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Freeman's Journal




Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. NEW NOVELS. This Day is Published, In s Vols. Imo. Price 15s. iloads. lE{, WLST IN]I)IAN; o-t, TIIHE tOTRERS. A Novel. In Three Volumrn. l'Printed for JOHNX CUM.MING, No. 16, X .sjreao]nd~-qluay Of homrn may be bad, just imported, iIOGG'S- s (the Author rf the QUEEN'S WAKE,) N EVit &NIVN!NG TALES. In T Io Vols. Also, recently publislhed, )jI>I)ISTINCTIONS. A Talfl_ Prliee liS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MR. BLEWfTT, i,, ST YvP;cectftl!y begs leave to anotrnce to. the Nob1i'ty, Gentry, his friends andthe Public, that CONCERT WILL T.4x X PLACcr THIS DAY, the 10th 7MAY, 1820,. AT THE . RcOTUNDA. PR.NCIPAL VOCAL PERFORMERS: Msties Cheess, MrS. Vincent, Mr. Spray, Masters Attwood and Ormsby, Mr. Hodson, Mr. Hamerton, Mr. F. Atoinson, and Mr. Allen. PIFRRCIPAL INSTRUIENTAL PERFORMERS. Leader-Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Xi-it'RCAN ilE SALES. AUCTION OF CLOVER SEED. RICHARD DARLING Wl.,l SEUL BY AUCTION, TlIfS DAY. WEDNESDAY, the 17th MAY. At W.Mq. HONE.'S OFFICE, Commercial Buildings, At One o'Ciock, 3 Sacks new Dutch, and Clover Seed, 5 Bags new French Just landed from Bristol. ; Sale without I erve. PUTBLICATIONS-S HOGG'S WINTER EVENING TALES. Thlis Day wcre Published, In 2 vols, 12mo. price 14s. boards, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRIVATE TIRATRE, W VI Is1 ANttLE-SarRtF.T. C ';iler the Patroiage of several Ladivs of DistinctiOn. AtVit S. BURGESS, r; OS restectfullV. takes the liberty of an- _ nounclig to the Ladies and Gentlemen Subscribers 6, the Plivte, Ticatrictl5, that mairvy of the Offleers and 6- ntleinan A.nateurs, have kindly conisented to assist her in a b i intzi forwrard her Benefit. On To morrow Evening, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '25. D) A\ME SRFET, (C(o)rn.r vf Genr~te's.street. ) irfl'' i AIRIVALS- A S'I' T~iT D variety of Brusels, Venetian,! ?& and s.Ajdcrr- inster CAItPET'ING, (the Patterns pe- ct i-lyv ;,)nropriate to the Modern French Designs, in Fur- t re mid Driperies, Imperial and Wilton Hearth Rugs. D,:izes, and Ta'le Covers. of *erious breadths and colnurs, vith a large A.s irtnent of Irish and English ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7wd1it2A tu CA tLE i ALE'o LEMONS AND ORIANGES. BAPBrR AND PVIfM l)1 ,'WILL SELL 1,Y AUCTION, l'o-mu, i -w, SATUIRLAY, 2(lh Instant, At thi- Cuiltol Htoue Doc:, I HE Calro Cf tlhe Schooner Dcspatch, from . St. ilici ei's, cniivisting of 8i0)o Boxes eon-ons and Oranges, In exceiloilt cond-tioll. 1'I1IA114'1) FXlN K L IN. Brolkprl. ?? B A N'-It.-UPS' -SALE.' zji tjr2ed in conscoqun e of tie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Nw A.17iwnf Barila 1y, Aucftin. JOIHIN ' NE LL L 77IL L SELL B'Y AUCi'JOMP. On Tidisi Tav, 1lUESDAY. 2,3d MAY, AT DATLI WVS CRAXE, MARY s.ArsBV,- Precisely at Two o'Chick, I1IFTYNINlE Bodle, Ali ant Bsrilla, oF muperior Eqti:ity, row landing per Union, from Alicant. They 5li lie S'rel in l(ots, viz.- . I l or .3 each. Terms-Approved Blls vf ' Eivs each. at: Six Months, for 501.- , I oes ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tr, 4M'. C. . ri 4 ?? aC wcars ikt Grqjton.stree, kies remove4 ta .M as,!; 25,, College..greesn. TOOTH ACHEK. jT~HOUGH ever so violent; .instantly and ef& -I tnali' cured, ?? to the patieit, 'while the 'I'eeth are at the samne time preserved, with a certainty tha the D-ain will never etturn. Bv ir. C. LA'1DZELLE, Dentist, 25, Colegezgreet. who has the hoftour of presenting to the public the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3!LAsCK ROtCI , . Xh'olesale anrd fltar s2eax, Aie Jrf G-roccr/j xtvres. 'ALEXNSiDS1t SMYTH, t.i TZ OF TrE Fixii ueC. aa-n A. SsorxN, 05 'Acsv19r Srstaziw, DULLN, E lgXP C'(1,'FULLY ihforms his Customers and B the FLubil'. that his Honie is, - as usual, extensively stroccvi witd Prime WINES, SPIRITS, TEA, SiJGARS and G 1 OCERlES, ef the choicest quality. The principal Articles he submits s ...

Advertisements & Notices

... =9IIICANTILE >1AwLES. oN&imUPTS' SALE, IN CONTINUATION TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, SN o~sdrr of tbe Assignees of M4Creary and S:ale, Banlkrupta, On To- Morrowv, f-I 7RSDY, I.MAY25, 1820, At Twelve o'Clock, At the Stores, Nos. 22 and 2;, Great Strand-street, ' r-H E rernzmindcr of the Bankrupt s &tock in 1 Tride. c-,.isting ef Abuut GO Tons Foreign and'Englisli Bar Iron 9 T'onc HIoup, Sheet azAd Rod ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E A PRIZE ! ! RETURN A BLANK! ! , UCH are I te Conditions proposed by the Con- ) traictols fo. the present Lottery. L;sez mes anlis Thery Ticket or Share boughtbetweer the 21st of MAY and 5;d.Qf JUNE, If Drawn on 'Ttl'URSDAY, ist of JUNE, . ihethler a B:ank or Prize, ?? hi exchanged, free oF EArpense, F;r an Un.dras n 'I'iclet or Share, eh2 g/Z? PFurchase Ifonaey will 6. ri'tri.we'd, if ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PL i3LICATIONX. NEW NVOOCS, Prblished by JfliN ii,2URIIAY, Lonmov. A ! Slitl by J.O N CUM1VIING, (0. I , Lower Orinond quSY, and thle other Booksellers of loubliin. No. I. Ei anl ADV 'ENITURES of ANTARI, a ee- -;,J Iowted Bedowen Cbief, Warrior, and Poet, wlhoflotu- rishled a few year prior to Fioe Uohaammed3n &ra. Nov fitvt ranslited from the orittinal Arabic. by Terrtek 2arniltoti, E q, O ...