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... There is no certain intelligence of any settle- mient having been arrived at which will secure a peace with Persia ; but the hopes, and even convictions, that this will be accomplished are becoming stronger every day. Yet, so long as the matter remains unarranged, there is room for doubt concerning it; and this is, of itself, sufficient cause for commercial i and other opera. tions dependent ...


... Guardian Office, Saturday, 2 p.m. NEWCASTLE CORN MARKET— Saturday. The, weather this week has been more seasonable with frequent frosts and a higher temperature. The trade during the week has been very inanimate, with little disposition to do business; this coupled with the dull accounts fromjthe large consuming markets, has caused buyers to refrain from purchasing as much as possible, and the ...


... These assizes, which lasted for several days, and did not terminate till Monday, even then Win- a prisoner untried, were taken up with, for the mos part, comparatively u ...


... NEWOASTUE, MiAcu 13. The fact of a peace having been concluded with Persia has been fully authenticated. There has not been any official statement of the terms of the treaty; but the probability is that the subjoined, vwhich the IndependtIance Belye pub- lishes from its Paris correspondent. will be found to be substantially correct:- I. The whole of the rersi.n tttri14rrv whieh is or may le ...


... The Rev. J. S. Jacson, Meldon, has presented to the members the Wansbeck Cricket Club a set of stumps and a cricket bat. A DECeiTFUL Doctor.—ln certain town of Northumberland, a medical gentleman recently hired four lads to pull his cherries. They were to have so much for the job, no pickings or stealings. The cherries pulled, the youngsters presented themselves for their pay, and, in reply ...

Aft WAN'ILD. Ajipiy to J. R. Walker, Druggist, Shields. 11l AN'ILD, good Treble r in North Shields. Address T. J

... Gazette Office. this a Black and Tar COCKER DOG. Four Months Old. Any party bringing it to Cffice. will receive Keward. q HIS IS '] i-. E ICE that I, C. E.CRANE, JL will I'.rr b auswtrable for ai.y Debts that MARY CRAJsE may toi. tract atttr this Notice. .All Debts already contracted to be sent in forthwith. Bills paid. trreet. orth Shields. 21st J «ly, 1857. CHAPEL. SHIELDS. REV. ROBT. HALLEY ...


... THE DURHAM COUNTY ADVERTISER, FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1857. I nckkahi THB Clergy.—On Sunday last, there were j admitted into the ministry the Church England, by I ordination. additional clergymen whom 114 were ■ from Oxford ; 100 from Cambridge; 21 fn>m King's Col| lege, London ; 15 from St. Bees, Ihvinity Colkge, Cumberland ; 11 from the University of Durham; 10 from Trinity College. Dublin ; 10 ...


... NEW4A-TLE, MARCH 6. X parliamentary general election is at hand, andat theutmost will take place in the course of a few weeks. This appeal to the constituency of the 'United Kingdom is owing to a division in the House of Commons on Tuesday night, on Mr Cobden's motion condemnatory of the China war, which left the government in a minority of 16. The voting was after three nights' debate-Friday, ...

House, will see consonancy between the Novelist ami the Senator sutlieient to account for his success both ways ..

... Mr \ckehay. ami take leave of him that is, politienllv. isall the InTter for his political failure is Oxford. She has her legitimate representative. returns to his legitimate v»»eation. I return,” he said, the close the poll, “to di sk, and leave to Mr a business which 1 am sure he understands belter than I do.” This almost the one morsel sound truth and reason in his whole oratory: and, ...

??? ??? ??? -iritt tne The )n the Grand Jury : man), William Wright, Esq., Adolphus P. Ham, Esq., Thomas

... Gray, tichard Hoyle, Esq , Geo. , Esq., John Todd Heppel, Joseph Heald, Esq, John mes Montagu Lange, Esq , - eter Hansen, Esq. having read her Majesty's projt t immorality, and prufaneuess, 4PTON proceeded to address the Grand «c was unable to meet them on Monday he had expected, in order go into .uar, which for the town was large,—he under a, larger than usual. would not, however, upon it, ...


... The opening of a new parliamentary session will take place on Tuesday next, but not by her Majesty in person, who will authorize the royal speech to be read by commission. There is a considerable amount of work already cut out for the legislature to perform during the sittings of the present year, in nearly every department of the state. Law reforms are spoken of as certain of accomplishment, ...