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South West, England

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... LINEN -DRAPER as Corner of REDCLIFF-STREET, near the BRIDGE, N MOST respectfully acquaints his Friends and the Public, that he has a very extensive Assortment of LINEN-DRAPERY, curious India and British Muslins, both worked and plain, at Prices much lower than were W ever known; the belt Farbics of Irilh Linens and Sheeting, _ imported; excellent Callicoes as usual, at Is. per Yard; Muflinets ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To THE PUBLIC. At the Commencement of periodical Publications, it is not unsual to make large Pretensions and Professions; but we shall content ourselves with producing, in Behalf of our Paper, evident Facts, to which Professions as we are impelled to make by a Sense of our Duty to the Public ; to a which Professions we propose, to the best of our Abilities, in- variably to adhere. For a ...

For 5SA LE lby A U C

... TION , ?? AXCHANGE-COFFEE-HOUSE, on iA 'llTl;SDAY next, the 2d of March, at One o'Clock, F An NT I RE CARGO, confiffing of : oout 200 Burlhcls of AMERICAN WHEAT. 400 Barrels ot Finre FLOUR. 2500 Barrel STAVES. Some L.UMBER and MATS. L-- SAM PT.Es of the Wheat and Flour, to he feen at the OrCr3 Office, and tile Whole at Mr. PHILIP GeoRaas' \;rt-roule, ILcwi n's-Mlcard. T. WINWOOD, Broker, For S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T H E C I T IZ E N. NUMBER I. VUtr haxc fi.bliis, fpatinfa fidelis, amaoea Dulcis , i eri r a, b'rnigna, nitens :7ura, Drur, Regesr, Regionem, Crimina, Piscem Servat, adorat, omat, pr'tegit, odit, babre. lBriftolia, lofty, fpacious, faithful, fair, Swvect, famous, old, kind, neat beyond compare, Maintains the Nation's rights, her God adores, Her Sov'rcign loves, proteas the Britifis Thores. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O. 1 o USE 0 '1O be LETl' ?? Montlhs, furtifilied T or not, in the pleaflait % illage cit A Iphingtutn. For p;rticulars, enquire at the rev. Slntuel Calivs. AIpthingtoll, June 27th, 15M4. [1206 FOREST of FRXMOOR. rjM IE SALE for EXMOORI. HORSES, will T be held at Simonlhatih-liou!C. within the llid fcrefi, nln Wcdneldav the 18th ot July next, by one o'clock in the afterenon. Dated 26th June, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RESiDENCE near thc SEA, in CoaRNv.LL r O l0bcILETT for a Term of ;, 14, or 21 k'i'c.a's, from Lady-day nDet, aii that Farin, cdl'd ASJIs-ONT, fituate within one mile of the marke-t toisn of Stratton, in the faid county; compriitnr7 a new-built dwclling-houle, having a large under-grour.d cellar, two parlours in front, a kitchen, pantry, and five lodrging-rooims; with convenientout-houfcs, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QTRAYED into the cul' Odv of WMr. Samuel Srmi h, (; Stcuke-Clintnon, a SORREL lONEY, with a hor mane, and fqutare cut ?? hai loft it, telling the mnarks, proving it to be theirs, and p lying the i xpences. may have it again. Dared 4th July, 1804. E X E I' E It. O be SOLD by PRIVAir CONTRACT, ! , for t tern, ot 3100 vears, all that convcnient DWEI.LING-HIOUSE, well litujite for bufinefs, heing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - uil PER WeAtlteil JjrIC ikLnrflwml, Vlagesfr TntTveV G .3o per ,Vear. - PI'Yt s PA TT, o Londior~t Inn, Exeter. tin e AFFAIRS orthe late Mrs.'CON~~ rlW CtIOIC f- NMrs. C(JRNECK, 1 tie I ofStaceeL inthc Pni ilh of f'owderhantu, inn thle CnnatY o Devn, nc icrnhby requiored to deliver t'n their Bill roMr. 100 ~ A, ,1uultieer, Gandy's-latie, Fxn.. -~iiK~iBOARDING SCHOOL. ~ff AL~kR, relpedfll'iy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CO0R N W A I. L. FJ' be SOLD) byALUCTION, attekn' T amwq itlin, in Cantelt~ord, On Mrn'1da0v the 30th of J aly. ISM4. at jour o'ClOck, the tec-liititi int ;ltIi't vf thle Capan1 rilnefIha~e, far-in, anidhlad.4 c e T:11!NIR NE.WTHI. TIRE\ Al(LED('G, TREI.lJNGLj.S. andl the UJI t:PR PARKSM. an-d the cuftiomirv. trceehiul -f rliIC aolitlltt (hitkChv of C -Tt val l ; tit vi cowaif Ctted togetherr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To COUNTRY PRINTERS T HEeditors of this paper Yavefor fa] TFOU NT of lINION, not more thaahalfwi of which ho whole, or anv part, willbe ditfo on scryrcafonable ternms. Apily at their cffice in hgh-fireet, Exetes. DEER for SALE. A Par, uf 1ine DEER to be SOLD, in fu; A loist m ay be r-molt accommodaiing to pum Icrs. Th'L old buctks are now advanced, ip high cc dition, ter veiijifn. For further ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tc'l01F, IXNN ASsF.M LY-TIOOM309, F.XVOLTI Ul'. T CHAPMAN; bcgs leavc to inlforr1 tlc to Si . nobility and gentry. therc will be a BAX L' n I eI Tucfdiay the ?? inflant, anl cominue Cvcry Tuef- h. day fortnight, during the fea fn. rf0 be SOLD by AUCTION, at Webb's 0' IRcreofitory, on loutherntma, Exeter, on Friday IC the 11th day of July, 180(4, upwards ot ?? LOts of a; hORSES, CARR AGES, &c. ...