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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser




Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser


... NEW POOR-LAW-PUBLIC MEET- , ING AT BURY.. A public meeting was held in Bniy, on Monday last, for the purpose of agreeing to apetition to both Houses of Parliament, preying for the repeal of the Poor Law Amendment Act. Mr. D. BENT'rEY, being called to the chair, briefly stated the objects of the meeting and recommended order. Mr. BinD, in rising to move the first resolution, said that they were ...

[ill] NEW YEAR

... )RTHERN STAR. DAY, JANUARY 6, 1838i ,H], NEXV YEAR. With as much cheerfulness as any of our contempo-' raries, and with more reason to be cheerful than most of them, we, offer the congratulations of the Season to our friends. The NotAherrn Star made its first appearance, in,. the political horizon, amid the howlings of the wintry blast, and, in no preceding instance, has the sun of popular ...


... I VTHLE LAST. OFJaIfiS RACE. Ina oir seventh page will be found a brief Memoir of thaincomparable Patriot ANDuEw MAUVELL; the brightest star in the galaxy of British Patriots and Statesmen. Intending to give a splendid;. Por- trait of this great mant with our next number, we give this preliminary information respecting him; for the benefit of 'such of our readers as poverty' may have hindered ...


... AR-THU e.CONNOR4 IARTHUR O'ONNOR. : Thie oaminatiot' f eAIrthur' O'CWa29 or, Weore t/h C Secret, (bmnittee of the Hotese f Lords, August t Mte 9th, 1798.,- 'COsIsu E.-'rere you the Executveof the 1 O'ConNNoa.-I as' a dleinbei of 'the Exe'cutive b from the time Fbecame 'a Member of'the Unioh. Coiz.-When dia'the cemnnihication between d the UnioniAnd'Fraucebegii- - O'Cd-rtone-You 1 suppose, iaev ...


... , The Editors oor ' ?? Star wish to be :distinctly underotood that in affording a vehicle for the riscusion, of graM Publitc Queptiors, .they are not to be ilentifled with the SentimentA1 or the Language qf their szveral Corriespondents.. SABBATH SCHOOLS. TO THE PUBLIC OF HULL AND ITS 'VICINITY. Of all the charitable institutions in this country, none hras conduced 'more, probably no other ...


... The position which Mr. O'CONNELL has taken upon the question' of Irish Poor Laws, relieves us from much embarassment as commentators. He formerly appeared as an enemy to the introduction of a Poor Law Bill, upon a kind of principle, that vice Would follow that: idleness which, he says, springs from a system of national relief. In his present position, however, he appears as an advocate of the ...


... The supporters of Coercion and Oppression, whether of the In or Out-Tory breed, ae very de- sircusito persuade folks that our brave brethren of Lowdna' CANADA who have been goaded 'by insuit and wrong Co scek redress by the shortest and surest method, have little or no sympathy from their neighbours in Upper Canada, who, we are told are perfectly contented, and peaceful, and happy under the ...


... ender, re(. . , the Secretary of ?? ,)r the Prosecution of , . I REFORM ctors and Non-Electors held at the Grantham .vening, the 3rd inst., e agreed to. deplores the declaration ..goel, by' which he has for. ise ortion of the public confidence; -ters that Universal Suffrage, Vote by ,4 4)t, and Shmortening the duration of Parliaments, bie measures nofithe first importance: and that as. the ...


... EVa I'F THE' WEE' ' STARVATION LAW. Inu our report of. the gfeat meeting at Hudcrsfield, last week, we were unable, froim the want of room, to furnish to our r s the instances of -'the operation of B law, detailed i i the. very excel- ')rd Stanhope. They Will be in the sixth page of our d, if additional evidence to evince th'e demoniac enactment, there is here emphatic language of an;, .I ...


... G NEWS. LEEDS. WORKING MEN's ASSOCIATION.-We under- stand that a meeting of the members of this Associa- tion is to take place at eight o'clock this evening, in the Association Room, for the purpose of finally adjusting the arrangements for the meeting, and dinner on Monday and Tuesday next. We hope the members will attend and give their assistance. We are desirous to see the men of Leeds ...


... ; I S I oslo I = a, I . .- ?? ?? ?? tiiRs,., , uP7r~~ t4r'zat;d ?? Dti fm;in ~t'Nebrl' t todl~i biibed by o~witlentdtand sprited CidJijiterint e Peope's bause; T ?? .f the 'l. r(herqj Lib rahrl t 'Early on'the niorniipg-if Janflary the ist,' 18M8, eommeredtod muster the multitude, covenedby:thb ' odciatio~io ?? of England T 'to demafid thin, slboltitmi'of the Poor Lawn; Amend- eit' Ahl,. aid ...

Foreign and Domestic

... $ eti AnboitoW.E CANADA PROCLAMATION. The following proclamation Was issued by Lord Gosford: PROVINCE OF LOWER CANADA. i; MIS5 EXCELINCY THE RIGHT HON. AUClIBALD EARL 05F 00o5ORiD. 16A iIiOCLAMATION. Whereas, in certain counties of the district of Montreal disaffection to the government of our gracious Sovereign Queen Victoria has unequivo- canly declaredbiteelf, and divers outrages upon the ...