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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Funeral of Mr. George Ranson at Sproughton. On the 24th inst. Mr. George Ranson, one of the prominent agriculturists in the Samford Hundred,. passed to his rest. He waa. born at Sproughton, and- spent the whole of his life in that parish, and for many years did good service as overseer and in other repre- sentative capacities. A short time since he was strnck with a serious illness; but up to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FASHIONABLE MARRIAGES There Was an aristocratic assemblage on Tuesday afternoon at St. Peter's, Cranley-gardens, to witness the marriage of Miss Sybil Coke, daughter of the Hon. Henry and Lady Katherine Coke, to Captain Crutchley, Scots Guards. Among those present were the Princess Christian, the Duchess of Teck and Princess Victoria of Teck, the Duke and Duchess of Westminster, the Marquess ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Annotuncements of Births are charged for at the rate 07O ONEI SHILING each. Annousncements of Mfar- riages are inserted free, if No cards be added UNNS SmHThUNG is charg7ed. Anvnouncements o~l Deaths are also insertedl free, but if constaining moretha~nthe o'rjjncerijy rti cutars ONE SHIL~LNG ist charged. These charges must be prepaid, or theuy will be doubled. Innouncemseats must be ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... JW Announcements of Births, and Marriage an- h noncementas with No Cards attached, are charged 1 as acdvertisements. it BIRTH. Coopzr.-llth ult., at No. 6, Post Office Street, Calcutta, the wife of F. C. Cooper, Esq., ?? of a son. os MARRIAGES. s FITCES-HATHERLEY.-21st ult., at Brendon, Devon- shire, George Fitches, youngest son of George Pitches, of Illlingham All Saints, Suffolk, to Mary ...

M AInnouncements of

... Births, and Marriage an- nouncements with No Cards attached, are charged as advertisements. MARRIAGES. GoULD-DACE.-llth inst., at East Derehain, Norfolk, Charles Henry Gould, of Bintree, to Naomi Smith Dack, of the same place. WANDm-TAYLOR.-lltlh inst., at Dover, Mr. E. Wand, of Royston, to Harriet Louisa Taylor, eldest daughter of Mr. E. Taylor, 4, Marlborough Square, Great Yar- mouth. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Announcnments oqf Births, and Ifarriage an. B nouecemestW s tsith No Cards attached, are charged as advertisements. F MARRIAGES. HERNANDO-MAUDE.-21st nlt., at the RomanCatholic G Church of S. Etheldreda, Ely Place, London, Senor Don Hernaudo, of Madrid, to Edith, eldest daughter of the Rev. Francis H. Maude, of Ipswich, and widow S of Walter A. Slater, Esq., late of Gordon Square, London. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDDING FESTIVITIES AT ELLINGHANM On Thursday the pretty village of Ellingofami. quite en ftob on the occasion of the marringeba,,i Amy Elliot Smith, eldeat daughter of Hoary Rsjff Eoq.,of E4liughnam Hall, ?? Bungay, tothen 1ith. H. Sneyd, the newly-appointed rector of Eariham n bride is well kinown and greatly beloved by a lorge l; of friends both rich and poor, and loeg bifore t o'clock-the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Annotturctesnts of Births are charqedfor at the rate of ONE SHcLLINo each. Annoutncernents of Mearlrriaes are insertedt free ; if No cards be ?? ONE SHILLixG is charged. Announce. Meldts of Deaths are inserted free, but if coiL- tamning mare than the ordisara/ particaelars, ONE SHILLiNG is charged. These charges itnust he prepaid, or theg will be doubled. Anneotimecen'e1ts imust be ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Announcements of Births, and Marriage an- Uostnceme&8 isleith No Cards attached, are charged as Advertisements. MARRIAGES. RUNGARY-REEve.-27th ult., at Denton, Norfolk, Robert Rungary to Annie Maria Reeve, daughter of R. C. Reeve, of Denton. TAYLOR-ASHFORD.-29th nilt., at Bury St. Edmund's, Thomas, youngest son of H. J. Taylor, to Florence Elizabeth, oldest daughter of the late Robert ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF MVR. JOHN WORLLEDGE. We have lost a man who for nearly a quarter of at century has filled a conspicuous pilece in the public eye. Late on Tuesday died Mr,. John Woriledge, who from 1855 to 1880 -was County Court Judge for Circuit 33, which includes nearly the whole of the county, of Suffolk and parts of the Southern border of Norfolk, -with thle important shipping-place of Groat ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... D2ATH OF LORD SHAFTESBURY. Lord Shaftesbury died at Folkestone ah two o'clock on Thursday afternoon. The deceessd peer was born in London on April 28, 1801, and had a distinguished Uni- versity course at Oxford, where he took a first-class in classics in 1822. His Parliamettary career began at the age of 25 years, w1en he entered the House of Commons as menmber for Woodatock, and supported the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Announmcements of Births, and Marriage an- ,eourcoments with No Cards attached, a7e charged as advertisemrents. MARRIAGES. HOWARD-SrooNmu.-5th inst., at St. Mary Stoke Church, by the Rev. Canon Bulstrode, Charles Wil- iiam Howard, to Catherine Spooner, both of St. Mary Stoke, Ipswich. BENNETrT-SOlrrnav.---2th inst., at the parish church, Yarmoath, by the Rsv. R. A. Cory, M.A., John Ben. ...