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Cardiff, Glamorgan, Wales

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... MERTHYR. MAY 13.—Beef, 6d. to 7d.; Mutton, 8d. to SJd.; Pork, 7d.: Veal, 4d. to 7d.; Lamb, 8d. to 9d.; Potatoes, 7 to 81b. for Apples, 2s. to 3s. per hundred Cheese, 4d. to 8d. Butter, Salt, Is. Fresh, Is. Id. to Is. 2d. Eggs, ten for 6d. Fowls, 2s. 2d. to 2s. 9d. per couple Rhubarb, 3d. per bunch; Cabbages, Id. to lid. each Bacon, 9d. per lb.; Brocoli, 2id. to 3d. each; Flour, 4s. to 4s. 2d. ...


... TO ADVERTISERS. The large and increasing Circulation of the FIUNCIPALITX renders it a most advantageous medium for Advertisements of all descriptions. The terms are moderate:—si* lines and under, five shillings; and fourpence for each additional line. A considerable reduction is made on Advertisements repeatedly inserted. TQ SUBSCRIBERS. TERMS of SUBSCRIPTION :—20s. per annum, or per quarter; ...


... LATEST CURRENT PRICES OF MET AL £ s. d. £ B. d. IRoN-Bara. Wales.ton 6 0 0 to 6 5 0 London 1 0 0 0.. 7 5 0 N ail rods 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0.. 9 15 0 Sheet 0 0 0 10 10 0 Bars 9 0 9 5 0 Welsh cold-blast foundry pig. 3 10 0 4 5 0 2 3 0.. 2 4 0i Rails, average. 0 0 0.. 6 5 0 Chairs. 0 0 4 4 0 Russian, 0 0 0 17 0 0 PSI. 0 0 0 0 Archangel 0 0 0 13 0 0 Swedish d, on the spot 0 0 0 11 10 0 Steele, fagt 0 0 ...


... MEMOIR OF REV. W. JONES. TO THE EDITOR. OF THE PRINCIPALITY. SIR,—Justice requires me to offer a few remarks in refer- ence to Veritas's severe reprehension of Mr. Griffiths and the Memoir, in the PRINCIPALITY. Veritas has most deliberately and groundlessly cast oil Mr. Griffiths the asper- sion, that lie had the presumption to attempt writino the biography of such a man. and that too of ...


... THE DOINGS OF COMMUNISM IN FRANCE; THE late Provisional Government of France committed a. manifest blunder when they patted Communism on the back, and ventured upon the impossible task of regulating, the price of labour. Every real friend to the Republic look at this step as rash, ill-advised, impolitic, and fraught with certain danger. Evils equally with good deeds, reproduce- themselves. Sow ...


... IT ^ieaa of x&iscellaneous estimate i^nd under the ivae as-compared i iuiiu, unaer xne .was vVhen we Jxad a good reve- .11 our expenditure, the question of outlay so important; but after a period of recVuCfecl taxation and of revenue, as compared with income, which was not what it had been in former times, it was of great importance to look to additional expenditure. The Marquis of Lansdowne ...


... HOUSE COMMONS, TUESDAY, MAY 23. CHESTER AND HOLYHEAD RAILWAY BILL. On the motion that the report of this bill be considered, Mr. Grogan rose to oppose it on the ground that it was con- trary to the standing orders of the House, and besides, would give a railway company the monopoly of the steam-boat traffic, which could not fail to be attended with great disadvantages to the public. He ...


... HIE AFFAIRS OF SPAIN., Lord Palmerston brought up papers relating to tile affairs of Spain, which were laid on the table and ordered to be printed. The Hou e adjourned at a quarter to one o'clock. ...


... HOUSE OF COMMONS, TUESDAY, MAY 30. The Speaker took the Chair at Four o'clock. UNION WITH IRELAND. Lord Castlereagh presented a petiti hi agreed to at.8 public meeting held at Nevvtonards, and sigiie(I by in favour of the existing legidative union with Inland. Un the motiolf'of the noble lord the petition was read in detail by the Clerk at the table. ...

-- - c---------WOOL MARKET

... LONDON CORN EXCHANGE. MOXDA. Y, JUXE 5.—At this morning's market we had a slow demand for English Wheat at a reduction of Is. to 2s. per quarter upon last Monday's prices. Foreign likewise met but few buyers at a decline of Is. per qr. Good fresh Flour maintained its price. In Barley there was very little doing. Fine Malt met a fair sale. Peas and Beans went off heavily and rather cheaper. The ...


... NEWPORT. JUNE 3.—Our market of to-day was but moderately attended, and things passed rather slack. The prices were as follow Beef, 7id. to Sd. per lb.; Mutton-, 7td. to 8d.; Veal, 71d. Tallow, 4d. Cheese, 4d. to 7d.; Fresh Butter, Is. to Is. Id. Potatoes, 9s. fill, to 10s. per cwt. Wheat, per quarter, 50s. to ols. liarlev 33s. to 34s. Oats, 23s. to 24s. Beans, 42s. to 43s. Eggs 9d' per dozen. 66 ...