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Advertisements & Notices

... PU8LICATION8. Jest Pnbllshed, Foolscap 8vo., sIR. RUPERT KSETTLE'S AWR, Ml in the matter of tbe Cainimmade by the Ironstone Mior of Cleveland for a Bise in the rate of Wages. Darlingiofl NoaracEERN O OprVo, Priastgate. Large quantitieS can he hid st reducod prices BDUCATION. CLARE COLLEGE, SCORTON.- C Prineipal: The Hev. J. M. POLLOCK, M.A. LL.D., Fellow of the Educational Institute of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NETAINMENTS. CAR PIER.-lIr F. Groeings' C 3 oiLARY BAND Of Sixteen Performers Will C O GRAND PERFOIMANCES every TUES. A O'sI a VPAY daring the season. in L4 DA on an frons S to 5; Evening, 7.80 to 9.80. Hol AfleenO~l ?? for Meiddlesbrog and A G'e last Tr¶in pq5 eA S8AND CONTEST, on SATUBDAY, August c from Crook and Tow Law. See Small C FLU BLIC No0TICS.A IL A MLYXE S. Deceased- WE 5011C., TO u ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BI4ETINmENTS. ?? BRIGE FLOWE R SHOW Y BAND I on SATURDAY, August 181jga Tifrom Crook and Tow Law. See Small PUBNLC F4OTICES. J A - %ig NIA TO M R. M ILLER , d 1 Trd 'thr to Erl ot Zetland.) j ,GardedaprOaop~t a PURSE of GOLD to Afrf B a i3 D2Op ?? the eituataon that he has so faith 1r fo;r er pavards ofSOyeara. To mark the appre- hi fl 'en s andneig~hossrs of his conastanit ln2g of his tghat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SNTEFIRTAINMENTS. C GSFi3 C ..AtL TREAT OF 8 _5CoN. 1,i, ils - BY, - THE- SEA . T 1tJbL T GRANI BRASS BAND CON- SI cVENTU~ -scOrBo C;OPPTITION, SPORTS, VBd At SSS Y otO y th 1 OS r th t July, 187 3. v. ' ua: apply to the Secretary, till ?? ROBERT DAY. P. - Ar PA',R. R.-3r. F. Groenings I 9EDRY ARXZ B,. SixtOSe e Performers will sEA INDBAS P iORMANOES every TUeSe - '~8O ~ dori leth Season.( ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S ,NTEITAINMENTS. - SNE - THE - SEA GRAND d tA ,,Als BAN,! CONTEST, CORNET SOLO ' . T IX IwN ATHLETIC SPORTS, MON. y( PAJIy 28ithI o, 1578 p t say that thce Entries for Oc Tbeo s oa utes 0 lrcs l ' following celebrated Bands, ox -Leede iledC e1 Tinttiwwait., 4th Durham Artillery, th T:'FetliW, 0' Whitwortb; while a :,ong the oo of tl e most rctownved cornet players ae ~ te ~~coda~F ...

Advertisements & Notices

... =NTERTA NMIENTS. EpOOL THIRD ] TCULTURA SHOW AND LIAE ANSar nggd. A iiu °IW g E~oDY Sees. - e gBY -THE.SE- GRAND T > S, B.y' cONBTEST, CORNET SOLO H V1 B~o ~i) AfLETIO SPORTS, MON- T ?? r~ h igS, to Bay that the Entries for _ ot Io ran~ esesaedaaa It . t wuhile ?? N ssyi~t BOW Tlhor-fore, frorasch a olass of i tiS Fe b r oupwcrds of 180-with naoh per. 5505, t00~~ Public ny extpect sneh a bi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EN'~TERTAINENTS. ET HARTLEPOOL THIRD VT AhNNUsA yORTI0ULTURAL SHOW AND gL rJSDAY, 12th Angnst, 1878. GgADAn ediddMILITARY BANDS are engagedl TWO BP and Scheduies on application to MFiralacs JO HN TWEEDY, H E Hon. Sees. ~JDCA PIE.-Mr~. F. Groorlingg' MILITARY BAND of Sixteen Performers will 0 TWO GIllD PEltFOS1RnN0ES every TUES- g ~ed y~tjl)A daring the Season. 0 S ?? 8; Evening, 7.80 to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? .N TE TIAI N M E NTS. - TER ERANCE GALA at the 1 0roIINGRBO Y I ANOR, kindly letto he t TOIPOreaD Sooiety by Lady do Lisle so isCO3YrTllODfromS ltbarn, Iedcar, Guisbrough, Be str tockton, and other Sttione. Sec BlUe. HASRTLEPOOL THIRD_ CA HOROTICULTURA SHOW AND L olid MILITAtY BANDS arI engaged. Soe~lOon application tonoD e. ?? e5 JOHN Ho'Es, e} ~ w.~fERYWETHER, I RPIER.-M . F. GrceningS' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENTERITAINM-ENITS. -:TND TEMPERANCE GALA at the - ,Dr0,asoOf rNGLEBY MANOR, kindly lent to the G oub Temperance Society by Lady de Lisle 3~d~cou~ MONDA ,AUgnet 4th. Train h fromSoitburn, Redcar, GuisbroughE XTDrhi D Stockton auid othor Station3. See Bills.N EST HARTLEPOOL THID b A ANNUAL H'ORTICULTURAL SHOW AND on ~~DAY10thAugnet, 1878. Gg ~plcndld IIIfT4AR~YBANDS are engaged. >0ep nd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ ETERTAINMENTS. ?? FOLKS GALA.1 f IT 11 SATURDAY, August E0m. pFTI`IIS FIREWOHE, &c., &o.Fs ?? D TEiIjPERANCE GALA at the E ?? 05OfINGLEBY ?? the I daT eperuetc Soci ty by Lady de Lisle H3dlesbrns9 WONDAy, Augnot 4th.] ,0dtlOdigY Trains from Saltbarmf, Reducar, Gailibmougig, Es~nh, rtoecktou. -ad other Stadlana. Soe B111e. EST HART;itFOOL THIRD I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;;-;E-N=NTERAINMENTS. X~ 'IER.-BOAT RACE.-] The SLVE C- P cuF preaerted by Mrs. Dawson, , a1 l T ,U w.i be CONtgt. TED FOR on WED. tU e eljfi t ijtinet, c mmrereing at Ip.m. There - 4Q1SAY hi AILI G MATCH for Redear Cobles. A r Al ID0be play on the Pier dning the Afternoon. --D~p be 3, H. WEBSTER, Secretary. tv GALA AND ATHLETIC c in hebentf tt AN a TDHOR to ASGE, SPENNY-OO. AUJGUST 11TH, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RNTKF?1TAINMENTS- - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OE - DLETON?;-)NE ROW GRAND gll ihe i'F *i D?.tTON SCHOOL CRICKET S3S10U2X;DRIRODWELL, .trE!i\~iitACvgLdSte~cretary. AND ATHLETIC 10ND GAJ-LAa UDO G s0oPTS in, tlo beautiful PARU at TUbEtE '0g'piyY0)O, AUGUST 11THb te ElANG of tho DcrliingtoD Temperance Sax-Horn (Mraitte9 ITTL BE 1FOLKS' GALA. Io FOL.Al OROIINl- SATURD&Y, Angust BOTI. IDS. FIIEWORKS, &o., &a ...