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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland


Fermanagh, Northern Ireland

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... Very little doubt now exists the minds of Doctor Pet.v and the other medical practitioners at Sunder. j in( ; that toe disease raging there is similar in its chainvtrr the Indian or Spasmodic Cholera. It is gratifiing, lioweVer, learn that it has not extended l.Vyoml place any direction. Tlie number of rvniainiog the return the Noremher, , VJ s 10 common and II malignant. Twenty-four had Jied ...


... CftiMKA.—The Kqmlbob h«te tonouoeod that thov I will not allow iaopoMonon of oerehandiae into the Crimea except by Theodora and Eupatoria.—> General Jaknowaki baa Dominated Civil Governor. The Regiment baa bean back from BaUklava to at the rrqueat of Haaaiana, nnlil depattore the Turk*. Surgeon O’Connor hat The Ruaaians hate offered to the old huta. *Gnr r Allies are (reatly pleated with the ...


... Orders Imve been given by the Lord Lieutenant to Mr. Killally, Government Engineer, proceed Lnun, and make survey the river Fergus, from Enins to Clare bridge, with view render that river navigable, which will moat important advantage to ilia surrounding country. —Dublin I’aprr. Can nothing, may ask, be done towards the junction of Lough Erne with the Atlantic? a measure not less necessary for ...


... ini that hi« onnt Ix’f.i , rv slr iielit-for»ard; but confess we arc l ilkiiij, in I 'o'liVcom spondent from Paris says, that 'he Gazette I FrmKn of last night, and the Courier Vim row and nl, Journals of this morning, mention, as a fact, the n-sienatien abdication, by Prince I-ccpold, of the , neof (ireece; and the reception 31. Eynard, the Piiilieienist, of a ...


... Russia and Turkey. —We are now pnaV>led to supply place iT rumours by variety official iutelliocnce from the seal vvar. Two bulletins received version the operations the contendino forces tbe investment of Silislria, wuicli lias been ac.omplished by the Russians after desperate o«u--ftict. The bulletin last received ol earlier date than that pnbli last ucA, and only refers to the previous ...


... We stated in our paper of 27t!i ult. that the Plough ing Match of the Tyrkeimedv Branch was fo again contested. Wednesday the *Jd instant, the competition again t«Hik place iu field near Kilgirliialeagne bridge. The work was done a style even snjierior the former, and the prizes adjudged as follows.— Mr. Alkxamukr Airbus, Imnestuwn, fint, an Iron Plough, >»r ylf, second, pair of Harrows.— The ...

r/ton.vciaj, /.Vtell/geyce

... /ton .vciaj, /.V tell/ geyce. Hobrehy and most inhuman Murder— On Saturday Mr. James Markey, of lledbarn, near Dunleer, respectable farmer, was returning from the market el Drogheda, horseback, he was stopped between five and six o’clock, at the mile-stone, not quarter ot a mile fiom Dunleer, by two armed loot-pads, in grev great coats, who deliberately' fired two shots at him, one of which ...


... France. —According to the Paris Papers of Monday »nd Tuesday, the French expedition . vm!l soon return fo u the Morea Despatches from General to t Ist ult* slate, that the health of the troops Was greatly improved. The losses sickness were estimated at six hundred men. There was an abundant supply fresh meat and other necessaries, and the fineness of the weather had irreatlv contributed to the ...


... On Monday last, pursuant notice, adjourned naeclingof the Ihoteslanl Parisliii»ncrs RnniskilSen was held the chinch, t>r the purpose of |>etitioning the legitlature against the proposed plan of Church Reform. fJcoaoc Set: it, Escp, one of the Church wa» called the chair, and after reading the requisition for convening the meeting, observed, the meeting bad called for the instant; but notice ...


... A numerous and respectable meeting the Homan Catholics of Fermanagh, took place on Saturday last, in the Catholic Chapel this town. Cspt. Maguire, was called to the Chair, and Mr. Terence Milian, sen. requested to act asScctetary. Captain Maguire taking the Chair, addressed a few apptopriale and well conceived observations to the persons assembled. He stated that they hail again assembled for ...