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... lie On Saturday last the body of James Vesvers, a boy lie about ten years old, 0on of parents residing in Devon- ci x- street, -was found in the river near the Albert Pier. It ti vU- appeared that on Thursday, the 9th instant, the deceased d, left home contrary to tie orders of his parents, and no- to V thing was heard of him until he was found as above de st e scribed. It was supposed he had ...


... ?? ?? 1 - ?? 11 1 . . . A AA - -1 ?? ?? A A. ^ 111 11 s 1-ruUluiN n L11L:UJJUE ts1ar VaWllt n of _ .. , _ ?? ?? .. A ,. brid FRIDAY, JuNE IO. mar - llROBBERY Is HEvmTOx CHuRc0a DuRONO THIE CONFIRMATION- pea( William Hughes, John Davies, Eliza Eughes, and Mary Ani clur Hughes were charged with robbing Rachel Green, a maiden upo lady, of a gold watch, under the following ?? just prosecutrix is ...

Case of Mr. Peter. Mackenzie.—The result of the appeal in the last Mercury, in behalf of Mr. Mackenzie,

... LIVERPOOL, FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1834. I case of Mr. Peter. Mackenze.;-The TeBult of .the I appeal in the last lMereury, in behalf of Mr. Mackenzie, hi ho r m ?? ;. d.. . ?? - . ?? has been most gratifying jipnd we shall next week publish 2 the initials of those'.who have contributed to the relief of I this suffieriog individual. No change for the better in his . health has occutred, or is likely ...


... Ss - LF n. The Court of Passage for the trial of civil causes was tic e, opened yesterday se'nnigit ; brut on that and the succeed. ,rin day's there were several trials for felo0niesi and mis- fo' r. dernanaurs. The following arc ELhe only trials of interest of 11 that have oscurced -4 Df ?? er Darrflby v. Gds.Tlre defendant in this case was a be ac pawnbroker, in Marybone, snd the action was ...


... POLICE INTALlLGECEJ. r FRIDAY, DixcE.1intill 12. AssAVLT OF A BA! LIF'F.-HenIry Trlopionisi wva-i fii- I20.-. and costs fur a5-nintill, Evan Tliniii:i.s, a hl i,I- ployed to makec a it tinlit at Iis 1(litlieri, ?? IAllbort-place, flu,scll-.stIret. In default Of lN.ii: ti - ino, lie was sellt; to gaol for a month. I Ma ry Ann M (i rt and Elien1 Foletl eeori o tr~ial oil a chiar' oif' stceiling ...


... of ?? AY;, JuLY 12. 'elicit STY STEALING A CARtT ANIS, Udge~g. - James Clarke w aont' 11g- charged with stealing a cart and horse from the Conning wnth Ion do~k stand. The proprietor, John Briscoe, bad entnssted wt the cart iin& horse, *lt&, oal4iver.oso Mondsq Avho was to~ rs- nlizi~gq lctblyalbigsidO theidook, VataJW ianorder,' gross when the prisoner jumped into' the cart ?? Off at Bow the, ...


... OX 5JVUL5.Lx WU'JUEs, ill. [BEFORE JOSEPH POLLOCI(, ESQI v i8 The sittings of the first Novemnber court conmmenced w yesterday morning, at the Concert-hall. d est IMPORTANT TO THRE CORN TRADE. p r.FBRANOOPIJLO AN'D OTHERS V. MOSS.-JUnG3czNT.--p Hr~ii honlour said in this case, before he entered upon his h tejudgment, he thought it right to inquire whether the a: lte.parties to the action had ...


... VOUCE INTELtIQE?NOE. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28. John WilSOn (remanded on a charge of stealing a car- pet bag, containing wearing apparel, &c., from the L~an- cashire cad Yorkshire Railway station) was again brought up and committed for trial. William Bond (formerly a car driver, whose license had been taken away for misconduct) was fined 20s., for as- saulting M~r. Thuraby, inspector of hackney ...


... - INTELLIGENCE RIAY, MARCH 1.m r ROBBEILY DY .A DOM5ESTIC. - Two women, named we Betsey Anderson Aan Mary Warburton, were charged r. with stealing a' feather bgd and blanket, the property ofwA Mary Herbert, Hanoier-street. In consequence of in- Tb I-formation received at the police-office, that the psrisoners do, abad pledged the above articles at Mr. Benussid's pawn- del I, shop, in Paradise ...


... Mrapnnr .InP POLrr(OW ESO.1 MORGoAN ?? HOLF.-The plaintiff was W~illigam.Morgan, otf ,.whitesmith, of Hunter-street, and the defendant Henry inl Hole, tailor and draper, of Pembroke-place. Mr. Gray, Ili in Solicitor, appeared for the defendant. The claim was for R £2 for the services of plaintiff's wife, as nurse, during the be econfinement of Mrs.s Hole consequent on giving birth to est Oie ...

Liverpool March Assizes

... *tiper43uot _Jritr 166ilj. C OitW, N CO U RtT. BEFORR MR, 3ARtON ALDERSON . TUESDAY, March 20. -Sdoomon Mellor, 35, a car-driver at Manchester, was t harged with the manslaughter ot Ann Massey, on the I 17th of December last, by knocking her down with hisl t vehicle and fatally injuring her.-Acquitted. Mr. MONK prOsecOted; Mr. POLLOCK defended. Rishard Hiiqson, 2-2, was convicted of having, at ...


... A- - . - TJ A. -----AAA - A BA--AS-A4A ;- fLE PARRICIDE AT HARROGATrz-A second edition of the Har-ogate Advertiser, of Saturday last, with which we have been politely favoured, records the murder, by his own daughters, of Joseph Stubbs, an old man sixty years of age, who earned a livelihood by letting out donkey and mule carriages to visitors. The following is the statement made by the wife of ...