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Reynolds's Newspaper


... SPORTING INFORNATION. ASCOT RACES. Though thcs weather en Tuesday mornini at Ascot Witse ohosrwery, thcs afternoon trimed ost fine; aod the first day's racing of thfis great annuial mneeting took hasa unuder most favourable conditions. As uscual, chore woo aL largo and iccohionabls company-present, and amnoogot the royal party wero the Pricceerand Princeocsof Wales5, P~rince and Princess ...


... SPORTING INTELLIGENCEL TATTERSALL'S. MOEDAY. The betting ?? although. far from brisk. had the effect of driviug Mokanna back to 11 to 1, Trickatress to 20 to 1, and Confidence to 1000 to 15; and of raising the Grand;Dake to an equality with the Goodwood favourite, and Hyppolytus from 25 to l to 1000 to 60, takers. Wewnineter, who was scratched for this event at. aqquarter before eleven in the ...


... BP O0TINW ii ~ fT a GEU , The early pirti oi Ith -nn wasa occup, the bettngba cominig events W,%v nofp ed' Wth iheh l*lt,- Promlew Leni was :not rmuch sdogbtaftar fot t'her~j, bt Electricand Ticket of Leave weor, the '!Ltons' of tha ?? About the Ia, t mentioned anlsgal SB to- I wetaken frely,'ni jte towvards tha clote'2;100 to 100 was boikedab iin. 5efi inquti lea were made after Cavendish, ...


... SPORTTING IXNELLIGSENO. TATTERSALL'S. VOBDAX. The sepport which Weatherceck reetove, for the Liverpool Steeplechase, and the increased farce with which Drogheda was brought into the market for the Chester Cup, were the, principal movements. After 16 to I bad been taken about the first-mentioned horse, 200U was invested on hinm at 12 to I odds; which wera ourrently offered against hi-uts the ...


... SPORTfINtG EXTELEGEN C TATTERSALL'S. MONDAY. There was a considerable attedadnee, but epec~latioss took a very limtedranethebetingbeng lmot cnfned to the Goadwood Staks. Te oly iporant eo~ure f te aftemnoon's proceed- log wa te netediassof riiro fo tis event From Li to 1 he rcedd toC t 1, t oe tie a muc as7 to I being offered aganethim Aniciatins s t hi bengaltogether knocked outhewver wee ...


... 8 iPORWTSG _13TELLGENCR. TL'TE'rh'ALL'S. MĀ£VSDAT.:'.. .. Bettfng npon tbe Canwrndgeshlre a~nd tbs eventa of theo poet Houghton ouacuped much time, notwi hsuandlng the daily reckonings at Newmarket and the preliminary ad- ;jaimoant during the mernirg Ineitgotrolos. The result of the great race wal probebly a drawn battle with the book--nker, for on tue waole It ws been pronounced harm exio ...


... SWORTZMG UfTEJLI.GENO3L TATTEBSALL'S. MONDAY. The St. Leger bids fair to be a rcach better race than at first was antioipal ad, a reaction having met in In favour of several horses who appeared but a short time back completely ' knecked out, which gave some animation to the transactlonts hereon this afternoon. Tbe tsarquifl appeared in some force, his opening price being readily taken, and at ...


... 3?OIT05 DasisX- ' .. -a. AQUJATICS. 3REAT BOAT RACE BxTWWB& Db Tr AND llfACNRx. -The lat scallera' match: of this unusually proloh ged aquatio seaii was dei led on Wednesday siternoon for a stake of 1001, the coupetitors beig George Drewitt, of OhblieshandJackMackinney, of Rlchmondi ?? whas from the Aquedubt-bridge Ot!Putney to thes 8hip at Mbrtlike, the rsae'bein8 rowed in cut-rigged bcats. ...


... SPORTING INTELLIGENCIL TATTERSALL'S. MON-DAY. This was in reality the first of the series of heavy set- tling days, the past Liverpool meeting being the medium for the exchange of a large amount of money. Matters seemed smooth enough, and en inquiry we learnt that in no single instance were there any shortcomings. Specu- lation was intermittent during the process of settling accounts, but one ...


... SPORTING ITELiIGENCE. TATTERSALL'S.- MONDAY. NOI1TRIAM5pTONS ItR STAIMES.-9 to 1 agst Mr. Daw-- son's Red Lion (t); 10I0 to 6 agst Lord Burglsley na St. Faith (t); 20 -to 1 agst Duke of Bedford's Diomedia (t). GREAT MErnoPoLiTAN, 8- agst Mr. M1are's Ariosto (t); 15 to 1 agst Mr. Benson's Royalist (t); l0o to 6 agst Mr. T. Parr's Rlataplan (t); 100 to 6 agst Lord Eglington's ...


... APPROACENG RACZ5 FOR THE LOAVES AND FISHES. Not keeping one of those respectable gentlemen whose peculiar vocation appears to be that of deluding the sporting public-a racing prophet-upon our esta- blishment, we ventured on no prediction respecting the winner of the St. Leger, but for the great WELLINGTON stakes,jwhich will be run for in about a fortnight, we confidently and unhesitatingly ...


... CHESTER RACES. TUESDAY.' The attendance was very numerous, and the receipts at the Stand two or three hundred pounds more than on any first day en record. o GROosVEoR STAKES of So ?? each, h ft. with 3O added three year olds, Ott 81b; four, 8st 51b, five, Oat llb ; six and aged, sst Sib: a winner at any one time of see sova clear (handicap excepted) to carry 51b extra; mares and geldings ...