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Advertisements & Notices

... WILL TEAS BE DEARER Coo at these figures and judge. In the season 1867 and 1858, 140 vessels arrived in England, with 75,738,800 )be of Tea. In the season 1858 and 1859, 106 vessels arrived, with 56,987,000 lbB. showlng S tecrease of 18,751,800 lbs. In July of this year we bad only eight or nine months consump7sin. in the same mou~th, the clearances for consumption exceeded the mouth of July ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A1CLrY F ENDOWMENT, LIFE ASSUR- 11jEI ANCpND ANNUITY SOCIELTY, JL 12 Chatham Plac9, Blaokfriar8, London. 12 ' CAPITAL, £500,000. Di}ECTORS. william B,,tterworth Bayley, Esq., Chairman. John Fuller, Esq., Douty C airman. b rt Bruce Chichester, 'sq Illiot Macnaglhteu, Esq. 3 B IlenderIon. Esq. Major Turner. Y 11 IatOuche. Esq. Joshua Wal her, Esq. E drard Lee, Esq. I Major Willock, K,L.S. ...


... Office, Saturday, p.m. FRENCH PROFESSIONS OF PEACE. The Times of to-day (Saturday) says the Emperor Napoleon has followed his words the Moniteur by acts tending to reassure his neighbours. They relieve us of all disquietude of an immediate character, and give us assurance that the peace of the world is not at present to be disturbed. The Times believes the assurance which put forth, and ...


... LONDON SPIRIT MARKET. Jaw. 20 Since our last there bas been only a moderate demand for are an Rum, the ‘The Brandy market inactive, yet we have no +! Geneve aud corn spirits without alt amy in the quotations. md. a 4 East India, proof WO nn nnn gal. 3 ae 33 10 te 20 over proof. 34 a. Demerara ..----30 to 34 35 to 40 ditto Jamaica to 29 2 to 36 ditte 32 0 36 82 to 40 Shipped Shipped by | Vinyd. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE DISPOSED OF, SMALL PAW1NBRORING BUSINESS. Apply A at the offlce of tbis paper. [28 TO DRsUGG~IhTS 0 BE DISPOSED OF, a RETAIL DRUO BUSI- NBES, doing a good trade, and might be greatly rDoreased. The present proprietor is compelled to de. line ?? in consequence of ill-health. A small capital only is required. Apply at Ihis Office. TO BE DISPOSED OF BUTCHER'S SHOP and BIISIN.ESS, in a'popu. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO? BE SOLD BY tA.UCTION;, On Thur;daytthe 16th Day of September, 1847, at Six ?? in the Evening, rt S r B'owv's, Turf Hotel Colling-wood Street, Newcastle-upon -Tyne, BY Mlt BROUGI, THE following substantial DWELLING X HOUSES, situate in Lovaine Row. Lot 1, A FREEHOLD DWELL1N(G HOUSE, be- ing Nio. 2, in Lovaine Row, Newcastle upon Tyne, con- tainiug Diuing Room, Parlour, 2 Kitchens and Pantry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FURS. IHE Season for this A rtisle of Costume is now at Hand, and we have during the Summer, * z . energetically prepared to open our EXHIBITION OF FURS with a rich and aplendid Acso'mrt, t Pices lower thnthose of our Crinpetitors in this District, They are all manufactured af ihis Season's Skins, of the choicest Seections end consist of the newest Shapes. In hor, tis epatmetunder theo able ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE OF VALUABLE FARMING STOCK, &C. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At Berwicl; Hill Low House, in the parish of pontelandX 1'borth umberland, on Monday, May 2nd, 1853, By RALPH BRlOIW.IN, Aucotioneer, LL, tho valuable FAR1,.GSOK n o-a A 0HUSBANDRY, Upon tie said farm, the property of the Hon. Gilbert Stapletoo hc h following is a catalogueah in prime CCU- Hoisnss.3 poworful draught horses,inpmeo- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEBN THOUSAND A YEAIL 361494 LBS. of TlEA 'bave-been sold in our Establisbmn~mt diving the last~ few mont~ho,-chowinig On 36424 ~increase of upwards -of 10,000 a year, or 16,316 lbs. in Two 'Years. -~Wo Fay,-tliunks to the peopl forthisunprcedeted neees~ ad have determined that the sales of 1569 shall exoteeed xthbosaecoffo1u8588a bey other10,00 lb. To ccomlishthietask, we have reduced our ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T a RPNERAL MEE IIN`1 of the INHABITANTS Aof the BOitiJuGLI ot N EWOASTLE ouT YNE, held at the (;uildhrall, on Monday, the 9th day of October, 1864riih Right Worshipful the MsIAYOR1in the chair. On TI e ul,tion of JO1N F. B. BLAcyETrr, Eoq., M.P., Ferondeu by (GElnGE FTBNWICK, Esq. That a Subsoriptiont b- .,peued for tbe Itelief of the Suff sers b) the late Fire, tcid generally for alleviatilg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MOINTYRE & ARTHUR -DESPECTFULLY inform Merchant Tailori and the Public generally, that they bave reneived their 2:E8vWINTER STOCK OF ISEAVERS, WITNEYS. MELTONS, PILOTSKERSEYS, TWEEDS, DOESKINS, MOLESKINS, CORDS, &o., &o., .- Alao, a large Stoek of WITNEY OLO rR and BATH BL&NKETS. Having been pereonally eleoted by Mr Arthur in the various markets, we have every confidenoe in recom- mending them ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET, And entered om at May-Jay next, COW CLOSE! FARM, near Easingt.^,n, in the J County of Durham, at lpresent oc' flied by Wil- liam Allison, as Tenant, containing 8i Acres or there- 0boute. For firthar Particulars appl.y to Mr Ralph Matthew Ferry, Eaingtorn. 26th November, 1846. TO BE LET,' And entered to on the 12th of lay, 1847. BRIN KHEUGEI FARM, in the Parish of D Brinkbura. ...