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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At his Lordfhip's houfe, in Glouceffer Place, Lon- don, Lady Cathcart, of a daughter. The z4th ult.. in Henrietta-ftreet, Cavendifl-fquare, London, Lady Elizabeth Loftus, of a fon. Same ?? Beckenhamn, Kent, the Lady of Henry Jackfon, Efq. of a fon and heir. MARRIED. The ioth -lt. at Totnefs, Devonfhlire, Baidwin Ful- ford, Efq. of Great Fulford, Devon, to Mifs Adams, eldeft daughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... hiadich~7and friend tario'wa -- ?? w4O be ws, Wirn Selfialkie a tO heppjrd a fwinlho ?? kilf ?? . 'ileiJthtee bafti cogufia -edrach, _adi-n00ps 1 l0r lo |QD -i lznd I w. T0bIf Igaj~ M edni atBrid,: at ere4a ?? o,&.ce4 Pthe C ?? ALA lM cl , a ion d cmitno R.ff' 3hee -tullo . - otrlya ftd b nwotW y;iStrM at hkiia his now eight ee nnths I e I Wa tan~ieljv 1. titei dlcpeffihr'y-t'joee e ru i ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IC ?? e BIRTHS. D, i The 4th inft. the Lady of the Rev. 3. Serjeantfon, D' of Kirby Knowle, Lancaifhire, of a daughter. _ Sr ) The rsth hift. at his houfe, in Conduit-ftreet, Han- 'Lf over-fquare, the Lady of Charles Saladin, Efq. of a 'T daughter. . G te_ Me. e ff*h inlE. at St. Mlary- :Bone Church, Capt. H ffl Robert Larnbert, of the Royal Navy, to Mifs Pigou, .X daughtei of Fderick Pigou ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... *r Y'-d U'Udilup, 5gL; re-b1 - - 5 n On ,; wtefsspjxcer, ofd a, It , The &fmeday, at his feat, -at seamewiL- E ithe mtounvt of SnfIolk.the LadjchR7 M wr kEfq. of a daighter. . -- .,At H.4ghbigry.Grove, the Lady o J. *I Efq. of. a dawughter. r - ,. ~ MARIE.S:- ?? Y On. Monday fe'mlight; at-D um as d Erq. Writer to the Signet, ?? iz 2 ta lh, d youngefi danglhter of the late Da6 i M b d of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At i oira Uqhei tubfu tY i l ~ e ?? ?? ?? C; r ?? '!The Dtowh r. sr trant, ft .ftheaAinwaz= Rf-. Thjohft Wu ltheN Wort & . t- . ' y c s5r~ . - ~ 94 ' -t S. = 6i fP- Tonkiu,'Efj. ofP} ymo*ig -.t, ?? Wxdtzuay WIgeC4& ge,:f,,g ?? Gr~aham.y wp~ riL 7. 1t U6h P.-Mdnckt ah The 3juatU aath, SirJ ith,of Sydl1g. Se Ke}Xnt.' -w ?? 6%rt ! ,e Li&A Mr. &aderbnan OA ofnbheJ 4y Qf-RPq3q I 'T y ?? Cerk' ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... t * - ?? : -00 - -^ ; folk,- the Lady of St.-AndrewSt. john.r-., At his Lofdfl fuii'trest Cumberh,. fircet, ?? cJ~n.> ?? of Mans. ' field, of a daughtet''- -Irn Charles-ftreet4u fqiare, London, the rc.- Hon.Mr. C. Bradlthaw, of a daughter i - ?? ft his ft ii Lallre, the Ladg I keth-, Bait. of adaughite - - . .t bis. at thjet rf, Xbr ?? ziw 4 lady ?? S le~ aXK ,y ?? a irn . . is. is )i ; I . ...

J The 4th inft.ora L

... es; e J Right ~Hoii I~d sonade-111 &a |16u; ftibieIfi) A irt olk'a 1 yi dauglhter-. ,> ?? MThe 6tlrint. at hiisihuir ?? SpSng ?? the Lady.ofITlidm~sRW Bi . l~fq. Clerk of ?? Rd stjj ,i {hbire, -ofo a fan, being: her twelfth ?? t1 .;i ..lE-,90 ik I'ti'e at'i Milibr 'newarJ Souvh t:d it B~i4Bart.o Motheo dH~tmtsi. to t~ eld, j .a.qai~ghefer'.o~f$.i ~Z e Bart , d ; ,d- Late ~ .pr S -apePt. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MAt adras, J ames Taylor,.Eif-q cre to the Board of Trade to Mifa W;liidme..Ac ttte place, J.A. Callamer, to Mifa H. Fet ~ v octhe Late, DM. Fergufor HLeylF ?? LeyAd Voqlunteerl, Lieutenant in the Royai LeYl-nd 'Volunteers, Jackfon.-Mr. George- Kul, Ship-Daild ?? I ?? Jane Stamp, only daughtarof Mr. 7IIhes S i` of Waiker PlaCe, North Shielda, Ship-Ovner. AtSbL fied, Mr.,Deakin, partner in th, ...

Clare BIRTHS. At Ayr

... on the 1st inst. Mrs. Cathcart, of Genoch, of a son. Lately, at Abberford, the Countess of Errol, of a daughter. On Saturday se'nnight, at Trereife House, in Corn- wall the Lady of the Rev. Mr. Le Griee, of a son. On Friday se'nnight, at Liverpool, the Lady of Thomas Matthews, Esq. of a son. MARRIED. Lately, Sir William Bagenal Berdett, Bart. to Miss Maria Reynett, of Great Prescot-street. On ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MJARk, IO At Limnerick, Lieu~teniant M'Kenzie, rf t he Diajdem, of 64 gUnS, to Mifs 5idley,' daughter of R. ?? Kilrullh.-James Campbell, Efiq. of Wasrnfonr Court, to Mifs Elizal Roberts, youngeftc daughter of T.- R~berts, Efq. of Ch~rter Houfe Squar'e,-William Henry 'Pattiffan, Efii. of Withann, Ef^fex, to. Mifs Hannah Thrownvitte, of ?? Stanlyford Blancklev, -Efqj. hhs Majcliys Con~f ~f;or ...