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Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales



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Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales


... PKBFEOTION. —Mrs. S. A. ALLEN'S World's Hair Restorer never fails to restore grey hair to its youthful colour, impart- ing to it new Jife, growth, and lustrous beauty. Its action is speedy and thorough, quickly banishing greyness. Its value is above all others. A single trial proves it. It is not a dye. It ever proves itself the natural strengthener of the hair. Sold by all Chemists and ...


... THE BEST *\in (Taylor's Patent Sewing Machine wi: h the new Improvements, which render it superior to al other* for Dresfmsking ana Vamily uae. It il eimple to 1carn, cagy to work, quiet in action, not liable. to get out of orter. Can be had on easy terms of purchase at a moderate priee. Intending purchasers, jf unable to obtain Taylor's i'at cut S/winar Machines from local Do Jers are ...


... ALLSOPP'S BITTER OR MILD ALE. OCTOBER BREWINGS IN FIEST-RATE CONDITION. MESSRS. SAMUEL ALLSOPP & SONS rpAKE the opportunity of announcing to PRIVATE FAMILIES that their GENUINE ALES -a Casks, may be obtained of # MR. JOHN DAVIES, GROWN HOTEL, HIGH STREET, MERThY T>T r^i-ry AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES IN CASKS of 18 Gallons at 21s., 24s., 27s., 80s., SSs., S6s. and 42s. Guinness's Extra Stout, in ...


... ing with 1st APRIL next. E ANCHOR Line will sail three « each week, viz HURSDAYS. and SATURDAYS, W to NEW YORK, and from NEW keeping up a regular coramnnica- nd and America EVERY ALTERNATE year. -AXCnOK LINE. g I A S G 0 W NEW YORK. of this Line are despatched from ;OW FOR NEW-YORK STESDAY AND SATURDAY, Lough Foyle, to Embark Passengers. 13, 14, AND 15 GUIJTKAS, to New York. El,iUT ...


... FLOKILINE!—FOB THE TBETH AND BREATH.—A few drops of the liquid Floriliae sprinkled. on a wet tooth-brush pro duces a pleasant lather. which thoroughly cleanses the teeth from all parasites or impurities, hardens the gums, prevents tartar, stops decay, gives te the teeth a peculiar pearly white- ness and a delightful fagrance to the breath. It removes all unpleasant odour arising from decayed ...


... ADVIOB TO MOTUKIIS of cuttmg teeth ? GO^OT sirk child suffenn* wHh the P of once to a cheirust rt)ueve the poor sufferer imSi SOOTHING S\KUP, WLRM|ESS and pleasant to TASTE^T^ ately It is perfectly ^rmby reUeving the eiiildlJo'm na^ duces natural, quiet ^keS as bright as abutter r? and the little cuerub ,jjf. gums, allays all i>ain r*ii soothes the child, it solt j the best known reinnd ...


... THROAT AFFECTIONS AND HOARSENESS.-All suttering from irritation of the throat and hoarseness will be agreeably surprised at the almost immediate relief afforded by the use of Brown's Bronchial Troches. These famous lozenges are now sold by most rr. spectable chemists in this country, at Is lid per box. People troubled with a hacking cough, a slight cold, or bronchial affections cannot ...


... The Goldsmiths' Company have made a grant of £ 50 in aid of the funds of the National Society for Promo- ting the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church. A clever arrest has just been made at The Birches, near Lurgan. It seems that Constable Drummond, of that station, remarked a well-dressed Englishman driv- ing about the place. Soon after a full description came to ...


... JOKN HEATH S EXTRA STRONG STEM PENS, with oblige turned up and rounded paints, Golden Coated, bronz-d carbonized. Suit all hands, all ft* le,, all ages, and ail kinds of work. Over 20ti patterns. Sold by Stationers everywhere. in 6d., Is. and gross boxes. Th public are respectfutlr xw- luested to HEW ARK ()F WORTHLESS IMITATIONS, an| and to see that they really get John Heath's Pens. Shouul ...


... HAVE WE INFRINGED NEUTRALITY ? Mr. Watkin Williams, M.P. for Denbigh, writes to the Echo on the question whether the act of the British Government in oidering the fleet into the Dardanelles' on January 23 was or was not a breach of neutrality towards Russia. The question seems to me (he remarks) to raise no doubtful or arguable point of interna- tional law. It is merely a simple question of ...