bay that the Entries for _ ot Io ran~ esesaedaaa It . t wuhile ?? N ssyi~t BOW Tlhor-fore, frorasch a olass of i tiS Fe b r oupwcrds of 180-with naoh per. 5505, t00~~ Public ny extpect sneh a bi ...