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Liverpool Mercury



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Liverpool Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... -a -tIVERP QL LINT, v 7R-Si C f{ iS 4,N-'SlIXPEiJCS PPg Pot ND. J AIBBT,'No. 1i4, Dale-treet, Liverpool, having been .ppqinted A ent. for the. abovej Article, respectfully. in, forms the M1dical Pr6esion; Cheinists Dru gists &'c; thatt : in consequence' of tle great zeooragmoent the Patentee has jnet with, arrangisenits are nov' coi'mpleted' so s'to have su'f- ficient quantities ready\ for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fr 1BEIG-I C}hARTE1I. to anly part of the Continenzt . ?? ' ' Th;Ainericsg, SHIP' OSSIAN,, .. For j. ROLLINS, MASTER turafiels about-:28 too d fkast siler, and. 6earies a 'large argo. For. further partcularskapply to Captain Rollins on boa ind the Queen's- Dock to R W and R Rathbone. For-IIALIXFAX, (to sai in'ten. daiys)- 'Tewell known Ship PENELOPE ?? 'SP .as , s 1VLMShaster; . _rthen per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... b EGERXT0i MzTaidr. 18, i-1ane wh r Su issn, tisemants, axld d unasr wexeP d. en S11d Id'r. t .. - A : 3 4 ..E : ZIr.. RUes T~H , ,iStc eet ad SIr Boldan - - V,.: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIVERPOOL ACADEMY OF ARTS. - His Royal Highness the .Prince Regent, Ptro_,.. rTE $E- cond Annual Exhibitiuon o t In on will I opeiinon the first of.August, at the' Union Rooms, ,in Duke-street: and it is requested that those Artists who i And to exhibit, .wll .end their*,erforjnanes, directedto the Secre- tary, -on or before the 15th of July, as no Specimns iS rt will be'received aftef that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIHERE ssh~ o hcha n lsmn gold. ae greater reaso~4o yr-ud, ta of the .n.u*,r:u,-chan:els-- thiouglh wlushei ih ie'bgsy ?? eiiins make-his snai,4dul voice be he, aio e c i did not a vi~ ~t~si t iel. of Th&l5eds',Wul an; oi'our poca rin~ts atre main-- fesdly'b ec~ i des of idlte n'rativ r the- engsn,es of. corrt ilflu~ence.' t~nder ?? constituion i whichte A growth.1thopretio$,3berty- is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIVERPOOL ACADEMY OF ARTS. His Royal Highiliss the Prie Regent, Patron. 'rp HEIE Second Annual Exhibition of this InstitutiOn will open on the' first of August, at the Union Roo ,s, in Duke-street; and it is requested that those Artists who intend to exhibit, will seid their Performances, directed to the Secre- tary, on or before the 15th of July, as no Specimens of Art will be received after ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EGERTON SMITH and S AMUEL DAWSON, 1)EG leave to inform their friensds and the public, that, int j consequence of the voluntary secession of Mr. WILLIAMS e from business, they have taken into partnership Mr. JOHN BTWATER, Optician, and Philosophical' Instrument- Maker, late of Nottingham.- The business will in future be carried on under the flrm of -Egerton Smrith and Co. at their old ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FASSAGE^FOR NEW YORK. iutended to sail about t he 25fth instart, The American Ship, MAG(ONET, DRZW, Master. '3iurahen, about 58- tons, a fire new Ship, now. on her first ivill be fitted up in tien most commnodiouss manner, for c acomrodatlon of Cabin and Steerage passengers, For £srtlher particulars, arply to Captain Drew,. or to -CIIOPI'ER,-BENSON, &Co. FO~l.- lREIGhT Ott. CHA .iTr t. _. Ine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LIVE:RPOOL LINT, OUR SHILLINGS, ANDA IXPENCE PER: POUND. T ABBOT, No. 114, Dale street, Liverpool, having been 3. appointed Agent for the Above Article, -respectfully in- 1forms the MedicalProfession, Chemists, Druggists, &c that in conseqitence of-the great encouragement the Patentee has wset~witd,- arrangements are now completed so as to have suf-. rient :-quantities ready f or delivery at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TNI1ted and Iualishod by EaeR-toi4 Smi1TH,No. 18, Pool-lane, whcro Subscriptiqr;, a ertis~meml, and Communcations are re'eived also Sold by Mr. RoBiNsOw, Castle-street; -Mr. RUSHTON, Paradise- trezt, and Mr. Wd LLAN. Bold-sflet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and itiszeta that *iet m BFfT ?? vill be us: Evenihgg. Fridayj (mi' the l04t6NigtW :6 perfiorwing herb I Ir their Dmasties' StS twill foam, ?? ihe, - WAY TO ?? 4 Hi.: : I ?? osei. .S j ?? .. Mr.R* >S w,'t'&S B itV Brelhant: ,Fsehton - ?? ;, QRB, S,'riEr - Sir shfiilW onstaitt.. Mr 25M4T- * - .Sidebor ?? Mr. HOWELL, ZEVidow Behhour .. .. Mrs. EDWIN . Mt * - NT, Furnish . ?? i~e.s. M..N ...