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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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of the Chambers, and has consequently been } local | await the time when he will be able to :

... for more favourable conditions. Tue Woopnovsk Moor Band PERrorMA a coal The committee met on Monday night, under the p: of Ald. North. The profits from last seas i, the formances having oxly amo to £28 12s, resolved to make up he on sum “7 £40, giving £ a tele- Summer Holiday and £20 > oer | Cony rales ent I Home _Tespective vely. ...


... will argue that the country must sooner of the - ae wht oor. sd 5 now THE HULL DOCKS ‘The strike at the Alexandra Docks, Hull, te: last evening. Hull and Barnsley Railway and Dock Company jon of men’s representatives, the coal tippers receive a su advance of wages. Work, which has been suspe several days, will be resumed to-day. . | was, ‘the terms were su wae to the men by Mr. Ben at a mass ...

Foremen end WorJcpcop’a

... we @ od | WY French German, Italia Perih L i or any light would give month. Add High Hall, ‘Teobary, ic Cranes, non leld, with = = Foremen and Workpeop! SINGLE LINE Adrts., consecntive—2 days 64, 4 days § e, stating AKER (28), “had of country trade. s Enewement. AB. Masters, Baker, Deansha SSS SS ee s eston, > ‘asimeia on 6 (Red, Biv, NAGI | ilon-lane, K 19, Mercury. > ait ete ...

| RAKE Two You mo EC ited in Machine I of Electric | Burton on-Treut. Trade. Wi Se WIUTCHERS. Junior

... about 18. acenet —_ ath, as on WANGINEER and STOKFR wented. for Steam caarge OF paces enw ae preferred) Mur do own repairs, be thoroughly relial Apply good personal charsete: sobriety Mereury- EN AY ES wal inted; partment. F° Hall vr — en. wanted. experienced = to Edwia Walker an a ee th aa AP- will Hadder: be treated confidentially, te ack- VOD MAKERS | 4 IRON MOUL! society. National Free ...


... Ay of amnesty being granted to the condemned 42 | The pamion oF the condemned, owing the THE HARNESS-CUTTING AT PORTSM ionists ANOTHER DRIVER CONVICTE other A Portsmouth telegram states that Driver nished of the 13th Company of the Army Servic ists.”? | has been tried by court-martial and convict | charge of perjury. committed, it was allege em his | evidence in defence of two comrades v ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Two Lmms (18 words), Is, 6L.; and 6L. for each additional 9 words. AU announcements must be authenticated by the name and address of the sender. - N.B.-Notices appea a on anY of the firet five days of the week are repatdfit eWekt1, Suppleeest vwithout extra chargo. ALnmrcsox.-July 5th, at Kirkstall' the wifesof J. IL Aldersou, of BfudeneU1-avenue, e, of a dgbter:. AGeo=.-On the 8th int., at 37 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... OBITU'AR-Y. The death is announced of Mr. John Gibson, architect, who has for several years resided at Malton, but who was at one time closely connected with the rise and progress of Scarborough, he having designed the first building in the new town of Scarborough, on the South Cliff, and laid out the grounds there. The deceased gentleman was born in June, 1811, at Brompton, near ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 7fiWtIf, AarziageX, al1D Beatiq. ITtro LeraS (16 words), la. 6d.- anld 6d. for eash additional 9 words. All aiccounceoments 1a11st be authenticated bY the n!tainte ad r&S of the aendar. ] . _B.-Thos93 notnesa ppoinzo 0 anyot fthetrtfL ' dr37 of th lweas axe raoaated in thi3 WFMedl Supplemzent without extra clhurge. Birtbfi. BAcIaSTOW.-On Febreary 7th, at Itfoorville, Btffley-ii.Wharfedale, the ...