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ODE for the NEW YEAR, 1798

... ODE for the NEW rEWR, i798. -- -w r I P I - .1 n- 1 AL - JAce JoIS ?? -I, S, (Set to Muficandperformed at the Birth-day.) By HENmY JAMSw PYR, Efq; Poet Larireat. I. When genial Zephyr's balmy wing Fans, with foft plume, the flow'ry vale, Each tender feyon of the Spring, Expanding, owns the faltering gale, And fmiles each funny glade around With vegetable beauty crown'd.- But when the Whirlwind ...

From the Ladies of Forres to the Gentlemen of the 15th Regiment of Foot, on the arrival

... 1- r.on the ?? -jJof rres to the Gceu/e.'nu, I 5(1.) kiqmcnz of Fo', on tile arrival oi tile RetitneIt at Abrd~e,, fromi Parres. ?? Farewell The frit irin Du, ar pecing ife, J lie Royal Bannt~er, :,!d all thie Qiality, l'rlde, poirrp, anol 6i cuillrrce of glorious sArar. By ranid FIidhorn's brawling flream, WXiere lorres' finclkes arife, Of pleaiiures pallT we fadly dream, Whbnile languor ...

On a keen dispute in the Aberdeen Journal between A CITIZEN and A FARMER

... Oz a keei; ?? H , ?? J d'rs , Yfln 7(iM7!fl/. t ?? in A ITrZrNS ?? , ?? ;x:'ii ahouo/ Lc's-mu-ne;.', 1'o./K Ar.r~~w rvLtr/:imr, *go d--%N M~lr a t it old j tintly Mlots J Ali' Salraht Sih maco- t fcI:; A cacti , ci a t ?? !tat: bl!u, A lock o' flra- theiri lxI. a Thciitnhi f'i, a 11,-u It t) I flu' Ii-.i; ttuz ...

TiW A -v Z7 -C 21 «r -r .-r- x . : c, ?i-r l ?? i ?? ■

... era* bead j L_3& nqn3 ?? ob_i ••*-. _r. 3_aa_c*gjbE as Jic^T- £■ A-it ?? .tht-y -rracfc •v.v.Zxz.-Jt ?? T^'Oard-a-LTj-toa _ibirid ; _ir, a rnjg, ?? i ?? | ?? xiwsjr .br-cii die .^£.-ib_i_:h .dsge. 3 A'V.e -_c.'xisa3r.% .ssi-d tiir s_.^j_id Tac ?? nde 9v -patfe ...


... Till fupplv of ?? tl. tbi! il ,y v.,s pretty ?? ; and, as few ' cartel have draped in bain tbe Elbe, and cur neighbouring 1:4. wtek were dull and cheaper, tiie fale, iiere were very benvv at is. and n_ pr quarter eicclen- lion. But little fine Matting Barley .T ?? tbe 'ales were there- lew, 311.1 no alteration ran be timed in prices ; but inferior mnlitie* were ...


... ITOIME OF LORDS — Apr'! -JOa Lord Hulla mi role to make his motion relative to the Catholics of Ireland, which he introduced by a fpeech ol fome length, to (hew that it would be nrudent and ptoper, in the prelent moment, to fatisfy the- minds of the people of that country that fomething real and ?? towards thofe of the Catholic periualion was intended by the Minilters, and would affuredly ...


... A RMIES tN SUA BIA. | I I ! A few copies only of the .Sun have been received in town with the following intelligence, which we Hop the prefs to infert :— S O N O F F I CE—uu-_ut owe, .. M. We Hop the prefs to make the following very impor- tant ?? were this morning re- ceived from Mr Wickliam ; they are dated en the Bth, from C7__ and contain accounts of tl-.e late obilinate aftions at F.ngen ...

MAT _ 3 . ?? the King iftei reviewing the fight infantry j 1 James's, where he held a levee,

... which was the mofl j j crowded send (plendid ever witnefl— l, tlie inbili y and j Loyal ?? were prelented to his Majelly en his j !ate providential ef.-si.c frosn the in habitants of .1 nnm- j ber of boroughs, &c. Aft r the lerechis Majefly entered the Great Cota. cil Chamber, where being fealed on the throne, ihe Kino receive- the addrefc of the Hoofa of Lord: aad When its.- members had with ...

Vf AR-O F1 I C E—May -,r

... Scots Brigade—Lieutenant John Inncs to be Captain of a company, by purchafc vice lieutenant Colon- G-Uefpte-who retires. ' Kn'fign Perer MacArthnr to be Lieutenant, vice In- fVVt', who has beenfnperfeded. -Lieutenant fames Allan to be Adjutant, vice Donald, who refigns. Afiiilant Surgeon John Smi-.h, .rom the 7.5 th foot, to be Surgeon, vice Sheiky, dc- ...

IXO—j's MARINE LlST—June 3

... IXO—j's MARINE LlST— June 3. Tnl Ph._s.ix privateer of Jcrfcv, h.s taken and fen t into that ifland a Freer, brig, Laden with logwood, tobacco, and c.itton; alfo had an engagement oft' Boiirdcausc with a French brig letter of marque in ballall, which Ihe drove cs*. lhore ar.d I * The Union, Bowler, from Charleslos; to England, is captu- ?? Somen er, Pie———, bom Gu.rsilcv to Briflol, has been ...