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Leeds Mercury




Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Leeds Mercury

Advertisements & Notices

... 'To Aeteclhaws, and .3aset, .bmssers. Sale of Valuable Presses, Dressing Utensils, Tenters, &c. &c. To be SOlL.V: by AUCTION, By Mr. DfYGGAN. On Wednesdlay, Dececember 6, 1699, spoin tl~e Prg- nie t Old Brewry, Hunslrt Moor-$ide, LI, ii Valtiable PIiESSES,I DRESSING UltE NSILS, TNTERS c . Sr. tlie Pmopbrty of Ir. lson, ?? One Patent Press oy Giover, cost Onie II undred Guincas clear of tesin, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To LINEN-DRAPERS, &c. &C. TO ?? DISPOSED Or. Ttie STOCK: IJL IN-TRADE and SITUATIfON of a.WliOLE- SALE LINEN-DRAPER, &c. &c. in one of the first Mercantile Towrs in Yorkshire. The Owner is wishful to dispose of the same solely. .onl Account ol' other Commercial Departments ocea- . pyisag his whole 'Time. The Advertiser doubts not but ?? above Ofer would bt- highly advantageous to any. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L EL.DS. Ferar$Y 2, IS 0. T LH E 1.A DIES and GENTLE MEN of tli NeighbourhoAd arr most respectfully infor. T cdne, that froin the meeting of Pariament at this ClliS, the great demand in LnLdOn for Tickets au-l Shares has already created a scarcitV, and most probablY the un)sold Stuck at thle Lottety Offices in ?? Town will be sent for to supplv the Metrol;!is . theretl1oe the Contcactor with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In AMSAY's PECTORAL BALSAM, for Xk the Rtlirf aid Cure of Contcrhs, Coldc, A th- tinas. Consoitmptions, and other Pulmonary Corn. nlaints. Pectoral Complain's are well k-now to he 1 he bane oF the British Constitution. Thn flow r of youth and beanty daily fall victims to th-ir msi- diots attacks, anil ?? is no falriiy hut has to .reezret the loss of a Parent, a Brother, or a Friend f-om this ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e U t POR F. LAM131.RT, 0-n:,r wid Tea- . l1caler, Ie.(.is. begi: 1.acrv tl ?? ii mrrt sincere Thanlis te his Ftriv rdi rc the Tir'li'r:T TtCoi lii - while uI' Com'nxicn withl lMr. jiiirt, lrnd Nvishte tQ f inform t l.e nn tl. i f'llic. fat lie has Ol'hN El) A at.'1 i, thc ?? D'tor ilhw the [H tetl, iii th! , enmiises lately ,rhd ,; mr. Ahhon; lvuei liie 11optrs to icnjiiv a Shate a of piblie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BRUSH'SHOP, . No. '7 X,'iR T P, .pposite Vicar-Lane. T IFFANY & Co. whbeVa1eea4d. &etI ,T 332tY8.VS ^uAV.Ur utJyts1 be 6~actitr their P'jelpdss.'afid tge Puobfic in general, that they have OFKNEIiD thte above-mentiorriel SHOP. ware determined to seal (WWarranted) upoonhe most reallenabie Terms. Brushing 7Nills, Preanruihg Brushes. antd every other kind of Brushes for the use of Machines, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :PRIVATE ASYLUM. J AMES. MARTIN, who has been for'the V last Seven Years an Attendait -t the Friends' Retreat, ifear Yotk,1begs l.eave to inform the Public, that he has purchased the House, lately occupied by Mr John Beale, at Gate-Helmsley, and has fitted it nip in a recp-ctable Matiner, for the Accomnodation of a Nu.nber of INSAN PERSONS, of hoth Sexes, to ,whose proper Care and Comfort, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Il1 1'111fi DAY IS PUBLit4IIliD') Bt, AtVCATALOGUE of ,a ATS(JEL[ANEOUJS en (XilCOLLIPIN of -BOOKS. Ancist lund' M1delfl, 'Il rt the varulis Departments of Licerature, whicht are Wbow rm ill SALE. At the i'rireetlxed. (fvr - fltnyY baoN;v.) n ByJOlisN IFIATON, RooksellerI, tatilnlor, &c. Lced,. cat:agloes to lie had at tile Place of Sale, uid of M ic.ors. ?? tild Co. L~ondon; aud may be seeu ...

Advertisements & Notices

... USICAL REPOSITORY, .79,-BRIGGATE.- , NV. SYKI&S -and SONS, impxeesed'with opailtude for pist. ,UV s beg ?? infor~il theirTiends, RAU'0 the Public, tbat they * ?? afielo- Coned'ORGA~N, 'in R beantiftil Olk'C(ase, with r tops S. iitt4)le formi simill Chapel. TWO. CH-AMBERt (W~NS,ti Palistod Mlahogasi Cas~s, with Foure~Stops each, SM&1LiL OR'GAN, -Iin peantditt olevvood Caic,.with Throee $to a5I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e r ]EDS AND LIVERPOOL CANAL AND r I S j~JDOUGAS NAVIGATION.-NOTICE Is hereby-givenl, 1 ht h neteneral Aseetnby of the Companty of Propri- eeturs of the above Navigation will be held at the Waterloo e Hotel, in Liveirllob In she County Palatine 6f Lancaster, a~n Friday, thd Sijxtoentth Dasy of September next, at Eleven l I OTIdek in the Forenoon, and will be then adourned for hla Despatch of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... )OCIETY FORL THE IRELIEF OF THE UN'- LS EMP'LOYED) POORI.- ArontlttM~f +ubseid8ptJoo llread y Atdvltvt ised, . ia, ana nowdbianihti d, Rs ?? ?? .IobiI Ulri3'dl, Esti. ?? Mr,. NinrMlott ?? : ?? 0 . n3f Ail Cl tritbutir to- the above l-atid, anti-the et cirhe .. th9 (!o(iiltttes fir ?? the lie llefix, ?? to . SIgrjl IecIniiqeatiisio l o ?? of flie. ?? be Clis i- ah lieyitlrinii tiion- uiiai't be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO runx A OBLEMEN, GENTLEMEN, and. CLER.T)1.TEN OF THE We& ?? of tile County of York. MY LoRI)S AND GJE:;TLEMES, pJNCOURIIGEI) bv flattering Promises oJ' Su,7eps't * ono. verg tnumeaes Friends, I take th Iibc lyrte of cc/li-'ring 7oysel! as a lancdidalte foi the Qffllce of RfEGISI't R nzot ctcurot by the Deatlh of Alit. ?? XAe\Twor.xre. I shall alweays piescre the most gratefit Remembrance of ...