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... SPORTING INTELLIGIEC la ,RACING AND COURSING NOTES o the EDoIre of the DAILY PoSr, !- Sir,-In theold days of lheavynmidwinterspeeulatio5l, is Two Thousand Guineas the death of Lord Angl,,e, Woss have :nade a most serious difference to the boohrk s By the demise of the marquis, which took placeoeir eri suddenly on Friday night, the nomination f boea, it desert and Prestonpans for ths race over ...


... Yesterday, at the Aston Petty Sessions, before Messrs. Rlle anti Fowler, George l'cars, japanner, of 'Legge Street, was summoned for assaulting Joseph ughes (:oacld, manaigineg clerk, Campbell Place, Tower Street, Aston. --Mr. Buller appoared for the corn- plainent, and Mr. Colmoro (instructed, by lrn Ansell) for the defendant. M~r. Btuller said that he thou ,ht when the Bench had heard the ...


... SPORTING INTEItbIGNC' RAOING NOTES. Sport w~as Again pnrsucd tunder dlifficulties At I~caiptonfland tile Snow lay th icicly, except In that Position of tile track W lich 'ass cleared along the straight. Sonie Of the ridesinte asii Selling dturdlis Race nairrowly esmped ilduri' as five of thle ?? runners came to grief: ;n rhil oi most notable of the fiat races W5.5 tht won b' Avontsswieohat for ...


... S GI SPORTIN G INTELLIGENCE. A sorm nghtRACNG NOTES. Asenyngtwas succeeded lip a showeery afternoton. Yes- terday the coreianmy wans faIrly, rip to the aver-ilge. tied the. sport was certainly wo rthy iesst-qiiarters. The groat Foal Stakles wvas, of course, the chief event of aL long preogeasenrie, and I eualy, of colnrse, was won by flayon dsor, reslilte it 7U pnalyhut thle gifgastie ...


... PROCIEtDAMNM FOR TIMIt DA.t. The ADeiseoe'fenx HANTTrCAIP 8FOr PLECIA8e o IO sovs oach, with 40 added; winner to be sold for 50 eOvs. Two maileS. The SVDiSViAa RtAs:MICAP HURI)LE IRA(OJ of G SOV each, with 30 added; vbinner to be sold for DO 5ovS. One mile and a half, over six huredles. The NORWOOD STREPLrECeASe Of G sovs each, with 100 added. Two mile3 and a half. age st lb st lb Ratcatoher a ...


... SPORtTINGx INTELLTGENCE I WIND)SOR iACE..E~nDT IfThe weather on the sacond day Of this gastiering proseritefla 0 marked charge! from that of the precedilig daY, racin bax1n fAllenI 1, heavily overnight, whilst a cold vi-nd grevailed during t he whole time the racing iron taking place. The attendance was by cct ineasan so large as yesterdty, wehilot, tho ?? showell a grem~ fallieg off, though, ...


... d ?? NOTES.I- Ao is notunnfroqutcntlythic case, tile Groat Yorkshire Stake e Isresaciled Inc ticc overthrow Of thle favourite, Wheel of Fortune, IA, upon whom odds swern freely, betted for the first lime. during hier F, racing career, surfering detest at the haneds of Ruperie, wvho wvon !, SO Cleverly that it wee but a natural. conseq~ueneC be should , become in hot demand for the St. Leger; u ...


... DERBYSHIRE 1. JIENT. I (lCY Tuytroteuamn.l ritterly cold weather prevailed at Derby yesterday, fo-to.r cotllinuation of this match. lciut conclude-l their fi;- ?? 'S before lurncheon, for 173. In the recond uneings of Dprbvyi;l Mr. Smith plalyed grasd crikket. Finally, Hent-.'ve c'lerf 2it, ,in anl. whn stumps werm drawvn fily bad iot thrce oickets for 862. D]ERBY'SHlIRE. lsT I1NsIseoS. 2Nn !! ...


... I BACING NOTES. fa Seldomn, indeed, does the Craven Stakes peass over wlthcoss5 t creating some decislcd alterations fits the Two Thousand Ciuin&4~ Im quotations, and to-day's race was noe exception. Cemedlard's success brought Lord itosebery's colt to half hida formepr prier, for th both the Rowley mile race and the Epsomn Derby. It Is sail, that a 'Town Moor, ano is undergoing a capital ...


... YORKSHIRE V. GLOUCESTERSHME. [Yv TICseoRtAP1.3 Wet weather interfered very much withl the continuance aS this mattch at Shlieield, yesterday. Score, at drawing of thai etumps for the day - GLOUCESTEIlSIIRE.-IST IssNsGS, Mr. W. (. Grace, c Grimshew, b Peate ?? Mr. M. M. Grace, ?? . ?? Miidwinter, c Hunter, b Emmett ?? 30 Mr. A. D. Green, b Emmett ?? .. , .6 Mr. F. Townsend, cfRawiin, lb Emmett. ...


... SPORTING INTELLIGENaZ GOODWOOD RACES. PROGORAMMES FOR THIS DAI. wirnners af ter thea publicatio I of the weit.its dib, of a 5,, I'b oxtra. ?? St1iml Lollypop *10 2 Lineolnshire 01 l Trappist . . 2 1Credle (in, 71b e ?? 'TeleeropO * idne . x) * Plachla 9~~~04 VegE-tirian Sir Joseph.. 9 SICentenary.. . Meastllr Kildare * ?? ,70 Iliv.,kthorpo 0 IMFovies 0 Ka5leidoscopeO 812 Twine the Plaidete 7 ...


... RAaING NOTES. Really good s ort of its class was witnessed at KIngabu=y this afternoon, sud espito the fact of the license being refused. the atteudance was a tremendous one, while there was not a single dlsturbance, altirough no policemen wore allowed to be yreent. Igntio, a sihuner,'seure th Grnd Watrdle easilY ?? RoysFtOal IL., vho failelito siay homflthrough tllc ller VYgrouID, and ...