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MISCELLANEOVS Api»reMtic*« Wauled. JOHN' WEBSTER, Veterinary Surgeon, u HF LDKnr.. near York, i* in Immediate ..

... UTH as an A;. Prentice. j ~~n Toilet* is hereby g.vctt. THAT the PARTNERSHIP heretofore „ U Ds.M,ng aod earned on between us : the under , ne d JOHN TEMPI. KM AN and WILLIAM TEMPLEMAN, of I.verikgham. in the County ol York a* Vocerioarv Surgeons. Farriers, and Fanner-, is this Day DISSOLVED by mutual consent. At witneai our ha:itis lhb> Tllirtieill day ol April. 1H42. ou JOHN TEMPLEMAN. ...

YORK, April •• IS4». j —^ria»— A Card. MB. P. R. ALL ANSON, (late Partner *■ with Mr. Tuke). Land

... Agent ar.d Surveyor. Jndfjej,' Court. Coneystreet. York. fork Lunatic* Aft} linn. IN pursuance of a Requisition, under the Bands of Five Governors of the York Lunatic Asylum, to mr directed, I do hereby call a 6PEUAL GENERAL CfWTRT OF THK GOVERNORS, to be held at the Asvi.i a as FRIIIAY, the 15th Day of April next, at ELEVEN •VSaat in the Foren ...

» naval education. /\ N AVAL OFFICER, resident in London, ti K\7'' d,i!,irouB ' liv 'B or Two YOUNG into

... his Family, to prepare them for the Iti * Service. Nt M-' Navi » Nautical Astronomy, the ti 11 Geography would pur.Mied. Instruc- ' *° be Drawing, Mapping, and Drawing, and Sketching from Nature. ' —-Sixty Guineas per annum —Washing not in**4o P a id, to A. M., No. 62, Charing Cross, * —'— '. of Blacksmith's Shop and Premises. MIDDLE-AGED MAN, with a Family, Pt»u Situation which he has ...

Published: Saturday 16 February 1839
Newspaper: Yorkshire Gazette
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 1319 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: allerthorpe lodge 

Advertisements & Notices

... -nI RED 1iON, HOTEL 0 Boarding-House, THORP.ARCH SPAW. OWHN FARRER begs Leave to tender his *. most sincere and grateful Acknowledgments for the distinguished Patronage with which Aut -has been honoured since he :entered the above Inn, and takes the Liberty of informing the Visitor, to Thorp Arch, thas-it rill be at all Tinies his Staidy to afford the best Aeconmmodation to every Gentleman ...

Advertisements & Notices

... %Msr L0ARILEB BA~iLEY, at ehe Hpouse of 3Sr.Tbwatltes thei itanI n, tbe Mavkct-iiace, Ripe, In the County o-. Yowk, -t N Iclda2. th btkeatth Dsy of resuae 18f9, betwes. oaitiot as shall be tbhen andtthbelr~evn i produ ced A LL the ESTATE, RIGHT, and INTEREST of PETER WRIGHT, late of Leeds, in the County ot or., Grocer, Ei Bankrupt, of and In the RESIDUARY ,ESTATE of the late Mr. John Rleddon, ...

I I | ,re Sjy_*aM^ -___^^I_D^ASSISTANT, t »*o_sHr. - mr «OL?!S* ,^ toC£l^ Tea D «- Lt, _ , '

... .JW n riT i*- 1 ?? f* >C^-Ebli ?? ? ?? l * > a p M Wssuof»rs«a^as« wsu^s __ mt te lnEbaP^^Ma. yby Uttsr, r. ■ . ?? || - ?? | .. m *mMMO*TG£GM yPWT A A AAA * SU Tsam{ 2_f iSL^ w m *& a -awn af yaars, 1f required ; afßw»swsr»^ ...


... AT THE COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS. The Public Dinner celebrate the opening the Leeds Commercial Buildings, took place yesterday evening, according to announcement, the large Dining Room over the News Boom, which we described in our notice of tbe opening the Buildings fortnight ago. —The Room was tastefully decorated with laurel and other evergreens, and variety of exotics and rare plants in pots, ...

16, 1848 Linen and Woollen Drapery Goods, BELLING OFF REDUCED PRICES, No. 18, PAVE.VENT, YORK. E. SOWRAY BEGS ..

... her Friends and the Public that she intends Declining tbe Linen and Woollen Drapery Business, carried on her late Husband, and begs to solicit an Inspection of the STOCK, the principal partof which has been selected within the last few Weeks, and consists principally of the following Articles, wbich will offered on the Lowest Terms :— 500 Yards Real Irish Linen,from lid. to 2s. 6d- per Yard. ...


... . LODGINGS, consisting of Dining and DraM s ' Six Lodging-Rooms, Use of Kitchen, &c. Yorkshire Gazette Office. £ at grassington. LET t0 be Entered to ot Lady Day next ca ned BARROWS, situate ir „ , Wlls hip of Grassington, near Skipton, con newly 250 Acres. apply to HENRY ROBINSON, Esq. York '°T '° Ml> JAMES ULMER Land 6s residence FULFORD HOUSE, NEAR YORK. TO BE LET, -C HOUSE, with Gardens, ...

[No Unpaid Letter* Uken in, except from known Carreipondent*.]

... shouts of Vire Rot The enthusiasm extended the tribunes and the passages of the Chamber, the strangers in which joined the cry of triumph.—A curious but not unprecedented circumstance occurred in this division. M. (one of tl e deputies'* had been, during four days, confined to his bed by a fever ; but had entreated a colleague to come for him when the Chamber should V-e about to vote on the ...


... TO THE EDITOR OF THE YORK HERALD* Sia. Our forefathers hate observed, that there ace cer- tain individuals who will learn wisdom only in the school of experience, notwithstanding the heavy price at wmrh her insertion must usually be purchased. But there are a few who refuse to become wise, even at this exper se, and in whom the severest and most well merited reprehension cannot create s, ...

Published: Saturday 29 December 1810
Newspaper: York Herald
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 812 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: allerthorpe lodge