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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper




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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATHS. -Mr. Franeis Fuller. the last survivor of the three promoters of the Great Exhibition of 1851, in which he was associated with Sir Henrv Cole and Mr. Scott Russell, died in West Brigh- ton on the 27th ult. Born in the June of 1807 at his father's farm, distant about 10 miles from Epsom, Mr. Fuller saw the race for the Derby slakes run every year fromn 1821to 181q inchl- aive. Fbor many ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... PiAT OFSI J1ILLAIS. 777777.77-- , ?? PROPOSE B y f ST. PAL'S. -'8iz#JoknEverett~iUlin, Bert., P.R3. A., the fas')MaS artist, who for some twelve anouths past had been sgffering from a cancerous; AfFection of the thr&b knonwn as epithelioma of the larynx, passed peacefully away at half-past five On Thursday evening at his house in Palace- gardens. In eay last an operation was performed, and the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATHS. Sir Herbert Naylor-Leylafld died an Sunday after a long illness. He was the only son of the late Colonel Tom Naylor-Layland, of N . stclivyd, Denbichshire, and was born on Jano. 24,1S64, and educated at the Royal Mili. tary college, Sandhurst. lie afterwards be- came au officer in the 2nd Life Gutards, which he entered in 1882. lie eat for Colchester, ortstie which he resided at Lexden ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... TEDEATH OTJ'&RS-U'ZEFW - - - DE. C:OZL : ?? COTIMT. -At Westminster -policeoeourt, on Tues. say, -aIFiai jinse-, Oolnzs', of -14 C~aogaan-pLice, -was plieed In Ite -dhai 'cefdre~iXr:3Mnrsham onrrmaiid, ebnr4ed ithb performing--au unlawfd operation onl Emily - Edith- -Uzielli..-h.r -od]4u instructed kr Mr. 1ewis- appeased on behlaif.- ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF CANON GRAIHL0M The mortal remains of Canon t Grnab, who died on Monday last in Nato ret house, Hammerimith, ere li toreceae yesterday afternoon ia ?? tery attached to St-. .Thoem' CaO'ful church, ' Fullham, Zaidt d oroefol manifestations of a hege coas of lay and clerical, Stfe dsre ?? was prinec~pad of St. a'stio college for Catholic 50oloaeter' Brook-green, for 35 Yoar, m rddocee ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... A CRICKETER'S TRAGIC DEATH. I - - -- - I IO0flD SHOT IN A WOOD. A great sensation was caused at Swan- sea yesterday morning by the news that Mr. William Llewelyn, the well-known cricketer, and eldest son of Sir John Dillwyn Llewelvn had been found dead, shot through the heart in Penilergare wood. The unfortunate gentleman was out on Friday with a shooting party, and as at a late hour he had ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATHOFMRS.GLADSTONE Mrs. Gladstone died at Hlawarden castle on Thursday. For some days she had been sleepingas tranquilly as a child, and never regained conecioneness. The- end was foreseen in the morning, and the wihole of the household servants were ushered into the sick chamber to take the last farewell of their beloved mistress. -The scene was very affecting. At five o'clock there was ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... *ID EDUN DE ATE OF L OiR.D tord Hersohell iied aery seiddenty en le nesayv at the Pleoreinien hotel in Wa-h'neten, where he hatl been in bed siene Pis ja11 on a slippery eile walk onl rbe 15. Arart irem tles pein menidoe'tt to the fraese ea be had s::saLne' ! Id I-lersetell Iead been in exeellent betlth ad lntpir ts and aitnost up to tioe heatr Go hie death tnrer Ian bneen no prremonitfuy ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRIIKS. Soiro-Dc. 23, at Collingwood villa, the WIfe of the Rev. W. Sturges.-Deo 22 atWVlIthamn-abbey, Essex, the wife of Colonel W. Askwtth, royal artillery.-Dee. 21 the wife of H. Carter, Esq., 1Ith light infertry.-Dec. 82, at Wool wicb, the wife of Captain R. Frectea, royal artillery.- Dee. 22. at 12. Great Onmberland street, Hyde-park. the wife of Geo. Wy Id, Esq . M.D.-Deo. 27, at 2, The ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... | THE PUBLIC FUNERAL OF MR. BRAIDWOOD. THE PRELIMINARY ARRANGEMENTS. The funeral of the late Mr. Braidwood took place yesterday, under circumstances which fully be- tokened the great estimation in which his public services and private character. were held by the various authorities1 and the inhlabitagts of London generaLly. It appears that on Thursday, a committee of gen- tlemen from the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. SoNs.-Feb. 10th, at 18, Hanover-square, Viscountess Boyle.-Feb. 7, at Bowerley, near Settle, Yorkshire, the wife of the Rev. W. Coulthurst.-Feb. 8 at New Bromp- ton, Chatham, the wife of Frederlbk Penfold, Esq., Pay- master Royal Navy,-4Feb. 10th, at 19 North Audley- eitreet, the wife ot Lieutenant C. Y. Wardr, l.M.'5 Indian Navy. -.Feb. G. af Chulsuleglgh rectory, Noitb Devon, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... wavoa bzj XUlEbiegimel t April265 AtLon .don-house; Batlifte; n A. W. Barett-ApIZll3 1, At ?? wen, the wife of the Rev. Ih A. Kempw]06 vicar Pt IClverdon, W rwlcknle. Apill 24, at -loward d Tanbildge.WeNII the ridence of her brothePMSnW theM vwdow of Masort:¢Wd B6ecehr 3arAck, 18th nregwent H.I ,F Biadra&a-Ap*1U2'A W-Illesdal-houWe, thW ife ,of kijsor UssOKL-AprW17. at WOtis, 80nih: ampton, ...