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... Monday Evening. The Stock Markets, except for British Rails, w-jre steady to firm, whilst in the American depart- ment some little firmness was apparent. In the Ihi^lish Funds Consols were without alteration, but the 3 per Cent. Local Loans Stock improved | per ?? Metropolitan Consolidated 3i per Cent, was l cent, stronger. India Rupee l?aper exhibited v recovery of J to J per cent. New South ...


... IMPORTANT DISCUSSION. The monthly meeting the Sunderland School Board was held at tho offices iv John-street night. T. W. Backhouse presided, then were also present James Chambers (vicechairman), Aid. Shadforth, Mrs Hancock, Peter Wood, It. A. Bartram. Rev. Fathej Foran. Rev. C. G. Hopkiusou, Mr J. J. Ben' It. Hindmarch, Mr Friend Lamb, E. Davison, Rev. Father Tnruerelli, and the (Mr T. W. Br ...


... BRISTOL STOCK EXCHANGE. OFFICIAL DAILY under too authority Otfrnnllttaa Stock Exchange. MEMBERS, *W;C Small Court JOHN BENNETT, 37, Nicholas Street BRYANT, dt LOWS, >. St. & SON, 1 ...


... LABOUR CONFERENCE AT BRADFORD. The first Conference of the National Inde- pendent Labour Party was opened at Bradford yester- day. There was an attendance of about a hundred and thirty delegates, amongst whom were Mr. J. Kier- Hardie, M.P., Mr. Alderman Ben Tillett, Dr. Aveling, Mr. G. Bernard Shaw, Mr. Shaw Maxwell, Mr. W. B. Do Mattos, Mr. R. Blatcbfora, Mr. John Trevor, and Mr. Chisholme ...

There are still nearly two months intervening I between the present and the date fixed for the reassembling of ..

... notwithstand- ing which the rumours of weakness and dis» sension in the councils of the Ministry con* tinue to grow apace. To a certain extent this is only natural. It is not necessary to credit all, or even half, that is whispered in the ear and proclaimed on the housetops concerning the prospects of the coming Session. Those Ministerial* ist3, however, who, like! Mr. Asquith, boldly avow ...


... __ Saturday Evexixg. Money w_s m fair demand to-day at IA to 1| per ctnt., but the discount rate continued easy at Is per cent, for tliree months Bank bills. It is supposed tbat tbe Treasury will release erough cash in tbe course of next week to reduce tno pressure. This is doubtful. Tbe proba- bility rather is that, such payments notwith- stHi.dmg, the market will have to borrow at the ...


... THE AMERICAN MARKETS. ♦ (TBBOnOB RXUTKS'S AOKHCT.) NliW YORK, Ma»CH 28. To-Aty's Stock Market opened quiet and tirm, bat fcearish preasure was brought against Coal Stocks, j especially Philadelphia and Reading, which, however, j ■was well supported, and on very large tnnsactions wag , l.roken only a point. Attention was then turned to Atchison, Topefea, and Santa FA, which yiel ied 2,_ In the ...


... YITE D-1?AJA. STRIAND TlIEATII'E. It' wve JnI not kinow tflt the niow farcical conledyv entainhl ' ., Ni't bt's wroli.'' which was ' a brought outat the Strand Thati e lest evulinig, is an i ti Ane:er:cati adait ltioen froln the tiermitall of lerr Von I XMoser 'la tat wcaicrlis, ial; statted ill the playbill). we ! sholild a3v it it tiue picce had beesn secialy lvwritten ior I the purpose of ...


... HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE. CHANCERY DIVISION.— Fbidat. (Betore Mr. Justice Kekewich.) SAN'-.OW V. IJLOO.MriEI.I_t. In thi action tlie plaintiff, wlio is known as Sandow, tho . *r»! _: Man, fought by motion to restrain the defendant f rum iiwing or permitting to be used the name of Sandow, cr ?? other name so nearly resembling the name of the f . •• ?? -is to be calculated to mislead the public ...