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... - BUNTING APPOINTMENTS. The WhARWt5c5rT5E HOleNe, at Eklven-Thursday, Dec. 17, at Shuckburgh ; Priday, Dec., 18, at Church Tysoo. The NorE u os HOUNDS, at Eleven.tq huraaay Dc, 17, at RIugby Station; Friday, DRc. 1S, at the Ited Lion. .Earslwood Reservoir. The Woitcmes.mmmssan Hou.Nmg, at a, qusarter to Eltevsn.- Thursday, Dec. 17, at Brockeridgc Common; Fridaly, Dec. 18, at firoad Green. The ...


... DERBY STEEPLECHASE AND FLAT RACE I BIEETING, YESTERDAY. The second of this week's midland meetings commenced to- day, and tbere was rio lack of spectators within the enclosure, whicls was well strewn with straw, to Ikeep off the effeets of tho tamp Very few of the ]aulling sopporters of the Turf were peceent, and the holiday folk of the town made but a limited muster, the weather being eold, ...


... CI-IELTESHAM GRAND ANNUAL STEEPLECHASES. PROGRAMME FOR THIS DAY (THURSDXY). The 'WELTER1 t'LA'rE of SO sova, added to a Sweepstakes or 3 soya earls, for horses that have been fairly hunted this season; fosrnyear-oldls list 71b, five l2st 3ib, six anid aged 12st 7113; penal- ties and al lowances. Two miles (on the flat.) The MAsLLE HIeL PLATE Of 30 soya; fsur-yoar-olds l~st 10th, five l2st 3111 ...


... The Wetwocisentr. HeOVNsDH, at a cpearter to Lleses.- Wednesday, Maelh 3, at Red Slill; Frlilay, tscrch. 5, at Swr1lnlife. The NOanH WAcwcosninHa leJOuNeiI, 'at ?? day, Maarch 2, at Cssbbisgton Gate Thsursdisy, Maerch 4, at Dice- chisrch Fridasy, Miarci 5, at flay Wood. Thu WoieOwUriERSn1at3e BOUNoS, at as qarter to Eleret.- Thn slay, Mlarch 2, it Braces Leigh ; Thursisay, Msarchl d, at ...


... I I ASTON Cnos5 GrouNDs.-Llr.Wager's unique enclosure was capitally attended on Saturday, when the final heat3 of his 125 yards handicap for £. were run, and afforded an excellent afternoon's sport, as seldom is such running witnessed, even in affais of much greater magnitude, every hneat being conte~sted with genuine spirit. At 4.30 the beil rang for the commencement of sport, a level dozeo ...


... WINDSOR NOTES. Mr. Frail provided plenty of aport for his patrons this after- 4ao1n, and the professionals lad by far the beet of the speculation, as may be gathered from the regular return. The meeting ter- Inloates to-morrow, and my solections are-VENTSOR and Drewitt's beet, probably PaoVIDxEn, for the August Handicap; HlsAIlslrDOE or AlRLICOTOI for the Welter Cup, CYMBAL or MiseS DAYBELL ...


... BP 0I1 INTELLJGJs.: -DGWARiE STE1 EASS : Doo 5,,mvnrs- PLATE t lsls cap) of 40 sova; wl near aftr Doo0.%Ox etra. About two ?? Mrz 1Elerton'O Irr1tatIon 5i5e5, list iSlbJL. I'.ne 1 l~e E~isi~a arcloa II yra. No t 7th ?? Z.,t 2S. mr. Jarvis's l)e La Motto, t yrs'st4b MIr. Wxdeho'lxae -8 Chance tW. Johnstone), ojdeute (Kaley). and irtdiet W. reoves), alsO ra-Betting: 6to 2, each aget ...


... .The attendance yesterday. at the second of the athletic fetes at Stoke-on-Trent, was again very large, and great interest was shown in the sports, Nhich were as noticeable for their excellence as those of the previous day. The sky was clouded the greater part of the afternoqn, and on that account the change was in favour of the competitors engaged in the sports. Yesterday's proceedings ...


... SPORTING I'NTELLIGENCE. RACING SELECTIONS. .'Ilackeis experienced worse look.'at, Reading. to-day, tlsa ii W the case at the Oxford meeting, as most of the preelsuned ghd tbinps vwere uns,-t and 'to mrake matters worse, the ?? proved of a wretched kind. Visor failed to stay the aix furlongs in the Trial Stakes. The 3Malton people were unlucky enough to rein second for a couple of raees; *ith. ...


... RACING SELECTIONS. A capitl day's racing was Witnessed on the Town Moor at Newcastle this afc-rnoon. ?? fields competed for most of the events, and the majority of the races proved close and exciting, especieallv the colntezst ijetwveess Agglethorpe and Mendip fors ler Majesty's Plate te laelt named, who wasbeaititifully riddenrby John 0sborno, gottiig up in the last three strides and winning ...


... RACING SELECTIONS. The sport at Sutton Park to-day was better than is usually mit- nessed at the m1eetings ?? held there: and though some of the best animals engaged did not entcr an appearance, there vere several racers of siote amongst the competitors. York, who has done ?? good tbings since he left tile possession of Mr. Chaplin, carried off the only race for which he was entered, and ...


... \VW!5:LUtON, Friday. This hasa beenca day of many events in the camlp. Not only have a large number of notable prizes; been won by tue volun- teers, but the camip baa been visited by Sir Gannet Wolseley, to WhlOPn the Canadians psssonted act address of cnmgratuclation. Nor doss thie recital esithaist all of Interest that Mutine be Chroniceld, fur the Earl of Carecervon made a neat speech at a ...