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Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... VtSSELS LAID ON, FoO LEGHORIV, ADMIRAL 1NELSOM'- THOMAs ESSART, Commander, .BBrthen Ioo Tons, her fecond vryage, flands in the, ift Clafs at Lluyd's, and will depart with the nett Convoy for the Mediterranean, a con- fiderable part of the Cargo being engaged. Apply to' KNOX & HA?. HULL, Jan.3, I800. I GREENLAND STORES, Whale 0i1, 5:. PETERSBURG AAND STOCKHOLM DEALS. TO BE SOLD, Two Hundred ...

Kingston-Upon-Hull N

... ovember 9, 1799 Annuities The Corporation of Mayor and Burgesses of Kingston- upon-Hull, being about to make considerable improvements in the Town, have determined to raise money for the purpose, by granting life annuities, without any restriction as to the age of the Annuitants; Notice is hereby given, That any person or persons willing to purchase an Annuity or Annuities, for his, her, or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To the Nobility, Guaykb! Efpecially to thofe affiacd with Rheumatifms, Numbnefs, Rheumatic Gout, Pahf' , Sciatica, Pains of the Stornach Lumbago, Flatulence, C11ilblains, indigeflion, And other fimilar complaints, which (like the abo - originate in olnitruted circulation. T HE interefling Cafe 4q Mrs. Cifve, w sT of Mr. Clive, at Caflle Don ngton, Leicef (hire, Bailiff' to .. The EARL of MOIRA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? 0VESSELS LAID ON. For NAPLES & MESSINA, The DASHWOO1), Capt. JAMIESON, Is now laid on, and will be ready to AN i;;, take in Goods in two or three days, and fail with the Convoy expeaed the latter end of this Month; fhould the Enemy be in pofleflion of Naples, the Ship to have leave to land all her Car- goat Meflia. JOHN BURSTALL. ¢ The DAsHWooD was nearly re-builton Mr. Peter AiJ£;tfon's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HULLS JANUAR'j! 13. anmted immediatelni AYOUNG LADY as an ASSIS PAt, In a BOARDING SCHOOL, in the CGioitry. 5he mull be qualified to teach French, Drawing, and the Fafhionable Needle Works. .ctters, pofl paid, addreffed to Mrs. Atkinfori, 1`jterton, Lincolnthire, will be duly attended to. bnl. 9s 1800. WILLIAM SEDGOWICK, Linen-Draper, &C. Wants an APPRENTICE. .L, Jan. 13, 1806. WARD AND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... KINGSTON-UPON.HULL, ,NOVE.IZR 9, I799. ANNUITIES. lgtsB r}-T'H Corporation of Mayor A-and Burgeffes of KiNOS-rOX- lON-ULL, being about to make :o1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCAROOUGI., 3an. 9, 1goo. Vinplaring FLOATIG LIGHTS in thie CATTE- I GAT, and ered7ing a LIGHT on tbe NORTH END of BORN HOLM. * r~HE extended commerce of Great-Britain impe- 0 rioufly demands the mofi fedulous attention to the interefi of ?? there is caufe to lamnent, that mstaritimo~e improvements have riot always ibeen carried into effeft, with that promptitude, 'which their importance ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HULL, JANUARY 20. For the Benefit of Mr. TOMS. On TUESDA27, j7anary ir, 3800, Will be performed (not ated here 'thefe fix years) Shakef'pear's Hidorical Play of KING HENRY THE FIFTH; OR TILE CONOUEST' OF FRANCE. End of the Play, the favorite Song of Lingo Triumphant and Cudden Outwitted, By Mr. Mathews. A HORNPIPE, By Mrs. Barton. ; t; .LOVETLY FANNY, By Mr. Denman. To 'sv;hi will he added, a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VESSELS LAID ON. For ?? The SALERNO, Captain JOHN SCHOLLtS, . a gsi ? (A conltant Trader) i ls laid on to take the Goods the FARANCKF6OaT may leave out, and fail with the firit Cpnvoy. JOHN BURSTALL, jun. -.HUL L, 3an. 20, 1800. For NEWV-rORK, The well known faft-failing American (hip, SWIFT, of New-Yorki Capt. HENRY ROGERS. ga % The principal part of her cargo being engagedw~ill pofitively ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOWNI -AND vCOUNivT OF- UKINGJSTON-UPON-HULL. AT the General QZa~rter -t~e # - Seions of the Peace of our ~ Sovereigii Lord the King, held at the Ioin df Kinflou~upon.HuI .in the Guildhall there, the 16th day of 3an'inary, in the 40th year > of the reign of o.r Sovereign Loid GEORGE the Third, now 'King of Great.Biltain, and fo forth, for the id Togwn of Kingaon -pon-Hull, a.d County of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Worthy the attention of all Ranks, roung or Old, Kfale or Female. THE greatefi difcovery in the memory of X man, is univerfally allowed to be the celebrated CORDIAL BALM OF GILE AD; which is happily calculated for the Weak, Sickly, and Infirmi.-In all inward decays, debility, lownefs of fpirits, weaknefs in either feg, whether hereditary, or owing to youth- ful imprudencies, this medicine will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VESSELS LAID ON., For NEIF-rORK, The well known fa'l-failing Amersean Ihip, SWIFT, of New-York, Capt. HENRY ROGERS. h The principal part of her cargo being engaged, will pofitively fail the ...