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Freeman's Journal




Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Freeman's Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... X MEIORIAM CARDS AT EATON'S. -Onut T suitable Patterns kept in stock. _)i1 varieties, Kuglish and French patterns to select fromr. The largest assortment to seltrt froms is at Eatou'e. Urgent orders printed at shortest noticr. Eaton'. Photo-Mor- tuary Cards, a speciaiity. Large Cards mouuted and framed in correct stvle at moderate price-. M1. and S. EATON, Stationers, 44 Dame-street. Dublin. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,TlE PUBLISHERS' COLUMN. DoooS SU1TABLE FOR. THH PRESENIT p SEASON. S.BD Arsle. Roland Furieux. Illustrate4lby Cs.D tve Dore With 30 Illustrations ?? 150 ISO *oitzerruld: Its Mountains and Valleys De.. ,-ribe. By V ItRden. With 418 IMlussrationS' 42 tj he Dore Gift Boolk. llluotratiouaa to Alfred jelysoons Idlylls of the Kings , 42 .otre~mme de Lourdes. Par Haen Lugs . C.,oured ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. NOS. 34 gND 35 MABBOT-STREET, At the cormer of LOWER RECKLENBURGHESTREET, Bighly Important to Grocers, Tea, Wine, and Spirit Dealers. 'ALE OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD INTEREST Retail Licensed and Old-established GROCERY, TEA, WINE, AND MALT DRINK CONCERNS 'InfRl working order, doing a large and most lucrative business The shop9, which have extensive frontage to both I seets, are admirably ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A.D INSTRUCTION. --,,N'ETEEN NASSAU-STREET, DUBLIN. MAGIC PHANTASMAGORIA, AND DISSOLVNG g LASTENSS, of ir B. SOLOMONS' improved structiOn, with powerful Lenses, producing a well. lad large Disc, unsurpassed for brilliancy, used u Superior Slides, consisting of Paris and t F ibitiOn. Cyprus. Frolics, Comicalities, Moving ?? Scenery in Ireland and all parts of the world, ztratioE Science. Tales, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. GRASS LETTINGS, NEXT T! URSDAY, 4th March, 1880. Lands of Gaulstown, connty ,Neath. Eallyboggan, Coelecadden, Gollieretown. Raflyfermot and Brow~n's Cross, county Dublin, ;[ IOCH A EL C R OOKSE, AUiCTION~wEER and VAL1JATOWZ. LEiTTngGS BY PUBLIC AUrCTIONr, i In the Saerooms , 10 LOWER O MOND-QUAY, On THURSDAY NEXT, Commencing at One o'cloab 2. Includes, Lot One, 180 2 Laud s of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. SALES NEXT FRIDAY. Licensed House, Land and Cottages, Swords, county Duh'in: Two Bosinless Honsea, 3:i and 3;7 William-street, E 'S Diiblin. ' BE SLD) BY AUCTION, -T( ~~On NETx 1' FIDAY, At O~ne a'cioc-c, in the Pubice ~I cics MICLIAEL CROOKE, AUCTION SlEt, 10 LOWEK O1~11OND-QUAY, UNRE~FSERVED SALE 1 Clocks3, cilver, cal i, andl almitcnlc waches, Colt. >irver, anti tti:e lii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOT ICES. GAI T V T H E A T1£ X ?? of the Pmutton:-m'. THIS DAY (,Maturdtty'l, Fe, 5. at 2, And THIS RVENXNzO, (aat:.rayl, Feb, 5, at 7 20, The enormously F.,ks-rn 0f iantot. ime, ROBINSO.N CRUSOE. The Beautifuil BirdI ) le' The Wonderful'-echanncal Sticir, '$prekand hinhinz of ('rns..u ?? Shil,. The Goraeou-3 A\,e s i. gt' of Nitoo Thne E'xquisite Tran-fortfn ition Scen:, 3eCW Some-, N ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I3USINSS VA RDS. GASIRIM'IN.4G Trousies GItted efctlvely and .caono- recally; niterattane thoroughly done; tile beat- do- sihinsI n glaslights, Imar, burners, globes, &r. Brooks, Thomas, alK1 Ce, 1,1itiled, S~ilkville place, Dublin. .GU.ATrade at lovest Possible wholesale price; price 11ats and terms on iipplicotieli. C Weelkeg'and Co, 27 Essex~qumy Dublin. j461i2 H AIt. Dosrroyer; 0114 L~adly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... USI NESS CARDS. t- 3 'crART 2s 5 N -to 1'aper printed G N~&Th ith ; -en . r il (i.-T-lni ?? `tiitiouior. and eif Sta~npor~, :7. -toplicnro g7retn WE~ ton ?? i ~oe.r ire ofhilter-e-t AL nil!tty to SMr linmphiell, :3: S-oithi rrlovei k strceet, );Il ;-iiti ; only tilir-ce-.Ii { ?? oeltrticl,. are bra k-n taike thle ii to I'allIi), A tcian ?? 17.1 NXe-elI::Z-g n qo iv; '1w pict. ?? oe'-ty ?? cit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. CROOKZ Aute s' i BUS]D US .Gr oher Winde, ?? mobmea and n al kins o Saeelitherby * ui Auctio orrorivate Treaty. -rt 1] There are alw ohis oo asvarety of LiCTIOan ou ?? priv Tr , sw a t of Leasehold and Freebold n l other house properth. 1ip1 MIjCHAEkL CROOKE'S PROGRAMME OF FORTHCOIMING SALES OF LICENSE:D LEASEMAOW INTERESTS, Business aod other HoSueS Property, Bre ?? -, Troughs, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. CROO , Auctioneer andValuator, begs to state that hecontinuestomakeliberalcashad- ?? and Leaseboldbteresmtsin Lands and Houses, Interests in Grocery, Wine, and Spirit Estab. lishments, and on all kinds of Merchandise or Chattel Property that may be transferred or consigned t; him for bons fde Sale either by Public Auction or Private Treaty. There are always on his books a variety of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. A I E T Y I' H E A T R RI GIr Last Five Nights Of the Worl'i reuowned CARL ROSA OPERA COMPANY, TlilS EVENING (Taesday), Sept 1 (at S, j svoduction (for this night only) of qarl Miflocker s new, Comic Opera, BEGGAR STUDENT. (Der Bettel Student.) Given with sensational success throughout the Conti-.J nant of Europe and in the United States of America. 'The English version ...