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Daily News (London)




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Daily News (London)


... 9OcL~~RS'hA.O -o T T , q owl,..#t S dN ?? . ; . , I .. ?? A d . _ I . t~n Shfurdhy ftenoor it lareei do eoUlM of FirsOhs ?? at ut idotherplaed a30obg the rvgr to wituesi :asoull~rs'fitleh'fsocdhfiua h cen ked fbrwhd to.i thldfadug iworld WVITa , ar l lit Of VDtesiBm o1r sdtob weeks, ICO coom- ptittoX W W .SPa4-r. 1Of C j5 O Pa, 0O ob to a td6 of the' ath jhvehr o o ; ,N.tllnoNnt of tho hi ...


... 1'TN NrE:,G1x NOTES. AND) THE1 NOIITRtIflER.I LAND PLATE. go u2 EDITRo OF MM DLXLT MlMW. 'vDire Was the havoo played with thoso -b unters who aired thensolves on, the pileant 'f Stockbrldgo last woek VUp to thasflrish tbe ,10F pocted restalts were scorod against tbe marjo- Ol ?? made tho Eing fairly §hricli when ho Sdtbe PcllyP, peaallutiu 1l1ly a head ia front of W Dcath, to tle horror of the ...


... APOLO AI TURJIVUHGJM. I A very numerous and fathionatble company assembled on 8atuiday at 11urliihgAlm to witnless WbUt u1a1y, pt-rhaps, be teruied thil oustinivjortaiut l'olu Watch tiat has bcen pla)e- this sesOill. Ibhe weather was dlightldu, andt the numberot laties ptsetut uils Very larje. tha rielwss and varietv of theirtojicts turanudiug us StLonoy of As.ot. The ?? that tile l'riue and ...


... I TlE. UITVERS1TY BOAT RACE I With the arrival of the two crows yesterday at Putney the practice for tho Boat Baeo may be said to have enterod on its penultimato period, and for the next ten or twelve days that nmphi- bious preocinot will be besieged by visitors all agog for the latest doin g of tho rival Eights. The Cambridge men reached Putney shortly before twelve o'clock, having journeyed ...


... BOy.Al, MILITARY ACADENY STORT47. In tele presence of a large assemblage the cadets at thle R ill military Acatdvemy Wouowicil, Cl;gCed in their aInnliUmI ?? 8ports p testerda. ?? euclisuro before the Acateoy b,.tbeell e r l'tly enlarged siace last year, and thelo wvas ?? apace Itihe various events, With eiaplo accomimodation for the nce uLi)re, 1 i pootivu ot wlhoi occupiot a couvenieut stand ...


... YORKSHIRE RFLE ASSOCIATION PRIZE MEETING.I Thet contests in connexion -with the first prize ?? of the above association temlinated on Saturday mornring. After the despatch of our parcel on Friday evening, however, two of the most important contests of toe mieeting Nvere decided. The fiest of these was a prize of 50f. given by Captaiin W. Morrison, of Settle North Craven, for volley firing ; ...


... SPQOTING ItM TULAYOZ ?? , . . I 1 BEDFORD RAO.ZWXgX10v. Taa SrsMTTo0.PABKlrrA 0f SO g llh by Ithe Lord.Lbeutenant of thanocanty, added to * ieeapa of _e 5 ova. ocb, f ir 3yr olds and upwards; earies and geldings r allowed Slb; winners extra. Tbsa winner to be seold for 160 e sons. it demanded. To start opposite the Stand, and So once round. Mr. W &d's Calbihan, by Kingston, s y, lot i2 (ino. ...


... I SPORTING INTOLLIGBNOE. EPSOM SPRING MEETING. day The weather had undergone a delightful change sines z ryesterday, the air on the Downs being that of real balmy era; spAng, and the sports commencing in bright aunahine, the %ally effect was a great snoresse in the attendance, the road being it is well patronised, whilatthe crowds from the railway station reminded the spectators in some degree ...


... ( SPORTINGTN NT. FxIL1IGWI(C. I WEIGHTS FOR THE OkSAREWIT H AND CAMBRLDGESHIRE 8 TAKES NEWMARKET SBCOND OCTOBER MEETING. TMUDAT. 007035 U1. - T58j C~zswon= &Aimsx, a free handieep of 25sovsw esub, 15 ft, with 200 added by the Jookey Club, for 3.yr' olda and upwrds. Cesarewitob Course. (214 entries.) Acceptances to be uignified on or before Sept~ 13, at noon. Asteroid ~~~Age atilb Age at ib ...


... II- , O~. r, . ljmz' . -. I Oskl nramlthaahsea mmd ; traction PthwIabodhssacr. b .EW|q on ~lowas. b5eetoe mulaui ?? M. . Eij z an v * ten 4to b T e a t Imr w ernoM soohe, ots. ,ab1~be ?? ,iy epee otmwll ef 800m, tnucW lse thn on the Der day. but t *br no t 2iXoan . sou a to al losad lb* ?? sadu ap 07400ioahevilyl . i no dU h o-n a that s f wet 4'4-1lidtht endymevat o t l red. ioud thofughout ...

Sporting intelligence

... I *hpartil Intelligence. NEWMAR&KHT CRAVEN MEETXINGj-MonIAy. THE CRAVEN STAKES Of 10 sore each, with so added, &V.y olde, Oat 101b; four, Sat Sib; fire end Upwads, Out 21b; w whinner to be sold for 500L, If demanded, Ac. or to carry 7nt extra; horses to be sold for 1001. allowed VIi. LAF. (Iai 2 furlongs 18 Fyftli) A HAHPICAP BLAT11 of 60 sors., for 3-yr-olds and upw&sU T.Y.C. (6 furlongs 140 ...


... I ,.r 1TBLLI*(j~l 'WItr 1 F;, fix~ I A~kflCiP&*I0 OF TRURSDAxli I AT YOWL - 2. . ~Ui,-be .p~ddeing t York ?? firs days have WIf it 11ey eAsY too foretel gifit Wkm.. eiowast e -t sk An rm. X_.M N a Fit bluahj Chiliesa MaglciAn, Plsg. Jib,6 an Eqemnwal¶ goodj hones), so very cleverly ~for hii ?? hth Wo-ks certain to win the Colt Sapoling Stakes, anilmay pus. aftl be al0wei towalk ovr.& Those a ...