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Law Intelligence

... I f abj JaUffigtMe. 7 rec COURT OF SESSION-TUESDAY. wa FIRST DIVISION. be JARDINE'S TRUSTEES V. CARRON COM PANY. be This is an action of damages against the-Carron ou Company at the instance of the trustees of a late as shareholder. The ground of action is that the sea late Mr Jardine was induced to sell his shares in greatly beneath their real worth in consequence ato of the company ...

Law Intelligence

... 4 n* cjt l~iqitice. COURT OF SESSION-THuRsDAY. SECOND DIVISION. P;T.-DENNSY. This is the petition in regard to the enistouly of the ?? of MIrN il Macnish. TheCeert ordered the petitioners to lodge a scheme for the residence, maintenance, and edacation of the child. ren. The following scheme accordingly was lodged | The petitioners propose the following schemne for the residence, maintenance, ...


... A letter from Djeddah, in the Levant Herald of the 5th, describes a shocking assassination that had just taken place at Medina: The latest item of news in this quarter is the assassination of Djemal-ul-Eil, chief of the IUlemas, at Medlina, and a descendant of the Pro- phot. The incident is looked upon by all classes here as an important political event, and one which is likely to be attended ...


... PROSECUTIONS. 0gABT SCENE IN RANKEILLOR STREET. (ne of the most exciting scenes in connection ith the Clerico-police-tax prosecutions took lace yesterdays at 4 Rankeillor Street, the resi- deoce of Mr C. B. Stewart, bootmaker, South Bridge. it was among the boldest stands which &he Opponents of the tax have yet taken. It will be remembered by our readers that about the beginning of the present ...


... POLICE COURJT-MONDAY. (Before Bailie Russel.) CASES Or THErT. Eliza Gilroy was charged with having stolen, on or since the 19th of August, from the Crown Hotel, 'shere she was a servant, a linen table-napkin and a white straw-bonnet. She had been twice previously convicted of theft. Mary Murphy or Gilroy, lher mother, was also brought up on a charge of resetting the stolen property. Both ...


... THE UNION BANK OF SCOTLAND. 3IR ROBERTSON'S EVIDENCE. We continue to give the evidence tendered to the Commissioners appointed to inquire in the working of the Bank Acts:- James Robertso n, Esq., manager in Glasgow of the Union Bank, was called in, and examined. Chairman-You are the manager of the Union Bank of Glasgow? -I am. Before you became so you bad considerable expel rience in the ...


... The Glasgow Herald gives the following sum- tl mary of the facts in this painful case: -The n libel was served in October last. It proceeds at j the instance of Mr Lamont, of Ardlamont, Mr n Campbell, of Ballimore, and other heritors of the r parish of Kilfinan, and charges Mr M'lettsh, ,the s minister, with repeated .acts of drunkenness. h There are eight charges. The first charges Mr at ...


... BUEGH COURT OF EDINBURGE. DfTT DECISION AFFECTO5CG VOLUNMEPM. At this Court ?? Johnston and Bresell, End W. NMackenzie, Esq., W.S., presiding hi -.petitionw Vas presented ?? in DavidsOf in command of the corps of the Edin- si( burgh Rifle Volunteers, and signed by Charles Scott for, and as especially authorised by. him, w nrying the Court to direct Andrew Collins, press- f man, residing in ...

Law Intelligence

... COURT OF' BrSS1ON--TzseuxiaAY -FIRST DIVISION. 1 POWELI. AND CO. AND MANDATORY V. GAKLLACHIER &ND CREAN.1 Powell and CO., corn merchants, Liverpool, a the pursuers in this action, averred that ina February I1802 they had made advances to the defender Crean, on the faithof certain shipments of oats, buttliat instead of beiugdeliveredto them the oats had been sent to certain mnerchants in Glas- ...


... CO031ISSIONER1S OF' P'OLICE. Onl iltnilny. there woe an adjoarnild meeting of C-mamiosionera of Polioaa-thae Lord Praovot in the rhlair. On the min-tes ho-ing rtul, .1lr JImlN WIGIHT 1 iljiaitaal tan ?? part of them artieai ?? to the inrern4aai ili t ont ralarv off thle Fir.e mnster. Ile ali- oail thit it might nmt lhn lhereafter rtla he hall Approrved of lian minniat. fia then grove noitire ...


... COUrlT OF SESSION-SECOND DWvISIoN. l is N. llousr N~O~ioo~oo, V. JsOHN an Intil J aoSS, E &ih55 W : ot o :z o ,fnmn of thefr suer and crtaio other Partieo fur a elight, itt a honk otsf or, ,,ih we avr,0, , cloring thu period of the Rons-slsiro ercetei- le net 'it slstrie erh following unste w000 triett isy a juitry hit ht oteosmer I,!t It- 11Whether, oil or hou~ti the 4tb or 5th dlays of ...


... IJMFORTAT CASE ON THE GAME LAWS. The suspender, Gavin Sniellie, farmer at Hazledean, in the parish of Stonehouse, and county of Lanark, was charged at the instance of the respondent,~ Robert Lockhart, Esq. of Cas- flehill,, with concourse of the Procurator-Fiscal of Court, for of the nublie interest, before the Justices of the Peace for the of said county, with contravention of the first ...