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London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... !e ?? a t ~ j v X; t. t vi 0Z~i!, t'iii ay 1* piibllfhed, price x os. 6d. iii ene 1ague Yal. ifo. writh an engraved Chart of tht River Thames, TREATISE on the COMMERCE and PO- 1 l X I.TCE of the RIVER THAMES: containing an Hiftori- cal View of the 'rade of tie. Port of London; and fuggelting 1eans forpreventing the Deprcdations thcrcon, by a Legiflative Syftemof RIvEsi-Poica.I With an account ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A HORSE. T0 be SOLD, the Property of a Gentleman, a LBROWN GELDING, fifteen hands two inches high,aged feven years, warranted found in every ?? price Eighteen Guineas.-Goes well in harnefs for gig, curriclc, &c. Io be feen at the Livery Stables in King-fireet, St. 3ames's. AN IMPORTANT CAUTIO0N. H-TEN the efficacious properties of any medicine vV have fully eftablifficd its repute, and wihen ...


... SQUARE.- Now open a beautiful and interefting view of Ramfgate, taken from the Pier, near the Light-houfe, fhewinig a correct reprefentation of an embarkation of troops, both horfe and foot; likewife Deal, Dover Caftle, and a fleet at the Downs, with a kiltalnt vic':e of thc Coait of France; the whole appears as lergc tas relityi. Alfo contillnues bptLn, as ulual, Lord Nclfon'.; Vic1:oryat the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S AINS So0Uc7~ gC ?? ofteh Rt. Flon, the LORD CHIAMBERLAIN, OMORROW Evening!, Januar'Y 3, I801, will ileprefecnted, at SANS Sovci, Leicefter-place, Leieepler- Ciul, anl tnlter-ttinpient, entirecly new, Icalled 'The CAKE MtOUSE, List I.-Roe. )Dreg and his Villa-Song. 'Perpetual Youth _ C. Con~julgal tzte a tete.-Sotta. 'The Lot tery a Waedlock'. __Rec. A Trial of Pa~tieoice.-Son;. Anrna, Ann, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A WORD TO THE WISE, S a ferious Caution to all who, from the A s nature of their C omplaints, are ohligzd to have re- courfe to that dangerous preparation, Mercury. It is cer- tainly, if taken with difcretion, a maolt noble and effec- tal cure for every fpecies of Venereal Infedhion; but, on the other hand, there is not an article in the whole Ma- teria Medica fo replete with danger for, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Thit day is 'p-ba htd, price - s. Vol. It. Part Q. or No. 111. of I EPORT~S bf CASt.S alogued and determined . it, the HIGH COURT of ADMIRALTIY, commencing Wvith the Judgments of the Right Hon. Sir WILLIANM ScoTTrin Michhelniasl'erni, 1798. 'a By CHISToPHFR ROBINSON, L. ,. D. Advocate. m Printed by his Majelty's Lawy Printer, for J. Butterworth, Bookfeller, Fleet'ilreet. N. B. This Number ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BeftR NEWCASTLE COALS, ~79. per Clialdron. je b Prcsrietors of the NEWCAsTLE and AS EA COALU COMPANY molt refpedftfnlly inform the Nob~ility, GnridPublc, that they may fupplied with Cs;~ .i's of the dcli. qulality at thle sh!ove reduced price, nout- Wit~i~tdei~th gratadvance which (tl~l continues ontchat ne- cla-Article, having a la~rge Stock by them, which, in point cf Eke. they pledge ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'T-iHEAXrRE ROYYAL, COV 1iNj .GADEN R. COOKE -ifofi, refpefliblly begs leave to ac- J14tqizaint the Public, thait his Dent-i~t is fie for 'tieftlay tii'e a;th of January, 5855, on1 wvhich evening will be aslted (for the ?? at thlis ]'heatre2) a Play called IP rl SIRAiNGl:K. W-ill i FACEC cud other E~nterialninents, as w-ilI be exprcelfd in future bills. Tickets to re .ad of 1r- Cooke, No. 4, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lVAWNT PLACESt A S TEACHER in a Ladies School, or GovE:- a L NEs3s ii a Family, a Perfon who has been accuf- p tomed to both for Prone years palt, and can have an ec.ellent recommendation. Addrces (po* paid) to J. N. No. So, War- o ren-itrect, litzroy-Pquare. A S FOOTMAN in a finall Family, or to live with a A lingle Gentleman, in or out of lLivery, a young Mau of good charadter, 24 years of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AD pr-rac in Ltitdon of the PoLIHOY PA Nic. vi.S'FL iy, 3ust. moll; refpelfat ybeslev t nfr -iiipublic that be baa engged, for six Ngt ry h ?? capitJ P'erformer, whofealltrbfls~ng Vueb ?? b,,xcce the furprife and -admiratioofalrksn the Coetitient frcpm whlence hie is lately arrvd NINTH CHANGE of FNT.EANMEN' FOA l''-THEATRE, WtI.Cs.SrRc Kl *Gomftsfee~ rpYi-0 ndfY cfolwn EVENINL.GS, still Tbe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE or EXCHANGr of HOU1SE. TObe SOLD, or EXCHANGED- for a hand- i- ome Houl'o, &C; in or about Bedfortl-fquare, an elegant anid fafihionable firft-rote HOUSE, in a choice fituation near c Portman-Lqiprare, finjihed in the heft flilq, with four-flailed flu- ble, coach-1hoofe, 'C. at the ?? of Mr. Edwards, pai~nrter and glazier, Portland ilreet, ?? Poh'laad Chapel, May-le-bone. Al iGI H~r' o ...

WINDU L A1w. i J)sy

... is publifhed, Price -1.2s. c volrnies, Eve. with a copious Index, DI)zwl If HINDU LAW, on CON- ATRACTS and SUCCESSIONS; with a Commentary. ByJAGANNAT'HA TE'.RCAPANCHANNA, Tranflated from the Original Sanferit, By H. T. COLIEBROOI., Efq. Judge of Mitzapore, Relident at the Court of Berar, and Mein- ber of the Afiatic Society itnflituted at Bengal. This work comprifes the Codes of the wvifeft ...