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Lothian, Scotland

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... NANTES MAY S& Yefterday at noon one cf the tu-'ai containing about ei^ht or nine hundrdi of powder, blew up with a t: ?? buildings attached to the tower bss lire- yed. In a moment the great toss the ditches, furrour.ding ?? SB qusrters cf the town, Were covered -- rai bodies were vio'emly fnaken, itx.-i A four pounder was carried beyon.. _ foot of the terrace of the co_:t, ?? i carriage were ...

__^ -J-^rr-t_-_ret--li__-!__?

... ?? - J ?? I ! I James Hadfield, charged with high ;;>g at his Majefty in Drury-Lane The- W up and arraigned upon his __—__— it, °- 'he Attorney General. He pleaded : »r.d up on pps; s p et j t : ot , t0 tne Court, Mr fended expedition/ He will, ofc'ou-.fe, ««_?* em' in his fche. ' | • °. a oi flag officers, which is expect- ?? '^mediately on the anival of Lord | uf - Übric ? ge ?? > °«« cf ...


... PLYMOUTH- June 18. This morning anived the Uniccrn, of 32 guns, Cap- tain P. Wiikinfon, from a cruize on the coalt of France, with nine French prizes, viz. two brigs, fix luggers, and a lloop*, all laden with proviiions, which were cut out of a bay near the Penmarks, on the 10th inflant, by the boars of the fquadron under the command of Ad- miral Sir J. B. Warren, conlilflng of the Renown and ...


... ?? OF ?? •_.'■ _ Lord Tex. t.c b ought up tl bill, which was or,:, red to be eni ri a third rime to-morrow. '' ; The lloufe rcfolved into a ?? .. Ro.z moved ?? i ?? .- there Wi is one authotijing t,., , ?? ' upon ; aper larger than the __ I V ?? ; The Houfe __s lelLin.d, a_i_£ be read to-morrow. On the motion of Mr Rose, ' lecond time, and ordered to 0- _ ?? '• MtDondas ..relented ...


... I [FROM OUR LONDON CORRESPONDENT. 1 HOUSE Or LORDS— JuIy z. This day his Majefly came in (late to the Houfe of Peers, and the Commons having ap- peared at the bar, his Majeity gave the royal affent to the bill for efi-bhihing a Legiflative Union between the kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland. HOUSE OF COMMONS — T.Iy .. An account was prefented of the number of prifoners in the different ...


... The Aultrianshave tranfported their baggage, artil- I lery and hofpitals behind the Inn, and it appears that I the army will take hp a new polition. They fear at j Munich that che French will advance; The whole of the right wing has ?? the Lech, and Lecearbc has his head-.iuar;ers at Schongau. They eft-mate at IC ; o_hd men the force the French have at Friedbcrg. aVL vie Meerfvidt i- at ...


... HAL I F AX— June S- ?? great public ard private I _-_ietv, and ns her unfortunate f is now af; j c'vit.ined, we have endeavoured, as far a. pc-Klr, to It will he a f--iefae!ion, though a ir.cler.chd!>- cr.e, to tl.e Kends of the unfortuna-Vfeiterers, to !. . in. ...


... LONDO N— JOIJ7B -m.m .. • m •»k- s J I Lord Nelfon was L.i; ?? r ' atd of Ipfwich. His Majesty has been the fentence of W-Uiia Gillffl dcmncd to be banged, by a c ! board ttie Glat-00, ibr ctterioj 7 mutiny, to tranfportation for lif. ' Oo the I2t'h raft. 29S p. raarcfaed through Exeter, ?? V.'c are much gratittcd to f!_»- . tics alike competent and di;in'i- r 7 bay tit-.rvefi has ...

B^Do* MARKETS,—JuIv 18

... B^Do* MARKETS,— JuIv 18. !«r,s. HOPS. 1 ;° l3l IS Kent ijlW.-Wirli.Cs I ?? i.'l 131 1 Su__~ ra 0, to i.l i-s ™ 'ii ci [ ElTci ol os to ol cs t»,,,. l - E aTHEK,perlb. ?? Wl_ - « d to 23 4 'f v. , d — 24 d ■I, ' - aa d — 22 hi- -iili.l - 13 d — if J 'rst.: ' . - ljd - :tl il- at ?? . a. d — 21 d -* ta - I* d — en d ?? 1, _° ' b ? a doz Zi d — d Jbg*! '- 25 d — -. d ■fa, ? - tt ii - i 6 ...


... Canada, c_f BrOth'.c, Ju!y 13. Majtity's ihip . Excellent rejoined the fjTliere, lall night from a cruize off [and is under orders to fail with dif- isis day for England. Since I wrote Jcr fipiadrcm remains injla.'v quo, except Biii! frigate, which is gone liome for a - 1 cordequence of having been aihore on j's coal!. I viiited our camp ?? ifhed, which at prefent confifts ofthe t aid 63d ...