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Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,At Canrlton Place, on thc 1 7th inst., Mrs . Archibild l tfeion, of a son On the 10th Jantary nt Stonefield, the Lady vf J'tI Cainpbel ,L ,q ,, ?? of u (auidlrter. MARRIED, ' At Glasgow, otl Alondta, ,-Mr. Anere m Bro wing b: ik to Agnes, third daughter of thle late Mr. jo; ,n 51'h ?? . hilsheerk. - At St:--Pancras Chiu-rch, London, on the ,tl w!t., Hlenidr'ckson, l'sg., oft ie Inid of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At Dinumfries, on the dc urt-, the Marchiiodesrdf . afordj of a dauglites. : a ?? flidinlburgh,;on the 1'~th in'taant, the Lsidz i ; Maithnd fiibson, y ounger of Chiftoti Hall, of a son. ;.At (Luinansie, ndadtas; on the 25th Aulgrt,' tble .of 3 ?? Robert M'D;oviali, of 3 sot. :'MARIRIED At Greenock, on Monday, John Macmillan, Er,., geoo; R.N. to Miis Mary Attn-Lavimont, dauhiter late ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . . r~~Bl-RlIIS. At Edinbnrghs, thoe Ltdv of Sir Jamieii DaIr mple. e of Tark ptlaoee Hatrt. a son allnd heir. At Ettricl bmk, on the Sth in -ltA ?? _ Ogiivie, ~siq. youigqr of' Ciesters, ot a oil. On .Saturday the 11thI current, tile uite of Vm in bie, carding master, Mile Erod, was delierel ,, ?? on Mgnday the 12th, of too daudtrtlyrs who * iti tijrq thor areall domgisWell. a - a : f ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... : ' BIRTHl At Cnien~tsp, anD the 10th--oF July last,. hrs. Basil Ro- naldi jsu'l jof%'S WA ' ?? ?? MARRtlED5 At Glasgow, on the' ith curt., by the Rev. Dr. Muir, Mr. Janies Major Bogas, to Margaret, daughter of the late James Gilmour, Fsil., of Londonderry. 'At Glasfosv an 'i u's'day, by the Itv. Mr. Muir, Mr. Robert M'Fa&rxie, minder, Dalmnarnock DycWorks, to Jean, eldest daughtcr. of Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MAsRIlIED, S e At Paisley, on IVoilnay tbe 2Gth curt., bY the RevC. Mr. ie Borns, IMr. John Mirisoti Dunun), University Prilitin-g b ofilce, Gasgisw, to Mary. eldestdaughter of tihelate Ro- bert Cechlian, Esq. 1- ?? D, to At Glassitow, on the moininit of the 20th instant,. Mrs. Margaret kaxsiell, spouse of faurence Craigieh Esq. r At Glasgow, oil the 27th instant, Mr. Archd Kirkland, at grocer ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... O'the Lbt utt., r.4 Thw 1a T.dy, ?? Eti Fdinburgh, to Robijia, daughter of tlobert Furres- ter; Esq., treasurer of the Batik of Scotland. : :f01 'Oula , on the 28th 111fiel rc, 1yngr. Jarie Mclvillej -s souie of' Yarnes SvmE. ' 'At Paislev, 25th March, ?? Ro'v. Dr. JdLin Findlay, of the -'igh Church, Paisldy, iti the 41st yeaf of hig niinistry; Dr. 'indlay was-ordained 3Iinister of' tbe HMigh ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... LG IL~ REGORY. s~ j Of tay blat awe comrfmunicated the me- : *.I o .the ~ de th o ttls eminent Physician and uee ra \s45 ~ze OI Satorday witb great solein- v e zhg attended by the Lord Provost and rsity, aud other- Public oustudents aad private friends. It isohsi d oor lot to-record the death of an individual i so univew.sslly -csteemed, m5 whose loss will occasion so ir- reparalAczallank, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .BIRTiis. At Kllrartatrn-houste, oik the 14th. inst Grant, o1 n7 raughter. t t int., .At 'FIoach-hiyuse, on the 141th diistant tl Macdonaldl Esqj. of Statfa, ot'a ?? e r - '1 M RIt rt. D At GlIsgow, ou tondlay cvelning rh 4 bert Paton,' texcei r, to Isbel Macrnte, (mi' 1 the deceased Chrirstopher Aiacrff` Esq,' ?? 'Ydar'Z At'Guirleiin-,t ?? of I'arr, 1 ln ?? stat, Viiial %'ulicliEsq. ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... *s ?? t ?? ; ; =h -j& .. ' ?? . . ?? At l~urton t(esceg4'.Lon don,.vowsbs 21St instan, the Ladv 'of Sir Jamwes.Aadnaoo, BurL, ofa daughter; A't A4 ?? n-xldliai :JfbSg;, ons ther2 instant, Laay aefional khart, f adaughterc * At 'Glnsgor,*'tktt -tiisw Mr Williwi ..Thwhsnan, merchant' toi 'MtetJt'anstoii, youngs dahter ef. the late Ctud, Miiia F' Pisq ' . On the 12th o6Fkebiau'rV ait florfence,;. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .1 At'9Sorn MIanse, on Sutarfly hod7thls nt., Mrs.PllS ofa son. At St. rIorershRu'regh, on tibe-21st of April lat, i K stto-Gherry, of a daughttr. MARRIED, .: At.Bothwell Cnstk, err Tueslav tlh 99lth Mr. bl: !Riev. W. iRbutledge, Robert Douglas, Lg. if r. hsenildy, Captjin- in the 7lh Hrrssar's, to tirle IdC P Sidney Douglats, youtngett daughter of Lord Doiial At Glasgowi, on the 9thi Miay, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On Sunday the Sd of juf'1iit LaSdy ii)!11] ' esk-house, near Eldinburlgh. t1e eel-. .kenzie of Seafibyth, of a soil. At Aix- on the °31 nit., the Ladv oi of liubisiaw, of a daughter. * -63-lD I i v' At Oiassowr, on 'Inraesd the 5thiJ:fl5fl, Dick, i\nr. \Sairer .i ng, seciltat t- daughter ofMv. 'iionnis Mlyorton, ch1efl' At Swinton Hlil, ?? tli 4 JiiiW, Esq., sigxir-;efir cr in Glasgowv, aw' ...