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West Midlands, England

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... THE WAR AND HOTEL PROFITS. The directors of the New Grand Hotel, Birninghans, at the annual meeting of shareholders, held at the hotel, Colmore Row, yesterday, reported for the year ended June 33 a net profit of £8,310, to which had to be added the balance brought for-ward from the previous vear s account, and a, sum of £5,00C contri- buted by the vendors in accordance with the agree- rnent ...

Published: Thursday 20 September 1900
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1645 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Commerce 


... PUBLIC COINIPANrES. BEnoWN, HOrWOOD, & GILBnET.-The annual meet- ing of this company was held at the Grand Hotel Birmingham, yesterday. Mr. T. Brown (chairmani presided and the other directors, Messrs. R. Craig and J. W. Gilbert, were present. The report showed a profit of £7,721 and recommended the payment of a dividend of 5% (less tax) for the half-year on the preference shares, and of 7O% ...

Published: Tuesday 18 September 1900
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1562 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Commerce 


... I , , .I - - M K NEW YORK :STOCK BICHANGE. [Faow OUR CORREZPOIIUHrL el NEW -Yoae, Marcha 15.-Trading at the. Stock, Ex- achange has to-day been more active, hot sery unevenly aS distributed, and railroads especially have been generally Iquieter. The total sales amount to abo~ut;401,000 shares. o The market openedt with a weak undertone at loe -pie.London opjerat.ed to a small extent both a a. ...

Published: Friday 16 March 1900
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2557 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Commerce 


... LLOYD'S SnTpp;N THE MAILS. from Caictta ?? {;o ends f from for Bonabav, arrived. .Re rom t:et Ar.eoa lBa, March 1.-The Fort Sa i fat Londons arrived. LS a ASC SioN, March 14.-The Basuto, fo' T Q' left. r lais ar BA<mORE, March 14-The Bulgaia, from and the Hanover. from Bremnen, arrived 6b`r? BA3RIADOS,, March 14.-Thu Siban, fr, L, arrired. uOC BoxmE.vT, March 15.-The Sbannon, for Sout and ...

Published: Friday 16 March 1900
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 622 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Commerce 


... YE T Y 0RK S T0 CK EX CHAIN GE. Ne-w YORE, July 10.-Businiess at the Stock Ex- change, to-day, has boon confined to moderate dimen-1 siona, the total transactions representing about 303,000 shares; Atc-hison Preferred, the Pacific Roads, Gram- gore, and Louisville being active among the railway. list, and Sugar in the industrial section. The opening of the session was firm, with an upward3 ...

Published: Wednesday 11 July 1900
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2693 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Commerce 


... ILOYD6 Si:rpp_ THE e ADELAIrn., June I. *-The Xarragar f - 9 ILondon, left. fror t d BARBADrOES June 3.-Tbted - ,i n fleOwneVLm, June F-The mlconis, 'I Liovtrpool, and; the Waeland. fr a' 0s'(t L .1C'> . 3;le;.-Tlhe N'ol 47o frknam roinW O arrived.o- june 5:--The Wormn, fran- Stnhri 5 The musici - ' ?? 0 COLOYO, -Uno. 5. - ?? .Atno tc e Sydney for M tareille i ?? c f o Bombay, ti- ?? e Oc n ...

Published: Wednesday 06 June 1900
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1144 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... - - LLOYD'S SHIPPING NEWS, ADL', NOV. 19.-The P6ensular, fromr Lc for Bombas. !Bi3x~7sS, NSov. 18-Tlte Mledway, from S, Ito,arrmved. The Atrato. for Plynmouth, t &lej ;BosTox, Nov. 19.-The CaLa'onia, froam Li, and the Boman. from Liverpool, arri% ed. The Bv- from Liverpool arrived. j C.QirrA, Nov. 17.-Tbh UFmzinto left fo; a., Nor. 19: The Gaekwar, for Dundee, left. Th;e ~ for'Loodon, left. ...

Published: Wednesday 20 November 1895
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 321 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... In the Queen's Bench Division, ona Saturday, the case of the Birmingham Canal Navigation cx Russell and Co. lame before the Lord Chief Justice, sitting without a jury. The defendants were Messrs. James Russell and Sons, of the Crown Tube Works, Wednesbury, and the action was brought to recover tolls for coal carried over the canal system for the use of the defendants. Ihe defendants denied ...

Published: Monday 02 December 1895
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1058 | Page: Page 11 | Tags: Commerce 


... - SHIP AND MAIL ?? .se -- - M-a- - Ir cw S AurI, Dee. 26.-The & t, frot ?? Clatleuittarthveletta, from, Syduey for Ln Ofl and the s Bosioxs, D~ee. 26.-The Cambroman iad tb ' castrian, irom Liverpool, and the C? e La London, arrived. ga 5 IC.&PE-Covvx, Dec. 215--The Norham Ca-tl, 5 month, with malls, loft. r Cs le, |CoyoDBfo, Dec. 25.-The B3vern,for Australearivf. The Ophir. from Australa ...

Published: Friday 27 December 1895
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 318 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Commerce 


... -NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. [F~aci Our. Coaansrosurrrfl IT has been large. and well distributed between Isidustrials and Railwsay shlares, the total tsansactions amounting t aunat 746,000'shares.- The session opened weak and lower tinder copious al liquidations by the public. the sqling by hearts being a, mio aco.The chief influences in thre morning wr the satie of the steel and iron trade, to ...

Published: Tuesday 24 April 1900
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3638 | Page: Page 10 | Tags: Commerce 


... IMLAIND TRAMES' FEDERATION t HE SINNUAL CONEraiaE. The fourteenth annual conference of the Midland Counties Trades' Federation was opened yesterday at the Town Hall, WBednesbury, and will be continued to-day. Mr,-W. Milierobip presided, Mr. T. Homer was the vice-chairman, and there were eighty-mize representativ& present from forty-five societies. Cn'Gasss Or run FAC roty BrLt. The Chaizrnn, ...

Published: Tuesday 03 July 1900
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2001 | Page: Page 9 | Tags: Commerce 


... BA.NKRUPTCY PROCEEDINGS. Be James Higgs, builder, Worcester.-The first meet- ing of creditors of James Eiggs, builder, of Barbourns Road, Worcester; was held yesterday at the offices of the Official. ReceLver, Worcester; Mir. F. Cox (assistant official receiver) presiding. Mr. T. Coorbs represented the petitioning creditors, and IMr. It. Burrow the debtor, who returned his gross liabilities at ...

Published: Tuesday 28 August 1900
Newspaper: Birmingham Daily Post
County: Warwickshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 920 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: Commerce