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Morning Chronicle




London, England

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Morning Chronicle

Advertisements & Notices

... 7j- MNI CONVANY'S SIIIP.-The N %l I'11l 11110.:0 or it, Mr. Iu, Opjih Staullor, ?? , Ity 'rdv ?? till C-urt, I 'h l~ llt It 'i S 1)1P IET i1iliNGTO'. i , ?? De.1c 30, lJ48. ?? VI ll ?? sail friom I1did ititt1i0ii ?? bmilt shiip W Ni Ilol A t mande, PP011 CA ill Pill OIS a~t Inda- * II. 0 IN~l1 ?? to PIlTul. auo' I LE ati f I ?? NO pOF Pa tiII11ttllt, Jatittory 5, '1St').'CO paNY, l1ljlIa1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r TIREE I'PR C'ENT. IEO'.E DEIT of SPAIN. i -ih' C'i PiaNsI: 't hic 0; 1conie Iive onI tl 3 ' : t: , i'i ierev:! i ?? ?? I iaii:r olls 'A s' arc tint C.: ii i at ?? Ni.l. ?? e it tiD Spanish i11Ll- (:mC ..t.liii ?? , ?? -y_- r ?? c. 23, I 14S. ,.JANEIIS S ;TI 'AT' ;-I'OB1'RT HIOIUDIN :il; -it1;1 iAl~l' ?? Sl'iD;:';AIEN-F ,`I_ * i vrr'l 'in thie * I ; IY: d LI1 :: l!e 'M : L . :: Iill it:3v-.I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMtLSEMRNTS. NAPLES BY ?? OPE\'ED, at rho PANORAMA, Lelcester square, a VIEW of the CITY and BAY of NAPLES, by moonlight, during an eruption of Mount Vesuvius; combinieg also a splendid illastratien of the Planetary System ; together with Pairsillirpe, Cloleja, Capri, and the rorleus interesting features In which this earthly Paradise abounds. -The Views of Hong Kong and Itaden Haden, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RPHAN WORKING SCHOOL, City-rpad, e 0 for the Reoeptton of Children of Both Sexes, and of all De- nominatioss, from every Part o0 the Kingdom.-Inetituted in the rr eir 175S President'HENRY WAYHOUTH Esq. Tfeasurer- JoRN REMINGTON Hi4LLS, Esq. tt The Govereors of this Isstitution are respectfully informed that a GENERAL COURT will be hollen at the Hall of Commerce, Threadneedle-street, on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P AS? ElGERS 101: MA enthark ?? Mot1.iay, till) li;ni I'ltl Iias sje wilt saillat nioliottl Tuesday. kP, 0J antd CO., 04, Corsltill. STEAM\ to S-T. PETEHZSBjji> tund COPEN- ?? plendid and powecrful s ,te hipl VICTORIY, 550) tones, OdI horse pIower, A 1 t JLhovd't,;Iill.'ighly3 rellitited np Ivith new boiters, &e., WritItm Puennml, C0o111tnildtd. 03 lii'tid('tl -sail from llotigst1sde ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I I RILAYCONVEYANCE.-ShITP- T itN otl . tog, rustlelftiflly to inform tiiir frieriN itontd th ttli- ittlot 1)tote cotitittted ttrraugtetttrttts for the, DIt~LY 'ftN~teoN 49f ?? biltetlei L,(t't)O anti WOIICES- Tt-:tl ot nirtl t tu, ?? (if the .oitdott ;titt 131tttititgit~iai antid ?? titt Gtoriot~str ?? and tirust that their Vott&itieO-u I-tuatttottr On 1 tiiictatity iii ttte delivery vI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? rha ;I1):J~liillon i lt~i 1.tht is d Ailt iI H ,tit-r i'iict * Incka schic,s Nih' qwdlii Si riioit I, fd~I't~ .. ?? %lyU. hrnt i,tv nilct - c It tu ll it io 'l It lii , AVIe ir ' t l ml l i t. d uO il'. to(;I t l utae elt h i '(t, J litiii I'l- . iollici, atilt' the io umi c 'c l in t N'li.Ii tilal'.' 1Il iii I-fit, I'lli'oii . Il Iilt I cl 1 mIi. liri j- 'tl'i'lct il t ic n if t ul~itc l ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSERNTAIS. NAP'LE'3 BY MOONIIGHT.--JUST :OPENED, atithe PANORAMA, Leicester-square, a VIEW of the OITY and BAY of NAPLES, by moonlight, during an eruption of Mount Vesuiviug- c* oobinieg also a splendid illustration of the lanetary Sistetatogetheir ~witiph osil~ippobChliaja, Capri, and Itse vanouaintresingfeaure inwhih tis artly Paradise abounds. ?? Views of Hong Xong and Basden Baden ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QOUTII-EASTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. -NOTICE of CALL.-The Directors baving this day resolved to make a CALL of FOUR POUNDS per SHARE on every (£32) share in this aardertaking created onl thle 19th day of March, 1844, thle proprietors are hereby required to pay the name on or before Tauesady, the 5tir day of 4vugust next, to any oft tire untiar-rnea. fioned bankers,- Loardon-Meesrs. Olyn. Hialliflla ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AAUGIIAM'S PA TENTED CARRHARA .L J.W -li.nt aoesale agent, mr. ARCHIBALD DJN- 1.01', 73, Uipper Thatnoa-street, Loildon.- Mr. Dunlopoj bogs loeavc :0-l cti ully 1o acqitlatit the nubilitv, gietry, and tile Public io ce- thilt Ile lies obt~itoed thle appoitntment of sold sebolosete agent for ?? ?? thle anoose Poatetnt at-ralttd meter. tir. )iauguait 'lurilig t ?? c.3arse Of chem~ical iuveotatit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1HEEAST INDIATEACOMPANY.-Thesys. tern ofbuoinesspursoed by ?? long series of years has defied the competition of a host of ephemeral opponents, and at tile same time given universal satisfaction to the public. Teas were never known to be so excellent at their prices as at the present moment. Bags of Cibs eacsr may now be obtained, through the East India Tea Company, for 2'is., 21s., and even ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IDRURY-LANZ THEATIM Thzs Evening will bepreansTFIRIVG~orT li-t Hour. Theealsiceblely bsectd(a tM.T WAGEl% ellI qtsegs=lo, ke The Ovrnture 'P sthe *hotC velO and smu'vage by Mr. Jut oe. MusiclCOO Mr.M DOW100 I. Wtb itpe. 'A Dsteda, Mr. T. )Q*-DOUGIZOSID ikom a Ar. arli babav r 'I'seskui Amb s~tlin ;Mr StouoI I ituM 3 ahiS r COVaIeN's. Al, iN 'rf HEAT hua.-T I Eeni. wll e peeeoed.CL&l J ~Tb ...