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Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland

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... LAW INTfLI.IGENCV. COURt O)t KINd'S V V~i4L ftAY' BA5RCt5A ?? OUWNS. . W Th u aekr vw I agtf ?? gbilliieg boy mi Warrendfd tfit pidtift and Mrf Giamy f±r tha d-- fendant. It Wai in, adtibn' of thida Lfe'lfbt4orrPi asP icy . ot ifilea-mee-orfi the `fV 1W. t4' di S4 tr, cAS d# . fi~ribai 27Hd. Tgd-Fi ilhie Bi4le! qbedlofi in'- thib cafe was, whether the profits on a ?? *e It~ *as- cfez~ddd ohb ...


... Ye, erday the Court of Seffion determined a queftion between the Incorporation of MARYs CHAPEL, purfaers, and the Incorporation of WRIGHTS and MASONS of SOUTH LEITH, de- fenders.- The amount of the a&ion was to have it de- dlared, that the Menmbers of Mary's Chapel have a right to work within the liberties of South Leith, and that the defenders -have no right to prevent them from doing f[o The ...


... CO RT Iv l We had formerly occafion to notice the pro. iceedings of a General Court Martial, of which Colonel the Earl of DALKPITH was Prefident, held 2t Edinburgh on the 5tb, 6th, and 7th days of FebrUary laff, on Captain MASTEAToN Ro- B3ERiTSON, ofthe firft regiment of North Britilh Militia, on certain charges preferred againft him by Major ROBERT CAMPBELL, of the fame re. giment. The ...


... INCOR IORATIONS OF LE1'I' AND ;~ I I . EDINBURGH. be On Saturday we stated that the Court'oLSession had de' termined a cause, whereby they found, that the fin- corporation of Wrights and Masons in Leith had a power to prevent the_ Mfmbers of Mary's Chapel, ?? frorni woruimg 6rithin the jirisdiction of s ?? Leith. y In the course of those urottedings it appiared that i . cause somewhat sinilar ...


... COURT OF KINR's BENCH-May x. Mr ERSKINE applied to the Court in behalf- of a Mrs Cuitis, who had been -injuredta no finaller an ex- tent than &ing robbed of, dir £uhJS&nad Mdr Curtis, fon of a gessitlemnan' at, Gainfborough, whilet refiding in London, had contracted a pafiion for Mlifs Lane, the' fifterof his intimatt fricod, and ioon utfer the two lovers vieze joined in the bands of wedlock. ...


... t.._UK.1 ?? bnLb1UbN. u On Wednefd{ay, May f3, the Court of Sef- fion gar& judgnment-in a caule of general intereft WILLIAM Dumv, merchant in Aberdeen, and othern, rmanagers of the Burgher Seceding. meet- ino-houfe i6 Aberdeen, members of the congre- gation and contributors, brought an aftion before the Sheriff of Aberdeenffiire, againfl the Rev. 3;-rWi xt:AT BsttNTON, minifter of that Biurgh- ...


... C RIM. C O ?? I , 0 . rI s_ ?? UKIZVI. COY 11, , This ddy in the Court of King's Ben lh carne on to be tried an aflion in which the parties were STURTe v. Marquis of BLANDFOD, for critm. con. After a long hearing, tne Jury returned a ver- r- did for the ?? tool. - as nt Though the late General Abercromby poffef- :k fed the utmoil prudence and circumfpection, as IY far as related to his army, ...


... I 7I7 COURTS L O AW. A I1 KZING's BENCH, WESTMINSTER-May 27. } C-kC-I -M .; C ° ?? CHARLES STUR7, ESQ -V. THE KARoQUIS: 07 | h .;-BLANDPORD. .e I I This was an ation forxctiminal converrationi . Mr Ei Rs ?? flEttd, ihae the plaintiff iu this cafe t was Member ?? for the town of Brid- f, port, and the-defendant fon to the Duke of Mart- h borugh. He faid Mr Sturt was married in the | of iyear ...


... 1UFr v I., TWE KCING V. JOUVAUX. Thls cafe ?? fhock the feelings of every liu'n to 'btiig who has a fingle fiark of humanity in his bo' nd foemi Such cafes, fortunately for the honour of the .nation very feldom occur. Mr ArTORNeiry GcENRAtL, in his addreis raid a this was a cafe which he perfuaded himnfelf would ibe very deeply intereft their julice and compailon, and iby intercting their ...


... COURT MA.WiAL. - -O n a _j&h of -Mareb, ?? foufequek dsys a General Ctourt beWtiiaI waa id at XNewport, in the aie of U..ighIt, f6or the ?? of Ljeswtenarit CelanlI John Rofs, of tb4 ;th regiment, an -five different cha~s~trrredajait him 1by ?? the ,eg;he est 't~h~hcflt'li eh7rge nnhly he was -inund G;i sViz. 'itf of 4ihcm-sg eyed two men in the':re-itreit -as 1ns feavadt$ *to in iftred is ...


... CO3URT OF S.!NG's BENCH BEFORE LORD RENYON AND A SFECIAt JURY JOHNNSTON ?? GILSON' This was an adion upon a polity of infura'ne upon the Ihip Superb, and freight, upon a voyage at and from Charleflown to London, the.'hip va- ,lued at I 2001. and the freight at 8o0l. upon which there was an adjuflment of lofs; but the under- writers having after Iards fowefufpicion of fraud, the money was not. ...


... t I N 0 3 X E N C H-June !. THS KING V. THCLLOsSZON. This was an indiirment againlf Mr George Thel- uffcn, one of the firm of an eminent mercantile hou'fe in Londdn; it was preferred at the inflance -of one Richard Coppinger: the circumftrknes that gave' rife to it were -thefe :-The profehtor, who wasa Captafh jn the WeR India trade, and. owner of a fiip called the Guardian, applied in the ...