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KING'S BENCH. [ill] [ill]. 7

... KING'S BENCH. WErmNz,' Fin. 7. THE KING V. R UPELL. Tlhe Solicitor.General moved the judgment of the Cotirt in this, which was a case of nuisance, and i ihich had been tried at the Surrey Assizes. 'The Defendant had established a lead manufactory at a place called Broad-wall, at the extremity of Water- loo~bridge. Mr. Gurney spoke in mitigation. The Defendant was proceeding, as fast as -tihe ...


... - 1 ? Cou I RI ,I( 1; ? j ) a , ?? Elt Y.. Waswrawsria, I7 ?? ; ? ' IOUrLD'tt-Ct, V. OotULDITCel. Tihe 'circurnstances of ihisease lie-in a very nrat- row comp iss, although the present muction occupied the Court the chief part of Saturday and this day. The parties are three brothers, of the names of Jan'.es, John, aod Edward 1{oulditch, who have carried on the busines of coaehmake:-s for 20 ...


... KING'S BENCH, WVESTIMINSTE', Fzn 9. -| THE KING V. JOSEPh WILFRED PARkINS, ESQ. AND OTHERS.- At half-past two o'clock this case was called' on by tile officer. Mr. Denman then roae and said, that he had been instructed to shew cause against a rule obtain-. ed last Termw, by his learned ftiend the Solicitor- General, calling on J. W. Parkins, Esq. one of the Sheriffs of the city of London ; ...


... ? Il''. -T- I I I- b ?? IV, V .-V, I , b.& , J'o li S, . . . I I COODE V. A9nAHAM 303EL ASSUCL. Yesterday'a very curious case occupied ?? I ICtzirt' Irom msornhig until evening, and 'was ithceo{, adjourned until this day. Ye;Itrdav eveningr * a strong wish expressed by the Counsei concerned for the parties that no nottce in the Papers wouol I j be taken oft'he proceedings until they were ...


... I ' .'LOANDON POLI/CE'. FEB. 9. SALMON FISH RRIES IN THE NORTH, AND. LONDON FISHAMONGEPS. MANSION HousE.-A few days ago, two Gen-j tlemern, who hold shares in extensive fisheries in the North, cane to London for the purpose of claimingI the protection of the Chief 'Magistrate, in a' case wivich most seriously affects their property, and which 'also called 'for peremptory interference tor the ...


... ,h f C;OUIU' OF CH ANCEYIty, WSTMONT, h ?? INFOIlMATION. The Attorney.Gener.l at the RelaIon o' the Rev. Robert Gresham slid others, New Fellows and Masters of Caterine Hall College. Carnhridge. v. the Fellow-and Masters un. der the Old Foundation ofthe College. .; Mra Hai t in this case (which was mentioned I yesterday at the rising of the Court) stated, tjlt it., wvas an intoimation filed ...


... I KING'S BECNH, fJ'kWsN1,U';I ?? PI. GKATAIPOUND E'Lr.cCTION. This morning the SolicitornGeneral moved tile CourT, that George Hoyte, an elector of the bo- rough of Grampound, who liad beer conviced at I the last Assizes for the county-of (?orfnlwll, of bribery and corruption at the last election lof Mem- hers of Parliament tfor the said borowdh, should be brought up to receive judgmnent. Thc ...


... ASSASSINATION OF THE DUKE DE BERRI ?? t;ilowing extracterfurnish the ?? of tl i& Fnmlaanchlily event, and the proceedingp upon it.-- Froi t he Gaze te de France ) I P'As, 1FLii. 1 ?? was lhalt pS eltven o'(%nck. tthe speetacle was ineady terewiial d. Tbe -Dike 'f Berri had givvn Ins I and to his aegust Spouue toF e-seend htel' e rriogIe. when an asessin rn. (r tor. w.lrd, everilhiew Al. de ...


... A-S sr.,.L\ATIOA, fr/t,,k it DvKR Z[ -it!R R. P'ArTS, Fus. 1 ?? inhabitantN of this Mfeiro- polis b~w3 bten horror-strtul;k by an .atrojious bs4. sas iaatiohx perpetrated last .ighi aM ten o'elock,. gn the person of his Roval Ilighneze the Due de Berri. .Tie- Prince attended thI Duchess-to her carriage in quitting the- Opera-House;she wasal- redy seated5 when a person passung, quickly by Iis ...


... ,:NVt ;rWISH CO U' T O 'CHANCERY, FffN. 1e. T5'tr:tsTON V. CAAUSTON, HOPER, ANY) THQRNTON. M'Ir Hart stated !hart the plainrifrin this case is al Lieutenant-Colonel, and the defenxdants are 'Eliza T'hornton, his wife, and her two iruste'es. From tie bill filed on ihe-part of tbe ?? appeared that t1h' plainriff and his wife had agreed on mutlal attinles of feparatinn, by whichthe latter was to ...


... LAW I I'E t, LIGEVNC. COTX.MMON PLIEAS, TattiurkAY. Fin). 14. JAMES AND JOU.N DOSWaL V. TiE ZMARINE i INSURANCE COINIIANY. ; This was an aclo riV -oi a Pol icy ofi Iosuance, eff~ectedl with thle defendrants, upon the plaintiff's premises on Bathelor's-wailk in ?? fire- broke .utr on the even- jinguf8rturday, ?? oiJulv, 1819. Theramount otof teirinsuraizeweith tire ?? 40001., andl a like sum ...