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Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BI RITH. On Tueafay, in Hailey-Rreet, the Right Hon. Ladv. Charlotte Lenox, the Lady of Grtscral Ltflox, ,and daughter to the Duke of Goirdon, of a daughter, heing tbe twelfth chiid in, the thirteenth yearvf her marli.&ge. MARRIAGES. On Sunday fe'noight. at Hliackley, Mr. William Turner, bookfelier, of Hill (lately of Nottingham), to Mifs Sophia Hamilton, danghter of Mr. Ilamil- .to, n-annager ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -wmn- HER MAJfESTr's BIRTH Ddr. SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 18oO0 rlflHEIR Majeffies and the Princeffes came to St. AL James 's Palace at half paft twelve, where the Qteen, and her Royal daughters, dreffed for their appearance among the numerous company who attended. The Ode for the new year was performed in the Anti-Room adjoining the grand council-chan- b er. The Archbifhop of Canterbury delivered ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... at MARRIAGES. [Dt On Tuefday lafl, at the Holy Trinity Church this town, by tihe Rev. James Stillingfleet, Aviton Terry, Efq. merchant., to mhiis Charlotte Jarratt, 0 daughter of the Mte John Jarrartt Efq. of thii place. On Thurlilav fe'nilight, Mr Taylor, of IHolrby, to W Mifs Webiler, of York. rg On Monday laft, at Gainfborough, Capt. irm. A- Andei'ton, ttr Mifs Latighton of the fanm e place ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. On the 15th ult. at Brighton, the lady of Joseph Smyth Windliam, Esq. of Wawne, in Holderness, Yorkshire, of a son. MARRIAGES. On Monday last, at Hornsea, Mr. John E. Hopper, of the Star Inn, Bridlington, to Miss E. Pool, of the former place. Yesterday week, at Flambro'. Mr. T. Woodhouse, to Miss Castle, both of that place. On Tuesday last, at Snaith, Mr. J. Brown, of London, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... lie be. IL 1'1'I1. to Onl thle I 1th, iltt. :t lcl roi'ilofy. G;l, Burton, near Gala,- bro', tie lady of tle llev. ?? ailer, of a soI. _ 51.\1 1MARRIAGES. ; [T2cr arc /'li qo-oty liji-d ilto) wor ltr 1,,r, I ,titetlllsn: i Iy the 0tbttjtrtjitn,,oii igi-,of 1 pivi/i, ,, i , l r, br ?? lurndbrt.W ''lwshinoez.lll M /i, mJ s;in w, ll/ 1b/l. Ili fli':' liew 01's t ?? l1f:i ?? I/i ;;,r a- 7c ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On Wednesday, 23rd inst., at the Holy Trinity Church, by the Rev. J. H. Bromby, Mr. William Brown, of the firm of Kirk, Bolton, and Brown, Silver-street, to Ann, third daughter of the late Mr. Kirk, Summergangs. Yesterday, at Cottingham, by the Rev. R. Barker, Mr. John Wintringham, ironmonger, Grimsby. to Phoebe, youngest daughter of i.Ir. W. Lambert, of the former place. On 23rd ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,'Newtoon, ,, ;, ..Sl I On Tuesday last, the ladylof'Thodmas Bell, Esq. of li Sutton, of a' daughter.. -. ' ;- ''0 ?' r'On 'the '9th -inst. 'at S crirue:te lady of W.' ) is O Thursday, at Christ's. churcli, Seulcostea,.by theE Rev.' ilsaate Dixon, of Htsmhleton, 'Mr. 'Geo:- Miller'V solicitor, to Miss Nicholson, only daughter of Mr. WmVr' ael Nicholson, mierchant, all of this place. On ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Y . MARRIAGES. d On Thursday morning last, at the Holy Trinity Church, Mr John Maude,.baker, to Miss Elizabeth Birks, both of this place. - On Saturday, at St. Mary's Church, Beverley, Mr. G. Grey, weaver, ,to Miss Swalls, both ofthat. place. 0 On Saturday week, at Beverley, Mr. Piercy, farmer, of Tibthorp, e to Miss Leppington, of Garton, near Driflield. r *On Wednesdaylast, at Great ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTIL B At Molescroft, on Friday week, of a son, the lady of M'K T. Renon, Esq. R.N. commander of4Dis Majesty's revenue a sin cutter the Wickham. save stors MARRIAGES. D On Thursday last, at Swine, G. H. Thompson, Esq. of Gra, Lockington, to Arnie, eldest daughter of Colonel Maister, driv of Woodball, in Holderness. fille, On Tuesday last, atSculcoatesChurchMr.Jobn Cowl, RI jun. to Miss ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I - :o~BIRTHI.I w On Saturday, the 15th instant, at Uopergate Hlouse, I inPontefract, the Lady of Flintoff Leatham, Esq. of a sonL of adheir.-' -MARRIAGES. 11 tOn Monday, the 17th instant, at St. Crux church, Mr. I1 ie Matthew Cowton, of York, grocer, to Elizabeth, only IE lo daughter of Mr. John Parrolt, of this place. D i~ n Sunday week, at St. Mary's church, Beverley, Mr. EI James White, ...

Ouarriags. On Saturdav last, at St. James's Church, by the Rev. WV. Knight, Mr. A. Cook, to Miss Mary Peck,

... both of this place. On Monday the 2nd iust-, at Sculcoates Church, by the Rev. ThOs. Dikes, L.L.B., Daniel, fourth son of the late John Morris, Es-q., of Ryders Wells, near Lewes, Sussex, to Jane, third daughter of the late Mr. James Wimble, of this town. On Wednesday week, by the Rev. W. Keary, Mr. John Spink, butcher, to Caroline, eldest daughter of Mr. Bruce Dilot, Mason-street. On the 29th ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Oa the 17th inst. at the Rectory House, Holompton, the 4ite of the Rev. John May. of a son. On the 24th inst. at Christ's Church, Lleut anturederiek Bleir, R.N., to Mary Mildred Masingberd, eldest daughter of the late Rev. C. B. blasingberd, oi Kettlethorne. On the 15th anst. at the Holy Trinity Charob, by the Rev. J. H. Bromby, Mr. Taomas Lou~th, to Ann, the ousiy daughter of Mr. Low, English ...