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Grampian, Scotland

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... r Portsmoutb, )ian. ?? o'clock P. Jig. ?? eight o'clock the vellow flag (the signal for. ,h extcution), was displayed, and boats were or- :h ddered from eaich ship. Six mutineers, viz. Ches- h ie terman, Collins, Fitzgerald, Hfillier, Ward, and o J Ma;'field as stated in ourJast, were executed.- sI Id The orders were for the execution of the first' F Id four on board the Temeraire, Ward on ...


... Taesdsy, 2n-. 14. lo Th is day the Court Martial re-assembled, when ek the follorin:g persoans wvere put upon theirltrial, d( viZ. in 'Joln Allen I Gco. Comayne I James Riley Edw. Taylor I Geo. Dichison I Tlio.Simmonds w The first evidence called for the prosecution was :fanzes Richa?,-son, whose testimony wvas pre- cc cisely the same ctffei as that given by him onthe sa trial of the seamen ...


... . I C.OUJX-,QF lUSTfClARY. h onday camne 6,'nbefore the Igouit the ?? of -goggeg-li dsayi, shoe'r'n'aker i Pdnton-street, ac- e cused of the murder of John Allan, soldter in the sjd, or Colonel PFillarton's r uieht 6f light is dragoons, on the evening of the z7th f J, nuaty t n last, by gi-ihgi him ttfo stabs with a knifb; thle t one betwixt the sixth and seventh ri&, and the . 7 other in the ...


... ILA'W §TTELLlGENCE. vo > . ,,l V. Dig. This iva an aalion ?? the jistance ?? Jamc RIacleod at Bdtimore, near lInverngsr, na'-lst lugh Robeit Duff, £sq.-sf, and the circumstances of tlhe ca'~seas shortly these:- In the year ;, g9, Dr Macleod brought an ?? of ?? and damages, at his'instanc_, be- ftore the Co,'i t of ession, against Mr Daiff, SCt- jting f.orth, that he lnid b en ...

Edinburgh, April 3

... .ainbllrgi, alrl 3. CIRCUIT INTELLIGENCE. _Stiriq:g, nlnr-b 27. ?? The Circuit Court of Justiciary was dpened here on Friday last, by the Right Hon. Lord Cullen. Johln Robb,.labourer in Brighton, in the parish of T'olmont, accascd of stealing cattle. The-Ad- vocate Deprntc, having restritced the libel against him, he wvas faurd guilty by his own confession, and sentenced to transportation ...


... X- 1. - - - - - - - , ! X A Court Martial was assembled in the Vastle ie of Edinburgh, on the 2oth ult, and continued by adjourninents till the ioth inist. for the trial of ks Colonel- Lewis McKenzie of the Ross and Cro- r it marty Rangers, on charges brought against him d y by Mr Munro, late a Captain in the said regiment, t is which were in Substance as follows:- ]- ist and 2d-Coinpelling ...


... CQtRT OF COMMON PLEAS,7znly 22. Breacb 4f Promise of Ma1rriage. W I Hand -P. Kisten. l Mr Serleant Cockel stated, that his client wvase, a young ?? who sought redress for one of the most cruel injuries that could be offered to her se%. She -resided at Harbro' with her brother, t a respeaable tradesman in that town. The de- fendent was put apprentice to Mr Hand, and in thee course of some years ...


... I At tc Marine Police ofaceC, ol Friday, Joh'n I Eastcrbhy onc of the owners of the brig Adven- Wr I ture (which vessel was sl nk off Brighton on the 9th inst. and for N-hich offence the Captain and W another of the owvners werc fully commnitted for etrial), was gain brought up for examination, Y- being chiarged as a party concerned in the con- dspiracy to dc'raud the underrwriters. The cvi- ...


... T-efday, Oabher z6, i8O%. This day came on the the ?? which involved a inunler of perfons, as being concerned it. finking the I- brig Adventure, off Brightbn, on -the 8th Auguf la .W t- Our reAder', will '+ecollee the various examinations t whicl took place at the Manfion-hoiufe, in regard to - this extraordinmry liufinefs. the circumftaneds of which i- have for fome time confideralily ...


... COURT OF .Nl,'s BENCHI. The Kling a. Ilam'y. -I ant A cause came on to be tried this day, which ?? no small degree of the public atten- tiR tion. on Lo A criminal information had been filed against er-l w a person of the name of Hamley, a tinman of a- Plymouth, for an attempt to corrupts by bribing c - )o the present Prime Minister, the Rtight Hon. i-. ar is- Addington, upori which the ...

lc?mbu ?)5 Va. II

... COURT OF JUSTICIARY. io Monday the Cdurt met to hear Counsel on y the case of John McInnes, certified by the Judges e- oiithe last Circuit Court atPerth. Thepoint in e- dispute was an objic&tion stated by the Counsel , mA 1in niies, iin bar of proceedciag, and is found. t, ed on the act of Parliament 170I. Mr James Key, and Mr John Haggarth, were heard at great length on the Dart of the pannel ...


... III UR DE R. The present times appear to be marked with an unprecedented degree of wantonness and cru elty, and a boldness in the commission of crimes, s which evinces the utmost hardihood and depra- vitv of nature:- On Friday night last, Miss Tebburt, of Kegsvorth, in the county of Leices- ter, a very nmia.ble and accomplished yoqng lady, about 28 years of -age, housekeeper to her -brotheriu ...