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... The fixti aunnal Ferndale Horse Show wasD held at the Cricket Field. Ferndale, on Whit- Monday, in beautiful weafler, and with a ni s large 'attendance. The judges were:- *tHunters and harness classes: -Messrs. . Jones, 1A1 r- LIandilo, and J. Anthony, Kidwelly. Cart M d and colliery horses: Messrs. R. W. Bridgwater M Le and W. Emerson, Caeran. JUmping and X' te trotting: Messrs. T. D. ...


... BOOKS. A new novel. entitle The Bride of Llan- ga ctyn, byv J. E. Patterson (late of Cardiff). ancizhor of The itermaiid` ?? will be pub- lish8ed in the early auturnm by Digby, ILong, anti Co. We have nothing but praise for Dlarlington's llandbook to London, which has reaelced SO its third odition. and is the beau-ideal of a. di -aide-hooh, The WmatteC' is from the gift'ed pesns tl of ...


... CARDIFF 'CHRYSANTHEMUM SHOW. nil aid THE QUEEN'S EXHIBITION OF FRUIT rse On In all. respects the Cardiff Chrysanthemum N led Show (which opens to-day at the Park-hall) A .a will exocel all its predecessors. First and fore- me Jr. most anmangzt its many good features is the nor he 'fact that. her Ma-jesty the Queen has been gra- gee [lit 0 ously pleased to send down from the Windsor slit M. ...


... INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION AT i GLASOOWV. Two years and a half ago Glasgow decided to hold an international exhibition in 1901, and ever since the resolution was passed at a represenlctt.ive meeting of citizens the work of organisation and construction has been actively pushing forward, A very pleasing site in Kelvingrove Parkt, covering some 70 acres, was given by thre corporation; the first ...


... MAGAZINES, &c. Temple Bar for November filly u pholds its reputation. To lovers of George Meredith fail there is an Informing article on the BRnal wa Dianal of the Crossways, Though mateariatls Ab for Al sktetch areO deplorably scanty,, Enough Ja, remuains to show that in the career of the zq Honionrablo Mrs. Norton the novelist had £7' ready the tragic story o f thle -life dci of Al ...


... LOCAL AMUJSEMENTS. is 7 - - - Sir TREAMtE RlOYAL, {Y-A-tlIFlF. Carde yfii*Soth Let. Bonro was ep~lainedl satis- vbher ficet-r-ily to thle auldience ~at, 'thu Theatre R-oyal, l.V- A j Ca~rdifl', oii Mlonday evening Air. lor-ioi'c hI Linriard a act Iris company ha-vo got, I-le play s~C -into splendid treiri, aind the ma~nner in whsichl monj they- reeled ofl' the throe nets was excellent, ha Ic ...


... GRAND THEATRE, CARDIFF. The new realistic arid esational drama, Pi1 fiild of Justice (to whiclh we have already referi-d in thle'o coluniris). will be prdorl ed for the first tiuo tbis 'vhoirdayl evening at the Grand Theatre, Cardi.5, arid repitition performsmes will ne given tirnrgl- oist tire Week. Ill the cagnable hands f AMr. llarinigtoa Reyno:lds's conipany, including, na it dots, ...


... DOW~N JUAN AT THRE TfHE;AlThE R OYAL,. Cardriff faddists have triumphed, and for the nonce, to slightly vary an old quota- tion, apt illustration's artful aid is not called in to aid the eye in gaug- ing the forthcoming production at the Cardiff Thleatre Royal of that inimitable burlesque Don Juan. But though the w alls simply a~nnounce, in funereal hlack end white, Don. Juan again, ...


... .OUtRRNT LITERATURE; X RELVIEWS.- . a: As our international intercourse extends tl the study of language becomes, of more impor- tt tance. The corinmand of foreign tongues is anl accomplishment which grows more necessary as the years roll on. 'That being so, a pre- liminary view of the nature and history of the 1 subject is as advantageous as it is interesting. : Woaks and -published lectures ...


... / N rd BOOKS3. N Idy ,Teen's Ston (by ,mroh Tytler). Janold n and Sons, 10 and 11, Wearwik-lane, Q.C. E P~rice 6d. ' ' ; ' IsI [T The intime rifemie to in -ibis piowerfully- writteneafdrmoat engro.sinig piece of fiction was 2 Prioro.i$the.:memnorable arrival of the great he Dr. Jo*son -at the White EHorse in the ligh- 1 streeb of KEdinburgh, and as the chief Pactors Y, '4aed ?? it was ...


... . CARDIFF TRIENNIAL ?? I MUSICAL FESTIVAL, I 0. ITS RELATION TO THE :S-UTH bhe i' WALS FESTIVAL.- as, ,oa `Zetns, writing on Wedneedan GYg:-v . y ns. The announcement this morning to the effect ihe that the Cardiff Triennial Musical Fesqival is ae- not to be allowed to dapse does credit to the zas tenacity of its promoters. The illogical vapour- ?? ings of the outside press over the ...


... SENRATIONTAL LITERATURE. At the Guildhall police-court, London, on Thursday, M r. Superintendenb Foster, of the City Police, and a superin- tendeut from Bow-strect, attended before Alderman Lusk, M.P., to obtain his opinion as to the character of a publi- cation which was being extensively sold in the streets. The printer and publisher were both present, and were willing, if his worship should ...