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Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... Watchesi Watches!r:Watohesl!! -r rHE i Cheapesb WATCHES and GUNS, and areonow Selling, at S TAeTIbONER 10 rlic Galicry, (south side), Aberdeon;* and .the Highest Prlces given for Second-baud GUNS and WATCHES.I: S JL 52 Cas~lel Strcet, Rc~apectf~llyI~ntiraates that-hc; iitntcade Giving up Busincss on'the 4h of June and begs to6tenqerbhis Sincere ΒΆ?hanks to his Friends and Customera w4o hare sBo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Garden and Farm Seeds. T ROY, Ju5., respectfully invites the attention QJ o of Purchasers of the above to his Large and Exteusive S0OCK1, selected from the best growers. POTATOES for the Garden and Field; FRUIT TREES, GOOSEBERRY BUSHES, and all other Nursery Stock. Catalfnotes macibe had onapplicaticn. SEED SHOP-48, UNION STUEET. N URSERY-FERRYHILL. GENUINE FAR9Y SEEDS. C OMPRISING PASTURE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INFANT RUSKS AND BISCUIT POWDER, Specially prepared by LOCKHART & SALMOND. FIRST-CLASS OPENING FOR A HEOTEL-KEEPER IN ABERDEEN. THE NORTHE-RN HOTEL, A BERDEENit HotEi, extensively patroniied by the Nobility, County Families, anti Touripts, and iuccessfully conducted by M1r MACKIE, will be Let, for such period as may be agreed oit, with Entry at 4th Julie next. Its situation towardsi the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JJHE Ladies are respectfully solicited to make a T ~~~~~~trial of thu ,. GLENIFIELD STARnf,*1 whih tey vil fnd o b fr sperorto any otha. Starch fca drosing ace, Liens &c.It s nouicd in &HiLaundrics,. , fromtheCotageto he Plac, ad won ncetriaddis foiund to h bejidspnabe We 'iiak o GehedStarl, sd htVI( e~~tra profit.s~e o STEAM TO HAMBURG FROM ABERDEEN AND DU BEEJ -HAYLE,- S.S.. (Captainl J w ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HER MAJESTY'S OPERA HOUSE. LESSEE, . MR W. GOMIERSAL. 'A, XTOTWITHSTANDING the TRIUMPHANT th( 1 e and CONTINUED SUCCESS of tra Ino4 CINDERELLA, |TII it can only rose for a FEW NIGHTS LONGER, in consequence ca of plior arrangements. Es: CD SCREAMS OF LAUGHTER AT THE SHADOW PANTOMIME! 50 NOTICE.-Mr GOMFRSt5. has great pleasare in annnouncing to F. his Patrons and Friends that the draught so ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Br, 0 W N'S FURNITURE, CARPET, AND BEDDING ROOMS, 1& :3, BELMONT STREET, ABERDEEN. CARPETS FOR SEASON, 1875. A LEX. BROWN desires to announce the arrival of his Purchases of CARPETS for ensuing Season's busi- ness. Having recently added to his premises a large and well- lighted Carpot lloom onl the Street Floor, he has availed him- s.cif of the adlditional accommodation, to greatly increase ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I~liliii1t1 itU. w'i INVENTOR'S GUIDE, A Complete Handbook on I PATENTS, DESIGNS, AND TRADE MARKS. Mray blo lad Gratis from IV. R. BL. THOMTSON & 00, BinUSr AND FOREIGN PATENT OFFrICE, R6 BUCHANAN STRIE1lT, GLASO0Wi I THE MIAGNETICON. INVENTED AND PATENTED it IM it E DOAlR W ETTON. it at ~~ABERDEEN. it Bin G. F. SARIGENT Ii- ig (irc EDARistWIeT-coi' Rtepresenattntve In Scotland), h Soiuforti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N 0 T I C E. THE TESTAMENTARY TRUSTEES of the I l 1ato GEORGE TEATS, SILK M1rCr11, 87, Union Street, hereby celelimeeto itat thly have SOLD the Decettsed's STOCK. I IN-TIRADE, and GOODIA ILL OF BUSINtESS a1s carried on by I hin, ill Aberejene, to Ml ALEXANDER ItiGUREOOR (Messrs E Macnil, IByars, t& Co., eVarlebocserneni. Glasgow), aEd they solicit t for Mt M 'tREGOR it ContilleiuaeiLe of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ai4 Communications, and articles of intolligenoe, intended for publication, requiro to be authenticatedt by thoe unu and I add ess of thie writer. UHICss tbis is attended to, Corres. pondourts may rest assquvod that no attsution will be paid to their commuunioations. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW MONUMENTAL A.ND GRANITE POLISHING ESTABLISHMENT, BON-ACCORD GRANITE POLISHING WORKS, CONSTITUTION STREET, A LEXANDER PETRIE (late of the Firm of 7lfMessrs James Alex. Petrie) bogs to intimate that he has COMMENCED BUSINESS on his own account at the above Address. Having first-class Machinery and Working Plant, he is in a poltion to execute any description of Monumental anud Archi- tctural ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHEAP APVEWTI7SIMNG.I . I ts ~HEF following Classes of Advertisements T (Prepalid) are userled tin the Abaraleen .teicrmd at the4 rat of Z0DSPEcIFIC Arrttie FOR SAT3. ID ~( HOUSES WAS ITED OR TO LET. FOR 1s WORDS. IA~PARTMEKNT5 WVANIeD ea.-e ITAI Se.roNsWANrED OaLVACAST. V Ae~feSs L.wrOsT osFou.N T HRELE INSER.\ ONS . ,. RINS:l ..The First Page of th.' JaIT'sAL, contining the, 450cc Ciasses ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LACE AND GLOVE ESTABLISHMENT, 125 UNION STREET, A B E R DT EEN.. RS GRANT has much pleasure in intimating that she has made arrangements with her 3 AGENT in Ps to haveacontinuous Supply of the Newestand most Fashenable Goodsbuitable for her trade. HEAD-DRESSBS, FICHUS, SCARFS, LINEN SETS, FRILLINGS, TRIMUNGS, FANS,- FA`Y)6ODS ORNAMENTAL JEWELLERY, &c. GLOVES. COURVOISIER, FOLTSSI, SUEEDE, MAR ...