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Aberdeen Press and Journal




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Aberdeen Press and Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... BRITISH FIRE. OFFICEi, LONTDON' . _3r._ ?? Office is eftab!ifh-- VM4- ed for thc hifri-ance an cf 1l-ionits, Buildings, Ml- ui , ilfadlctris, Goods & Altr- Pi u v lj chaneli7L, Si:-ps, GdfjS, (3 etX h Bango', and ctizrg C PI,- 1 ~~ ?? or odd n~~i Pa bic Ca- C ed 3 - 9 r uifid cn Nas-pvobctt .e- ,Ot ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHEAP AND EXPEDITIOUS TRAVELLINQG. Union C~oarti, - Prforived £y E. rJEUGH, DAVIDSON, V CO. FROM ABERDEEN TO PERTH, BY STONEHAVEN, .AURENC6:KIRK, BRECHIN, &Cr 1~j.RHE Proprietors would feel themselves wanting in ret' 1T pect to the public, if they did niot take notice of the :49atteriagnegcouragem5ent they have received, since they started tie above Coach. The importance and utility of a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Transmission of Money to the Colonies and Foreign Countries. ~J~HE B A NK OF SCOTLAND T issue LEITERS of CREDIT and BILLS of EXCHANGE :n tile Prineipal 'rowns ll- I NEW SOUT11 \\ALES. CIIINA. Yr VIrJTORIA. JAPAN. Mc QUEENSLANDI). MAURITIS. pa SOUT11 AUSTRALIA. UA-NAi)A. TASMANIA. NEWAv BRUNSWICK. hc NEW ZEALAND. NOVA SCOTIA. tb, INDIA. VANCOUVER'S ISLAND. pr UNITED STATES. Po Thoy also ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABERDEEN BIBLE SOCIETY. T IIE TENTR Pt'B[IC AfEEIIN' Of t1is SOCIET'S aL ints ield in ?? Churics, on Thursday, the 21 .t JAM3ES FI tGUSON of KnuNcMUNDY, Esq. Presidlent of tile Society, inl the Chair. At tine reqiest of the Clhanirnan. thie naeeting was opcnea with prayer, by the R1ev. W. i(. TwnveeFs, after wihich Onne of the Secretaries read a Statenllelit of the Society's proceeditngs ,inee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOA'NS. -1 .\Cr COMPANY heoreby iothinvo t~lt ishe nre- onvi.tis to extentd the beitelits of Life A1s~uraecC to every~ ci ass o f the coonlinelitv. and to ridvanltigc the Assunred inl hit COs 110 0( tboy wvill tbe readyi to ?? app~ldicationst for Loa-,:i,f -£dtt2, attd upwards. 111)(00 POILejo ?? wtelt titO 4a Ccntpany-siteh L~oansl to bie paid to, or returiodby thy Asoured it tOO 01, llr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? PY7UV AND LIFE ASSURANCE, \LJAND BElVERiSfONAIY COM1PANl. INSTITUTED 10213. Capital, one Mil~lionI. I h utt 1 oneral ?? lIES, toLe[Yttot'. A IVXA ItltWEIBSTERI, Esq., C1W0ttfltt. rjj illsI, 'tapN cuttiitltes every systemI (If INsit ?? intenided for par-ties who prefer tin itwi ted'ltilt tt'tst,''ti't avanags.Tl' those Ocoirotis itfoectir- I -ott; upon marriage settlelictsiit, in payment of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALZI L=N~CE CZRtT=PCAT8, FOR THE COUNTY OF ADERD.EEN. MOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That, in terms of the Act of Parliament, sth Geo. IV.. ca 58, all. perons *visbing to obtain ALE LICENCE C TER&IFICATES -for the ensuing Half-year, must lodge, with the Clerk of'the Peace, or his Depute, residing in the district where the House to be Licensed Is situated, or or before the Eighteenth day of October ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TESTIMONIAL TO MDi. BANNERMAN. THE COMMITTEE lately formed for the purpose of get- tinyt up a TESTIMiONIAL to Mr BANNERMIAN for his long and faithful services as Representative of his native City, have the satisfaction of announcing that they have made such progress as ivill enable them forthwvith to bring the mat- ter to a conclusion. Being anxious, however, that no Friend of r Bannerman's, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'IN' ASSElMBLY will be holdI itt the Couity Rooms, 'latiff, on tho Evening of Monday tico 4th 1)ecencbero tundeor the maccnagemuent ?? the following Gentlemen, viz.:- O clO 11 W. GRNT. Esq., Younger of G~rant. to A ,EX ANIDEItt NMORIISON, REq. of ~o~gnice THIOMAS A. DUFIP, Esq. of Illiddo. PnTIICICK lttOE1 INNE'S, Esq. l'cPROVOST CAMERION.V C0Oticecc.LOIIllVfR, C.R. p icg JAMES DUFP MACKAY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CONjS ~VAT1VE DINNER IN ABERDEEN. T sinoelthat the CONSERVATIVES connected wicvth thit CITY, and other FRIENDS of tlce Cause, shiall ts-DINE together, in M~aciraty's Hotel, Aberdeen, 01. Iflecicsdcsy (he 20th, cc Five o'edolt, M r. Ttz of M.o~sei. a Further arrangements will be ?? accuouneed. It Aberdeen, Dee. 4, 1837. 31rs lWE CLU3 ineets in thle PtimnrTc RoociS, oil Mc f.Tccc:ccsscAV ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'IO 'ritt i'lli~ltiL' N02 01 ?? ' 21itm nr MI2 TO i7'i,2\ int 3u-. 13n P.2iinTi ?? tTH . INI 1tt'%i S DIto ENTii wi i ii. xinnin tin linite Hotel.. .Aocvlnilnn, ('ilV ?? fln lH N:TI IN 'J-'Al GENERL' :~N ,. ?? I,,,S lol~o.i2l Z. n ; P Int'l2] in it-I ?? I c I 0 I , 2 IIlIn ;01 , - ;It if J1 nih co'i ?? t. it tntnni In' tn itn int l irle '1 in' Ile Dil-t': rn' Oin MIMInic Iliisiin lint 1,2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A?ZIRDE?N TOWN AN? ? Vt ji liE Annual General Titoobolt of hiavitig been held held L AIIERDEUN TOWN iusd ?? ?A?? ? ?? tel 'dOY, 5150 felloasing OentleiiieU were elceteil j?jsaeCTO vie. 1- ass, for abe ensuing Governor. ;ss THOMAS iIIJRNIITT, ef Leys, Dart. ?oaorary DlreCtoTh. - iVILLI III ANNAND, Esq. of Belmont. ',DAM AOtIVIJTIINDT Esq., ? OrioutOl LenlniiS?. ?? College. Abs 515 N ClERIC ...