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Advertisements & Notices

... SPRING FASHIONS. [lESSRS RICHARDSON & QOXiN beg to announce, that they are now fully prepared J ii all departments, with a choice selection of GOODS for the SPRING and SUMMAER TRADE, and respectfully solicit the inspection of purchasers. 4 IMPORTERS OF FOREION SILKS AND SHAWLS, THIE CIIOLERAI! Prevented by the destruction of all noxious effluvia. C E IEWS'S DISINFELTING FLUID. Rrrcomeend t ed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO 1B DISPOSED OF, With immediabt poeu2on, r HE STOCK and FIXTUIWS of a CONFE(TION- ER, &c., in premises situated in ene of the princi- a 1thoroullifares in tbe tow Incoming;85. I Apply at 26,Brortbcumber7L d Street, Newcastle. [25t TO IR0NONGII, TO BE DISPOSED OF, N IRONMONGERY BUSINSa h onyo N Durbg. established an on B3SO, a bout eresnt dons an excellent ?? toY enters apply to Hall Bi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HOW I WAS CURED OF GRUMBLING. T'LL teU you the Seoret.-WILLI&U STEWART, the TH& DEAzvm, told me be could supply the Finest Tea J. in the world, if I would give the ;rioe. I boueht the beat, and I have never grnumbled since. My Wife ecommends everybody to 33, GRAINGER STREET. OVERCOATS, ENDLESS VARIETY. THBE TTALMA, a WARM, DURABLE, and GENTLEMANLY COAT, POP. GENTLEMEN, from 218 to 65a. I BOYS, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO LET, ltMMEDIATELY, Most convenient HOUSE, and in excellent Order, A situated No. 8, Oxford Street. Indi Apply at NO. 24,: or to T. It. Trotter, Three Ida Xing, Court, Quayside. TO ?? AT MAY NExT, o r IHE Elegant Ilid spacius HOUSE, en the West Side of 1,05zes Terra:e, ?? for SOSvCt Years 1sust by H1. Patteroon, Esq. 'Ilis I-boose may be seen ?? Tuesday or TIhursda%, frm1 to 4 o'Clock. Apply ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE SECRET DISCOVPRED. OW to get and where to get real good TEA often perplexed -me, until one day I was attracted by the 1 I busy throng into WILLIAM STEWARrS Tea Shop. 33, Grainger-street, and how I know all about it. WONDERFUL BAtRGAINS a ?? & co., WOOLLEN DRAPERS, HATTIRS, and BLANKEiT MEROHANTS, No. 37, RIN c Trtiderabt, NEWo theirASTLE-ON-TYNE, ofat resvetfully call the attention of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SIX AND FOUR ARE TEN, AND HOW TO PROVE IT. OW is it that you are able to reduce your Teas 4d. per lb. ? when they have advanced 6d. per lb., ia a ques. .1_4 tion often asked. We answer, some months ago, when Teas were at unprecedentedly Low Prices, caused Y Me excess of importations, we then judged it advisable tomake our purohaces. This fortunate speculation has nabled us to supply our ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LET US UNDERSTAN4D BACH OTHER. W E request our correspondents to be particular in the Names of the Carriers, the Price of the Articles, and v j the Sise of the Packages. We can forward any quantitv of our TEAS in parcels. Original packages awe in boxes 161bs to 20.b3, and half-oheats o40bs, and ohests 801Sa each. We recommend the cash to be Mo warded by post-oifice order or blank check; or, if ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO TIE SHARPHOIDERS OF THE NEWCASTLE ON TYNE AND CARLISLE RAILWAY. a iWY LORDS, LADIES, AND GENTLEMEN,_ IDOL The death of Mr Adameon, your late Secretary, baving caused a vacancy in that officee, I beg to offer my)- self as his successor. I was in the service of the company for more than 20 years, during which period I frequently, in addition to my other duties, performed all those belonging ...


... OTLAND Tue Duke or as Rector or Guas- cow University.—The installation of the Duke of Argyll took place on the 29th ult. The Duke delivered his inaugural address. The greater portion of his speech was taken up with the subjects of academic interest, and par- ticularly with the new echeme for regulating the patronage of the East India civil vervice. Some allusions, how- ever, were made to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM COUNTIES' PERMANENT BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. Shares, 100; Half Shares, 60; Quarter Shares, 26. Monthly Subseriptions-Shares, l0Y.; Half Shares, S. ; Quarter Shares, 2s. 6d. DHIS Society meets the first Tuesday of every Month, T at eight o'clock rot., at the Blath Hotel, Scotswood Road, Newcastle, and Members are admitted at all times without payment of bark ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J. AND J. COLMAN'S SATIN GLAZE STARCH. 01~Y1N - t (';nixCs DOES NOT REQUIRE BOILING). No. 1 WHEAT STARCH, No. 1 RICE STACWH 1 MAY UE OBTAINED OF ALL RESPECTABLE GROCERS AND DRUG- i GISTS, IN THIE KINGDOM. S PECIMENS of these Starebes being sent to the Great Exhibition in 1851, were ?? Medal for their very superior quality, and received the following commendation:- A third series of samnplcs ...