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Belfast News-Letter

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BIRTHS- April 28, at Cottage, Cava?), the Lady of R. J. Stothard, Esq. of the Royal Eeng;neers, of a dahghter. At Waterloo-Place. Derry, on the. 22d ult, the LADY of John Mitchell Dysart, Esq. of a daughter. MARRIED : On the 6th inst. in St. Thomas's Church, Dublin, JOHN W. HARRISON, Esq. to ELIZABETH, youngestdaughterofthe iate John Cowan, of Carnew House, in the county of Down, Esq. On the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH__ On the 3d inst. at Ballymena, the Lady of Lieutenanf Greatorex, Royal Engineers, of a son. On Tuesday last;,at Cavanacor, County Donegal, tlh. Lady of Captain Humfrey, of a son. MARRIED. On the 8tb inst. by the Rev. C. V. Kelly. JOHN WELSH, Esq. of Chinauley, Banbridge, to ELIZABETH, second daugb- ter of the late William Hayes, Esq. of Millmonnt, Banbridge. On Wednesday last, by the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE REV. DR. ADAM CLARKE. (FroM a Corr-espondent.) Another great light has been extinguished among us- another just man has said unto corruption thou art my father, and to the worm thou art my mother and my sister. Dr. Adam Clarke, the learned, the pious, the exalted divine, has been gathered unto his fathers. He expired on Sunday se'nnight at Bays Water, having fallen a victim to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRT HI- April 23d, at Ingestrc Rectory, Staffordshire, the I-Ion. Airs. TALC:OT, of a daughter. MARRIED. On the 30th of April, in Abbeyleix Church, by the Rer. Francis Brownlowv, JO-IN NUL:RTr, Esq. eldest son of Andrew Nugent, Esq. of Portaferry, county of Down, to tile 1H01. CkTIIERIsE, only daughter of the Viscount and Viscountess de Vesci. A numerous party of relations and friends were ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - BIRTH- March 1, at Knockmargop Lodge, Phenix Park, Dublilr, the Lady of LieutenasittColstell Cslby, Itoyal Itigineers, ofta soni. k MARRIED.- On1 tble ins.t by the Rev. James Davis, Mr. Kennedy Clugston, of ,Kilpike, to Miss Sarah Watters, of Edeoderry. Onl the I Ithinst. by the Rev. James Wilson, of Lecamphre, Mr. John Wilsoll, of MIgherafeti, to Alicia, eldest daughter of Mr. Arch. Camp ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... _B I R T Ili.. On the lUtth inst. the Lady of Thomas M'Cann, Esq. of Ar- rnagh, of a Sol]. J011 c 2G, at Cliarlnimont, tie Lady of Lietit.-Coloncl I itit, Royal Artillery, of a boll. Xl A R R I E DT_ On the 2eth inst. at Blallyniacarrett Church. by the Rev. CI anlle6 S. (ounrtenayv, the R1ev. Williami Seul t. of Loniloi deIry to E'lizaheth, ehldst daugilter of' Conway Itlizard, l's;o. of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On the Gth inst. at Downpairick, the Lady of Cliarles Win. Rlithven, Esq. of a daughter. On the 26th nit. at Somerset, county Derry, tho Lads Emilyv Riciardson, of ii son anrrd heir. Oin tile 22d ilt, at Portnelihiih, Queen's comity, tbe reir dence of herniiotherthrLady ofGecergo Knox, 1sq. of BclIvue couity of Fermanaigh, of a daughter. On the 21ftli nit, ut tire house of her motber, t]1. Us ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B I RTII- (in the 13th inst. at Dintrmore House, tlhe Lady of the Rev. J. G. Ball, of a daughter. Olr the. 15th iltst. at Lisnawilly, Dundalk, the Lady of James Tiptping. Esq. of a daughter. ilh the 111th inst. the Lady of John Wim. Perilins, Esq. Oflicer of Excise, Hillsboroneti, of a soil. On the l6th list. in Wilton Crescent, tile lady of Sir Edimond Eaves, Blzrt. ai.r of a son. (hi the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED-. On Thursday lrtst, at the Church of Connor, by the &II- Fielding tilel, anit. the Rev, GEORGE MACARTNEY BLACK. eldest sin) of George Black, of Stranmills, Esq to SARAH ANNE, -eldest daughter of the Rev. Fielding Ould, Pnko dary of Connor. At Aughacommon, on Thursday last, by the nF F Dobbin, ROBERT BEATTY, of Donecloney, in the Couneil Down, Esq. to Miss McDONALD , laughter of the ...

BIRTHS. In Enniskill

... en. on the 30ih ult. the Lady of Lieut.-Col. Fuller. 59th Regiment, of a daughter. On the I7th inst. at Vallenbtosoke, ne is'Nevwt6uhamilion, the Lady of the Rev.. George Thompson, aif a son. MARRIED.~ At Lisburn, on TuePSday last, Mr. JOHN COCHRAN, tra- veiling merchanlt, to Miss ELIZA HODGIN, of tbe ffuresaid On the 6th inst. by the Rev.; Henry Simpson, Saintfield, Mr. DAVID SHAW, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - BIRTH- At Farm, County Fermanagh, the Lady of Thomas Nelmon, Esq. of a daughter. - ! -MAR.RIED- On the 20th ult. by the Rev. John Maguire, P. P. Loughgeel, Captain O'Hara, of Cairncastle, to Miss Mary M'Cormick, of Malaberoy. : l On Tuesday sen., in Strabane, by the Rev. Mr. Gowdy, Mr. Thomas Lipsett, of Casbel, near Ballysbannon, to Ellen, second daughter of Mr. Andrew Blair, of Strabane. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... _}3 I1R T H (in the 15th it. in Erlitiburgh, th c l.ady of Charles Ilrovvlnlow, Esq. of a son, On the bth inst. the Lady t a.5muel Rankin, Orf Cartdaonagh, -sq. of a son and heir. On Saturday last, by the toer. iJohn Scott Porter, Dudley Pierie, of New York, Esq. fifth Son or the late Henry S Persse, IEsq: of Gainay, to Mlargarettai youingest daughter of Villiatn lnydi of Fort Breda. Esilq 'On ...